• 学校压力增加部分原因在于,社区内提供早期干预基础心理健康服务较少

    Part of the reason for the increased pressure on schools is that there are now fewer "early intervention" and low-level mental health services based in the community.


  • 已经学过基础心理,我高级一点的。

    I've already had Elementary Psychology. I'd like to take something more advanced.


  • 心理控制建立恐惧惩罚基础之上——任何罗马统治权威造成威胁或者事物彻底摧毁是绝对肯定

    The psychological controls were built on fear and punishmenton the absolute certainty that anyone or anything that threatened the authority of Rome would be utterly destroyed.


  • 心理科学发展进程,以智能手机为基础数据收集出现得正是时候

    Smartphone-based data collection comes at an appropriate time in the evolution of psychological science.


  • 二十世纪60年代还是耶鲁大学心理学系研究生时,我首次开始研究人类动机基础以及人们遭遇挫折后如何坚持下去

    I first began to investigate the basis of human motivationand how people persevere after setbacksas a psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s.


  • 只有20世纪时,随着儿科学心理发展这些研究才能客观基础进行即使这一基础仍然不一定科学

    It was only with the growth of paediatrics and psychology in the twentieth century that studies could be carried out on a more objective, if still not always very scientific, basis.


  • 那时起,心理学家们就在这个理论基础继续研究。

    Ever since then psychologists have continued building on the theory.


  • 解学校基础的校园资源在哪,如学生咨询中心、心理服务和辅导中心,这会让你在校园的头几周变得更容易,因为你不需要一边适应课程一边寻找这些地点。

    Getting to know where essential campus resources are—such as the student advising center, psychological services, and the tutoring center—will make your first few weeks on campus a lot easier, because you won't have to look for them while still getting used to your classes.


  • 基础的“交互分析理论认为我们得到“肯定”的心理需求

    Basic Transactional Analysis theory is that we all have a psychological need for strokes.


  • 弗洛伊德研究心理大脑,并对思想行为神经基础有着浓厚兴趣

    Freud studied the mind and the brain and was intensely interested in the neural basis of thought and behavior.


  • 应该更妥善地基础护理层级上来治疗心理疾病不是花很昂贵医院上,因为那相对来说照顾很少

    He says the money would be better spent in treating mental illness at the primary care level rather than in expensive hospital care, which serves relatively few people.


  • 我们按照偏好工作时候,我们就为心理能量自由流动打下了基础

    When we are working to our preferences we set up conditions where our psychic energy can flow freely.


  • 一旦参议院通过2007年心理健康平权,其将在1996年法案基础获得实质性进步

    The 2007 Mental Health Parity Act, as passed by the Senate, represents a substantial improvement on the 1996 Act.


  • 虽然长期以来基础概率效应主要出现心理研究当中,但它远非学者娱乐消遣的简单逻辑游戏。

    Long trapped in the psychological research literature, the base-rate effect is more than just a subtle logical trap to delight academics and smart-alecks.


  • 周日波士顿举行美国心理学会会上,与会者们得出了以上结论这些结论大量研究事实为基础,研究内容主要为电子游戏如何影响玩家

    The findings were contained in a raft of research about how video games effect the people who play them, discussed Sunday at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Boston.


  • 然而到了高考可能题目和平时不同,而且基础也不够扎实,这时了,也自然是情理之中,这和你的心理素质没有关系。

    But when it comes to the college entrance exams, you may do different exercise from that you did before.Worse still, if your foundation is not solid, it is very normal for you to do badly.


  • 十分欣赏亚裔学生勤奋扎实基础知识特别了解亚裔学生的心理

    Nevertheless, he highly appreciates the industry and the solid foundational knowledge of Asian students and has a particularly keen insight into the psychology of Asian students.


  • 可以肯定的是,心理成瘾物质基础- - -否则赌成瘾作何解释

    To be sure, psychological addiction can exist in the absence of physical substance dependence — how else to explain compulsive gambling?


  • 然而文化心理提出了一个解释思维基础的备选规律

    However, cultural psychology suggests an alternative discipline for interpretation of the fundamentals of the mind.


  • 很长一段时间精神病学心理动力学严重影响心理动力学很多势力没有基础研究

    For the longest time psychiatry was heavily influenced by psychoanalysis. And psychoanalysis has a lot of strengths, but doing basic research is not one of them.


  • 20世纪大部分时间里,一个淡化了二元论版本建立心理流行状况的基础之上。

    For much of the 20th century, a watered-down version of dualism based on the idea of the psyche prevailed.


  • 对于过往萧条生动叙述,人们的通常反应大部分心理的,也建立在一个理性基础

    The popular response to vivid accounts of past depressions is partly psychological, but it has a rational base.


  • 马基雅维利运用心理甚至某种程度上准医学的术语人民特质,界定两种不同阶级的人,每个社会都以此基础

    Machiavelli USES these two psychological and even in some ways quasi-medical terms, humors, to designate two classes of people on which every society is based.


  • 世卫组织正在邀请人们组织书面提供作用的社区基础社会心理康复项目成功的项目。

    WHO is inviting people to write the Organization about community-based psychosocial rehabilitation projects that have worked well and about those which have not been successful.


  • 还表示,关于未来十年心理能够完成的任务,她只有一个愿望就是牢固建立起效用证据基础

    If Esnayra could have only one wish regarding psych dogs fulfilled within the next decade it would be to have the evidence base for their usefulness firmly established she said.


  • 还表示,关于未来十年心理能够完成的任务,她只有一个愿望就是牢固建立起效用证据基础

    If Esnayra could have only one wish regarding psych dogs fulfilled within the next decade, it would be to have the evidence base for their usefulness firmly established, she said.


  • 我们打算一些基础工作,了解朋友家人如果需要的话进行心理评估,”坎代帕克

    We've decided we'll do a little bit of groundwork, get to know her friends and family, and if need be, we'll get a psychiatric evaluation," Kandayparker says.


  • 我们打算一些基础工作,了解朋友家人如果需要的话进行心理评估,”坎代帕克

    We've decided we'll do a little bit of groundwork, get to know her friends and family, and if need be, we'll get a psychiatric evaluation," Kandayparker says.


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