• 有体动产所有权移转效力依赖基础合同存在及其有效

    The effect of the transfer is dependent on the existence of the basic contract and its effect.


  • 应该指出是,当时欧洲大陆上,基本权利观念已经开始抬头由此形成“法人”的观念,这是随后出现合同以及所有商业法律基础

    It should be noted that, on the Continent, fundamental rights also arose and, resting on them, the idea of a "legal person," the foundation of contracts and of all later commercial law.


  • 完整项目建议还是客户签订的最终项目合同基础

    The complete project proposal is also the basis for the final project contract with your customer.


  • 不仅地坛交易规模明朗,并且他们合同基础经常这样

    It is not just the size of land deals that remains uncertain. Their contractual basis often is, too.


  • 合同涵盖服务惯例所有属性以及提供者请求者如何对其进行使用,它的订立计量服务使用建立了基础

    The contract lays the foundation for metering the services to be used, by covering all the attributes of the service customs and how they shall be employed by provider and requestor.


  • 塞内加尔如果不和塞内加尔公司合作中国公司就不能得到基础设施方面的合同

    In Senegal, a Chinese company cannot be awarded an infrastructure-related contract unless it has partnered with a Senegalese company.


  • 这份任务订单工作大约15个关于多个海军基础设施IT技术的维护合同合并一起。

    The work awarded through this task order will consolidate approximately 15 maintenance contracts for IT activities at various naval facilities.


  • 项目经理所有合同看作同一个记录一部分,因为项目范围基础思考的。

    The project manager sees all the contracts as part of the same record because he thinks on a project-wide basis.


  • 这些合同使美国海军获得舰载网络基础设施服务以及生产工程通用计算环境等领域相关支持服务。

    The contracts will let the Navy obtain shipboard network infrastructure services and related support services in the areas of production, engineering and common computing environments.


  • 这份合同目标提供一个强健基础设施从而成为实现USFK任务目标基础并且可以允许网络中心战。

    The objective of this contract is to provide a robust infrastructure that is fundamental to achieve the USFK mission and objectives and to allow for Network Centric Operations.


  • 合同包括雷达18使用周期支持维护确保该雷达与有关基础设施使用周期内至少拥有98%的作战能力。

    It also includes the sustainment and the maintenance of the installation for a period of 18 years, with guaranteed levels of operational availability of 98% for the radar and its infrastructure.


  • 公司官员哈里斯公司根据合同负责设计安装验证这九个地点主要通信子系统以及各自基础设施

    Under the contract, Harris will design, install and certify major communications subsystems and their respective infrastructure at nine initial sites, company officials said.


  • 今年中国国有电信公司会将利润丰厚3G基础设施建设合同发包出去

    This year, China's state-owned telecom firms will parcel out lucrative contracts for companies to build 3G infrastructure.


  • KBR高级官员由于减少伊拉克合同机会公司寻找民间基础设施重建机会。

    Top KBR officials have said that, especially in light of declining Iraq contract opportunities, the company would be looking to civilian infrastructure-rebuilding opportunities.


  • 劳埃德的银行家说,这个非洲西部国家已经形成了石油分成合同基础税制包括35%的公司税以及根据石油钻井量设定的3%-10%的的矿区使用费

    The west African nation has now developed a tax regime based around petroleum sharing contracts with 35% corporate tax and a 3%-10% royalty depending on the underlying commodity being extracted.


  • 合同主要包括三个主要部分飞机车辆设备维护关键基础设施支撑业务流程转型

    SOFSA CLS has three primary components: aircraft, vehicle and equipment maintenance, critical infrastructure support, and business process transformation.


  • 经营大型基础设施项目商人随声附和,以期获得大有油水的合同

    Businessmen who run big infrastructure projects will jump on board looking for some juicy contracts.


  • 卖方根据合同附件I所规定设计基础完成合同工厂所有工程设计买方负责设计除外。

    The Seller undertakes to make all the engineering designs of the Contract Plant according to the basis of design stipulated in Annex I to the Contract, except the designs to be performed by the Buyer.


  • 这份合同承包商是泰利斯·雷声系统公司,合同包括雷达本身以及相关基础设施建设(建筑电源通信防护系统)。

    The contract, awarded to Thales Raytheon systems, covers the supply of the radar itself as well as related infrastructure (buildings, power source, communications and protection systems).


  • 建设管理委托合同委托制建设管理得以顺利实施基础保证

    Commission contract is the foundation and guarantee for the success in the mode of entrustment system construction management.


  • 瑞德:恐怕办不到。愿意我们谈判的基础签署一年期合同吗? 憛。

    Fred: : I am afraid we can not do that. Would you be willing to sign an annual contract on the basis we discussed?


  • 这些特性意味着行政合同具备自身存在的理论基础实践价值

    These characteristics suggest the unique theoretical foundation and practical values of the administrative contract.


  • 调用服务Web服务基础架构试图发现合同使之应用于调用

    When a service is invoked, the Web services infrastructure will attempt to discover a contract to apply to this invocation.


  • 承担任何工作例如作为雇员合同工人自己经营基础联合

    You can undertake any work, for example it could be as an employee, a contract worker or on a self-employed basis or a combination of these.


  • 基础上分析判断瑕疵股权转让合同效力价值取向表明笔者对此问题看法

    Based on this has analyzed the judgment slight defect stockholder's rights transfer contract potency value orientation, and has indicated the author to this question view.


  • 基础上分析判断瑕疵股权转让合同效力价值取向表明笔者对此问题看法

    Based on this has analyzed the judgment slight defect stockholder's rights transfer contract potency value orientation, and has indicated the author to this question view.


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