• 珠澳大桥是世界上最长的工程,它将这三个城市的人们聚集在一个“一小时生活圈”内。

    Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the world's longest sea-based project, brings people in those three cities within a "one-hour living circle".


  • ·诺尔塔这个公司生活用品事业部领导

    Heikki Norta is the head of the company's lifestyle products business unit.


  • 加利利附近布兹集体农场,他说,“巴勒斯坦人认为落入西岸所有雨水都属于他们

    "Palestinians think anyrain that falls in the West Bank belongs to them, " he told me at hiskibbutz near the Sea of Galilee.


  • 米说:“人们之所以自由衰老联系一起,可能是因为自由线粒体(细胞一部分)中产生人体衰老的应激反应。”

    "Maybe the reason why free radicals and aging are correlated is because free radical production in the mitochondria (part of the cell) is a stress reaction to the damage of aging," Hekimi said.


  • 形状有点俄勒冈州万达州立公园里船舶船头一些孤立抵抗腐蚀岩石块

    Sea stacks, like this one shaped like the prow of a ship in Cape Kiwanda State Park, Oregon, are chunks of isolated rock resistant to erosion.


  • 与约旦河东边亚拉巴,直到,又亚拉巴的,就是,通伯耶西末的路,以及南方,直到斯迦的山根。

    He also ruled over the eastern Arabah from the Sea of Kinnereth to the Sea of the Arabah (the Salt Sea), to Beth Jeshimoth, and then southward below the slopes of Pisgah.


  • 阿迪达斯总管赫伯特·参与名为“有朝一日握手言和”这个项目感到很自豪。这件事德国电影制片人杰瑞米·利一手策划

    Chief executive of Adidas Herbert Hainer said he was proud to be taking part in the project, entitled Peace One Day, which is the brainchild of the German film-maker Jeremy Gilley.


  • 贡扎加和蔼费城人,把介绍同事瑟·塞特拉安,参与这项研究。

    Gonzaga, an affable Philadelphian, introduced me to one of his colleagues, Heather Setrakian, who was running the study.


  • 安妮·巴斯汀,密尔沃威斯康星大学老年人社区中心主管了一出剧本取材于阿尔默氏症患者所创作诗歌。她的口号是:“忘掉记忆。”

    Anne Basting, director of the Center on Age and Community at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who wrote a play from poems created by people with Alzheimer's, has a slogan: "Forget Memory."


  • 自由确实会产生破坏作用但是正常范围内,它的积极作用或许更为明显

    Free radicals do cause damage, Hekimi said, but at normal levels their beneficial effects are perhaps more important.


  • 最近,麦克里医院研究心理学者哈佛讲师写的《上瘾选择障碍》引起了巨大反响。

    Now comes an important and provocative book called Addiction: A Disorder of Choice by the psychologist Gene Heyman, a research psychologist at McLean Hospital and a lecturer at Harvard.


  • 希望进一步实验能够确定活性氧自由如何延长蠕虫的生命周期的。

    Hekimi hopes further experiments will determine exactly how reactive oxygen species increase lifespan in the worms.


  • 可能美国无人机部署太平洋地区

    It's likely that US sea-based drones will be deployed in the Pacific Ocean region.


  • 回到班霍夫大街院子里那个木匠问了大楼所有人姓名此人住姆。

    I went back to Bahnhofstrasse, asked at the carpenter's shop in the yard for the name of the owner of the building, and got a name and address in Kirchheim.


  • 伦北边,延到施仑,接连到巴拉山。又通到雅比,直通到为止。

    It went to the Northern Slope of Ekron, turned toward Shikkeron, passed along to Mount Baalah and reached Jabneel. The boundary ended at the sea.


  • 产品规划总监嘉尼•宁(JanneHeikkinen)Maemo背后思想设法将计算机技术引入移动设备

    "The philosophy behind Maemo was to find a way of bringing computer technology to a mobile device," says Janne Heikkinen, director of product planning for Nokia.


  • 激光炮击飞机观看使用"牢死"laWS(激光武器系统雷声公司新的密集方阵近防武器传感器的指引下太平洋域击落一架飞机的录像。

    Watch the Navy shooting down an airplane over the Pacific ocean using the new LaWS ( Laser Weapon System) guided by Raytheon's Phalanx Close-In Weapon sensors.


  • 怎么描述比赛

    Heikki, how would you describe your race?


  • 他们斯蒂夫·麦克马纳曼比作斯蒂夫-,但是麦克马纳曼一点不而且看到为什么——是因为有点与众不同。”凯文-

    "They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Heighway and he's nothing like him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different." Kevin Keegan.


  • 然而一但完全操作前任092相比较将会可靠PLA军提供海-报复能力

    However, once fully operational, it will offer the PLA Navy with a much more credible sea-based nuclear retaliation capability than that offered by its predecessor Type 092 Xia class.


  • 安东尼·戴维斯、考辛斯尼古拉·约以及克里·斯塔普斯·波尔津吉斯组成大个子队;托马斯、戈登·沃德、约翰·沃尔以及德文·布克代表后卫们参赛。

    Anthony Davis, Cousins, Nikola Jokic and Kristaps Porzingis will represent the bigs while Thomas, Gordon Hayward, John Wall and Devin Booker will hold it down for the guards.


  • 里斯格立斯古希腊英雄

    Achilles and heracles were ancient Greek heroes.


  • 年前,卡特夫妇到了法顿市。当时担任兰兹大学中心主。

    The Carpenters moved to Farmington two years ago, when Kim became director of the Highlands University Center.


  • 尽管防御系统预期被用来防卫欧洲,抵挡来自伊朗攻击拦截器却是通用。这意味着这套系统打包移动

    While the shield is intended to defend Europe against an attack from Iran, the interceptors are both land - and ship-based - meaning the system can be packed up and moved.


  • 而且如果中国计划者知道-威慑力量脆弱,为什么造成他们SSBN计划浪费资金

    And if Chinese planners know that the sea-based deterrent is much more vulnerable than its land-based deterrent, why do they waste money on the SSBN program?


  • 当前近代工程沉降分析传统单向渗透固结理论础。

    Engineering analysis of recent Marine soft soil settlement is based on a traditional one-dimensional drainage consolidation theory of Terzaghi.


  • 兰德斯塔纳的家人楠塔特岛的一个孤立房子度过了夏天。这个地方使想起了他荷兰宁恩

    The Landsteiner family spent their summers in an isolated house on Nantucket that reminded Landsteiner of his Scheveningen home in the Netherlands.


  • 尽管·科瓦莱因为迈克拉伦车队联系一起,使得雷诺车队的未来仍然不明朗但是下周他仍回到雷诺车座舱参加巴塞罗那进行的测试

    Heikki Kovalainen will return to the Renault cockpit in testing at Barcelona next week, even though his future at the team remains uncertain amid speculation linking him with McLaren.


  • 尽管·科瓦莱因为迈克拉伦车队联系一起,使得雷诺车队的未来仍然不明朗但是下周他仍回到雷诺车座舱参加巴塞罗那进行的测试

    Heikki Kovalainen will return to the Renault cockpit in testing at Barcelona next week, even though his future at the team remains uncertain amid speculation linking him with McLaren.


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