• 传统风险基金不同,类团体中,管理生活。事实上,这些往往充作管理“基金”基本

    Unlike a traditional venture fund, no one is making their living off the management fees - in fact - these fees often go into the basic expenses for administrating the "fund."


  • 所有文件将存储亚马逊S3账户里而且支付每月2-4$基本后,只需按使空间使用量来支付用。

    All files are stored in your Amazon S3 account, and after paying the flat fee of $2 to 4 a month, you pay only for the amount of space you use.


  • 每个月,浏览你月帐单的时候,你应该把这个部分作为 额外支付 .你的信用卡透支了200美元,除此外你需要支付40美元的信用卡基本费.当你要用支票支付债务的时候,你就要写一张240美元的支票.

    You also have an expense for that credit card, which has a minimum payment of $40. When you go to write the check to pay for that card, write the check for $240.


  • 每月收取高于基本有线的一笔

    Consumers are charged a monthly fee above their basic cable costs.


  • 做整容手术美国可能会要求他们做紧手术隆胸手术时多付点点钱资助那些不起基本医疗保健的美国人看病。

    Americans wealthy enough to afford cosmetic surgery could be asked to pay a bit more for their tummy tucks and pectoral implants to fund treatment for Americans who cannot afford basic healthcare.


  • 利西蒂所以基本放弃父母规划一切,一切我曾期待的……全都为了一个甚至都了解男孩

    Felicity: So, basically I've given up everything my parents ever planned for me, everything I ever expected... all for a boy I don't even know.


  • 接受调查半数美国人赞成排政策,也赞成企业支付排放——也是参议院限额交易法案基本要素

    Half of Americans polled remain in favour of putting limits and carbon emissions and making companies pay for their emissionsthe basics of the cap and trade bill now before the Senate.


  • 这些译者录大多提供基本会员资格收取中间

    Most of these directories offer free basic membership and don't take finders fees.


  • 如果XML比较熟悉的话,那么容易掌握XSLT基本知识但是要精通这种语言就需要一些功夫

    If you're familiar with XML, it is easy to learn the basics of XSLT, though mastering the language takes some effort.


  • 女性承担贵的健康保险一些基本开销上,例如节育妇保需花更多现金。

    They are charged higher premiums for health insurance yet still have greater out-of-pocket expenses for things as basic as contraception and maternity care.


  • 世行1998年推出了100个基本2005财年开始先实行部分减免,减免幅度为50个基本点。

    The Bank introduced its 100 basis point front-end fee in 1998 and first waived part of it in fiscal 2005 with the 50 basis point waiver.


  • 银行自动账号扣除你基本账单,如房产抵押租金手机水电有线电视

    Authorize your bank to pay your essential billsmortgage or rent, phone, utilities, cable—directly from your checking account.


  • 通常基金收取资产2%管理基本收益超额部分的20%。

    Funds typically still charge clients a management fee of 2% of assets and 20% of any profits above a given hurdle.


  • KT电信也会基本价格下调20%,月20美元左右流量则下调62%。

    KT will cut its own basic voice rate 20 percent to about $20 a month and will drop its data rates a sharp 62 percent.


  • 国际复兴开发银行通过现行减免50个基本提高75个基本点,从而把先征降低了25个基本(贷款额的0.25个百分点)。

    IBRD cut front-end fees by 25 basis points (0.25 percentage points of the loan amount) by increasing the existing fee waiver to 75 from 50 basis points.


  • 我们的钱或许可以支付一个孩子医疗或者基本教育

    What we would spend on a cat would pay for a child's medical care or basic education.


  • 计算基本支出,食物房租交通个人必需品

    Add up your essential monthly expenses, like food, rent, transportation, and personal necessities.


  • 由于这些网站用户提供服务有的网站只能其他网店投放的广告赚钱这些通常支付网站的基本运营

    Since they provide a free service to those users, some sites make money only through advertisements posted by other online stores, and that is often just enough to offset its basic costs.


  • 除非每次出海都用一个拖车把它运过来卸下来,自己拥有带港口水面的物业之外,基本上你总会面临停泊系泊船厂拖牵冬季仓储等等)。出手买船之前先了解这些开销的数目。

    (Unless you launch from a trailer every time you sail or own waterfront property, you'll face costs for docking or mooring, boatyard haulouts, winter storage, etc.) Learn the costs before you buy.


  • 设计70年代后期正传波巴·盔甲基本相同,只在一些装饰物上有区别

    His design revisits the original Boba Fett armor crafted in the late 70s, with a number of cosmetic differences.


  • 文章相对主义的定义方法意义阐述了耶·阿本德基本观点

    This paper presents Feyerabend's basic views from the definition, method and significance of relativity.


  • 阿尔法失业保险基金获得基本失业金收取每日17克朗管理(2009年)。

    The unemployment insurance fund Alfa charges an administration fee of SEK 17 per day of benefit (2009) from those receiving the basic amount.


  • 每个下岗工人领取基本生活

    Each laid-off worker can receive a living wage.


  • 本次调查表明我国麻风患者目前生活救济偏低难以维持基本营养需要。

    The nutritional survey shown that at present living standard for the patients with leprosy is very low and hard to maintain basic nutrition for them.


  • 保险保险人的收入来源,支付投保人基本义务

    It is the obligation of every policyholder to pay the premium.


  • 确定洪水保险计算方法防洪保险事业的基本工作也是推行洪灾保险工作关键

    The calculation of flood risk premium is a basic and even key work to the development of flood insurance.


  • 研究结果基本一致的股票市场效应存在,股票收益通货膨胀之间存在相关关系。

    The conclusions are identical: Fisher Effect does not hold in stock market, and there is negative correlation between stock return and inflation rate.


  • 本文介绍了路径积分基本概念方法,并谐振说明了它的应用

    In this paper the fundamental concepts and methods of the Feynman path integrals are presented. Their applications are explained by harmonic oscillator as an example.


  • 本文介绍了路径积分基本概念方法,并谐振说明了它的应用

    In this paper the fundamental concepts and methods of the Feynman path integrals are presented. Their applications are explained by harmonic oscillator as an example.


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