• 使用脚本可以集成破坏力计算器创建基本武器

    Using this script, you can create a basic weapons chart with an integrated damage calculator.


  • 他们好的战术并且传球是他们的基本武器

    They are tactically good and make the ball possession a fundamental weapon.


  • 蜘蛛毒素是蜘蛛用来进行防御捕食猎物基本武器

    Evolution has equipped spider with a complex Arsenal of neurotoxins to paralyze and kill their prey.


  • 那时意识如果要在上海立足,最好还是学说上海保护自己的基本武器

    From that point on I realized that if you want to settle here, you'd better learn the local dialect. It's a basic weapon.


  • 整合管理角色统计信息脚本后,让我们进一步丰富脚本并且添加一些基本武器清单管理功能。

    Having already put together a script to manage character stats, let's take the script one step further and add some basic inventory management.


  • 图书馆作为一个能力基本要素知识资源因而化解图书馆能力危机基本武器就是图书馆资源与知识。

    As a capability unit, the basic elements of the libraries are knowledge and resources, so the key to defuse the crisis lies in the library resources and knowledge.


  • 应当能够得到可以PHP编写30 个游戏脚本系列的 第 1部分创建简单roll函数并且使用计算基本武器的破坏力。

    You should be able to take the simple roll function created in Part 1 of this " 30 game scripts you can write in PHP" series and use it to calculate the damage for a base set of weapons.


  • 现在为止那些基本基于荣誉制度,也就是购买者贩售者保证他们可以合法购买武器

    Until now, those guns have been sold primarily on an honour system, wherein the purchasers ensure the sellers they are legally entitled to buy firearms.


  • 我们打听基本细节——这些武器射程或者有效载重吗?

    Will we ask about essential details - the range or the payload of these weapons?


  • 然而,最基本要求仍然是伊朗必须真正终止浓缩铀活动。浓缩铀可用发电可用来制造武器

    The bottom line demand remains, however that Iran must actually suspend the enrichment of uranium, the nuclear fuel source that can be used for generating energy, but also for making nuclear weapons.


  • 相比小型武器早期核辐射的危害严重的。但是放射性降的危害被忽略,因为空中爆炸基本不会给地面带来尘降。

    Initial nuclear radiation will be a significant hazard with smaller weapons, but the fallout hazard can be ignored as there is essentially no local fallout from an air burst.


  • UVF宣称已2009年放下武器基本再没有活动

    The UVF claimed to have decommissioned its weapons in 2009 and has been largely inactive.


  • 英国陆军多样武器结构仪器修正基本M4底盘

    The British Army modified the basic M4 chassis with multiple weapons configurations and equipment.


  • 尽管武器类型尺寸各不相同,但把光束增强致命能量束基本技术简便且大致相同的。

    The basic blaster technology of intensifying a beam of light into a deadly bolt is scalable, and largely the same despite the differences in weapon types and sizes.


  • 它们对于反步兵武器非常脆弱的!所以一些基本单位就可以干掉一个

    They are highly vulnerable to anti-infantry weapons, so a couple shots from the most basic units will kill one.


  • 简单介绍激光制导武器基本工作原理、导引头的编码体制抗干扰措施

    This paper concisely introduced the basic operational principle of the laser guidance weapon, and the coding system and anti-jamming measure of the seeker.


  • 提出了一新的专业买家执意谷底成本威胁供应商基本材料但是这些公司可以采取自救买家武器

    A new kind of professional purchaser bent on getting rock-bottom costs threatens suppliers of basic materials. But these companies can save themselves by taking up the purchasers? Weapons.


  • 这些船只基本没有武器装备奎布人擅长牵引波束改作许多其它的用途包括用于防御进攻方面

    These ships are generally unarmed, but the Squibs have excelled in adapting tractor beam technology for numerous applications, including defensive and offensive ones.


  • 应用管理学运筹学知识和采用模糊推理隶属度函数思想分别试探性地提出自主武器选择方法基本流程和隶属度函数法。

    Application of the Management and Operations Research, adoption of the idea of MF in Fuzzy Inference, we have put forward two kinds of method: Basic flow method and MF method respectively.


  • 开始,我们提供基本武器之后可以选择你要的枪。

    From the beginning, we will provide you with the basic weapon, then you can choose the size you want.


  • 基本罪行等级假定武器出现

    The presence of a weapon is assumed in the base offense level.


  • 针对美军激光主动制导武器主要编码形式——脉冲间隔编码,介绍了激光导引头激光告警识别脉冲间隔编码的基本原理和技术途径。

    The technology of laser seeker and laser warning equipment to identify PCM is discussed because the PCM is used for laser semi-active guided weapon of American army.


  • 首先阐述作战模拟武器装备作战能力量化分析基本概念方法归纳现有各种方法基本特点

    At first, the basic concepts, methods for quantification of combat capability of weapon equipment in combat simulation are expatiated and the characteristics of current methods are concluded too.


  • 首先阐述作战模拟武器装备作战能力量化分析基本概念方法归纳现有各种方法基本特点

    At first, the basic concepts, methods for quantification of combat capability of weapon equipment in combat simulation are expatiated and the characteristics of current methods are concluded too.


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