• 他们沿着基卡普河那里20年的开发保护企业停止侵犯保护自然环境水道延伸

    They paddled along a stretch of the Kickapoo River, where a 20-year preservation venture stopped encroachment by developers and protected the natural setting of the waterway.


  • 基卡伦(Kilcullen)赞成英国指挥官推崇做法,即保护有人居住地方不是试图保障所有领土的安全。

    Kilcullen supports the idea, pushed by British commanders, of protecting places where the population live rather than attempting to secure all territory.


  • 不过,南非环境事务部长布耶瓦·(Buyelwa Sonjica)最近宣布成立一个特别调查小组对付偷猎行径。

    But Buyelwa Sonjica, the environmental affairs minister, recently announced the formation of a special investigations team to tackle poaching.


  • 经过小组金会会见保存他们南下独木舟威斯康星州西南部一个通过基卡普河蜿蜒伸展方式加入密西西比州。

    After the group met at the Crane Foundation preserve, they headed south to canoe a stretch of the Kickapoo River that winds its way through southwestern Wisconsin before joining the Mississippi.


  • 基卡伦(Kilcullen):“我们走出这种处境就要扎伊面前,对他说‘我们在这里任务完成了’,我们五年期间逐渐撤军。

    Our way out is to go to Karzai and say 'We are done here'. We will be leaving in two to five years.


  • 孩提时偶像·

    My boyhood hero was Kit Carson.


  • 2005年6月2日5—诺尔曼玛丽尼·马哈玛拉。帕塔本迪夫妇摆着姿势准备照相

    June 2, 2005 - Norman and Malini Mahamarakkalage Patabendi pose for photographs.


  • 后卫:塞尔吉奥·拉莫斯(皇马),阿尔瓦罗·阿贝·罗阿(皇马),莱斯·普约尔(巴塞罗那),拉尔皮克(巴塞罗那),劳尔·阿尔比奥尔(皇马)豪尔迪·阿尔巴(巴伦西亚)。

    Defenders: Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid), Alvaro Arbeloa (Real Madrid), Carles Puyol (Barcelona), Gerard Pique (Barcelona), Raul Albiol (Real Madrid), Jordi Alba (Valencia).


  • 米兰·18岁,一个来自尼泊尔乡村的少年,相信自己已经找到世界能源需求更好解决之道

    Milan Karki, 18, who comes from a village in rural Nepal, believes he has found the solution to the developing world's energy needs.


  • 这倒不是就像邪恶所多玛或者普鲁斯特夏吕斯原本经不住诱惑而定居本顿

    Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust’s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich.


  • 第二我们杰姬毛里斯弗农特德·肯尼迪以及埃德洛琳·肯尼迪。施洛斯·贝格一起去划船游泳

    The next day we went sailing and swimming with Jackie and Maurice, Ann and Vernon, Ted and Vicki Kennedy, and Ed and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.


  • 靠近密西西比河密苏里商贸成为一个一个有影响高度发达社群

    Cahokia, near the importance trade routes of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers became an influential and highly developed community.


  • 阿富汗查布位于坎大哈的北方拓跋山脉把该地区斯坦拉赛义夫拉和吉拉·阿布杜拉分开

    Afghanistan's Zabul province lies to the north of Kandahar, along the Toba Kakar mountain range that separates it from the Pakistani districts of Killa Saifullah and Killa Abdullah.


  • 快餐连锁店电影院还有体育场馆比如纽约棒球场,对免接触表示欢迎

    Already, fast-food chains, cinemas and sports venues, such as Yankee Stadium in New York, are welcoming them.


  • 我们在哥伦比亚所学校设立三个不同地区巴兰布多

    We operate six schools in three diverse regions of Colombia: Barranquilla, Quibdó and Altos de Cazucá.


  • 那天夜里,·坎特、布鲁斯·林赛、詹姆斯·维尔保罗。贝加拉乔治斯迪法诺普洛斯、还有希拉里曼彻斯特天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 同一篇文章里,·奇纳进行注射填料治疗,然后发现“皮肤有一移动蛋糕状硬块。”

    In the same article, Karon Kitchener explained that an injectable water-based filler treatment she had to enhance her cheeks had left her with "a moving layer of custard under the skin."


  • 获知了一首微风纯洁的收到则是关于闪烁肌肤上的幸运之光的时,她暴怒了。

    She was appalled when she found out that I had written Jackie a poem about innocent kisses blown her way in the breeze, and Carol a poem about the lucky sunshine that glistens off her skin.


  • 因为海地地震灾后惨状报道,库克斯另外邮报摄影者·瑞奇瑞欧迪一起获得突发新闻奖。

    Guzy Shared the award for breaking news photography with two other Post photographers, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti, who were cited for their depiction of the devastation from the earthquake in Haiti.


  • 塞伊·特曼埃莉诺·毕晓普,让30幼儿园小朋友和30名教师猜测一个罐子里东西哪些糖果,哪些又是药片

    Casey Gittelman and Eleanor Bishop asked 30 kindergarteners and 30 teachers to guess which items in a cabinet were candies, and which were medicine.


  • 阿莱尼亚·公司,意大利一个单位M- 346出售意大利空军

    Alenia Aermacchi, a unit of Italy's Finmeccanica, has sold the M-346 to the Italian Air Force.


  • 这项研究诺贝尔奖得主马里奥领头,研究成果发表细胞杂志上。

    The work, led by Nobel Laureate Mario Capecchi, was published in the journal Cell.


  • 主要对阿耶夫夫的制度不满份子。

    It is largely made up of disaffected members of Mr Akayev's or Mr Bakiyev's regimes.


  • 翁普拉什·瓦尔·米朗诵了描写印度穷人生活中常遭遇不幸诗歌。瓦尔米那部北印度自传朱森一个达利特的生活》,译成英文

    Omprakash Valmiki, whose Hindi autobiography, "Joothan: a Dalit's Life", has been translated into English, read poems about the routine wretchedness of the lives of poor Indians.


  • 个任务清扫通向大坝道路,整修水电站

    One aim was to clear the road to the Kajaki dam to allow the refurbishment of a hydroelectric plant.


  • 曼联球员,中场尼-巴特表达了自己要向教练岗位转移的愿望。球员红魔度过了十年时光,之后詹姆斯公园36岁高龄在香港参加了一段时间的联赛。

    The former Newcastle United player spent over a decade at Old Trafford before he switched to St James' Park, with the 36-year-old also playing in China before retiring this year.


  • 曼联球员,中场尼-巴特表达了自己要向教练岗位转移的愿望。球员红魔度过了十年时光,之后詹姆斯公园36岁高龄在香港参加了一段时间的联赛。

    The former Newcastle United player spent over a decade at Old Trafford before he switched to St James' Park, with the 36-year-old also playing in China before retiring this year.


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