• 文章介绍波导探测器CMOS电路单片集成技术

    Monolithic integration technique for optical waveguides and photodetectors with CMOS circuits on silicon is presented in this paper.


  • 伏电力科技股份有限公司真诚承诺符合您的需求提供最优质全球范围里具有竞争力价格的太阳能产品

    HJ Solar sincerely assures you that we will provide high quality PV products with reasonable price to all of our customers around the world.


  • 最终,培养剩下蓝细菌这类能够利用红外进行合作用的微生物存活下来

    Eventually, only microorganisms like cyanobacteria capable of photosynthesis using near-infrared light survived in the cultures.


  • 击中这种蛋白质产生一对游离活性,这是一种非常活跃的有着不成对的电子分子

    Light hitting the proteins produces a pair of free radicals, highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons.


  • 曼联球员,中场尼-巴特表达了自己要向教练岗位转移的愿望。纽卡球员红魔度过了十年,之后詹姆斯公园36岁高龄在香港参加了一段时间的联赛。

    The former Newcastle United player spent over a decade at Old Trafford before he switched to St James' Park, with the 36-year-old also playing in China before retiring this year.


  • 红色条纹加拿大山脉相互作用所致

    The red stripe is caused by a the interplay of light and cloud in the Canadian Rockies. The light-reflecting nature of the clouds coupled with low sun elevation resulted in this startling effect.


  • 而冷冻干燥疫苗置入微针模子乙烯吡咯烷酮单体混合室温紫外混合物聚合

    Freeze-dried vaccine was mixed with the vinyl-pyrrolidone monomer before being placed into microneedle molds and polymerized at room temperature using ultraviolet light.


  • 聚合物复合材料无机物高模量、尺寸稳定性以及特性高分子材料韧性、易加工性、电绝缘性巧妙地结合起来。

    Polymer based composites combined the good process property, electrical insulation and toughness of polymer with the properties of inorganic materials, such as high module, good dimension stability.


  • 然后相同对给定环境做小波变换,保留其中绝对值较大的系数,从而得到环境非线性逼近

    Then, it approximates the environment map in the same wavelet basis by keeping only the largest terms to get a non-linear approximation of the environment-map.


  • 这些聚硅可用灌注浇铸敷等方法制成各种形状多乙烯硅烷存在紫外辐照进行联。

    These polysilanes can be formed into desired shape by potting, casting or coating and crosslinked by ultraviolet irradiation in the presence of multifunctional vinylsilanes.


  • 绝地一直渴望颗星球上勘探专用于剑的水晶自从被发现以来,一直星际银行业集团牢牢控制着。

    The Jedi had longed to explore the world for crystals suitable for lightsaber use, but since its discovery, Mygeeto had been firmly in the hold of the InterGalactic Banking Clan.


  • 讨论树脂结构、交联剂结构、引发体系时间以及不同源照射等因素对固化托树脂物理性能影响

    The effect of the form structure of base resin, monomer and lightinitiator system, exposure time, light sources on the physical property of the denture base resin were discussed.


  • 该系统检测了仅用CF4作为刻蚀气体刻蚀非晶薄膜等离子体发射

    The optical emission spectrum of r. f. plasma during amorphous silicon based film etching in CF4 gas is detected.


  • 引发存在进行紫外固化实验结果证明:合成的乙烯硅氧烷可以实现在紫外固化

    Meanwhile, ultraviolet curing experiment was done when a certain photoinitiator was in existence, and the result showed that ethenyl-terminal polysiloxane could be solidified under ultraviolet.


  • 许多文献报道证实,庞大或具有形成氢键能力有利于聚合物主链形成稳定螺旋构象从而赋予材料高度的旋活性某些特殊功能。

    In general, bulky side-chain and hydrogen bonding are in favor of the formation of stable helical conformation for polymers, which endows them with high optical property and some special performance.


  • 引发聚合原理自由稳定性聚合反应的影响进行了讨论

    The mechanism of photo-induced polymerization and the effect of the stability of sulfur radical on block copolymerization are also discussed.


  • 根据稳定作用机理不同,将稳定剂分为屏蔽剂、紫外线吸收剂、激发态猝灭剂自由捕获

    Based on different action principle, light stabilizers were defined as ultraviolet light screening agent, ultraviolet absorbent, quencher and free radical catching agent.


  • 通过紫外引发丙烯酸甲酯聚合聚丙烯表面引入了反应性

    The surface of polypropylene microporous membranes was activated by the graft polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated with ultraviolet-photo.


  • 氮化合物易于制备黑暗稳定照下产生高活性反应中间体等优点而被广泛应用合标记研究中。

    Aryl azides are by far the most frequently used photoaffinity probes because they can be easily synthesized, as well as being chemically stable in the dark and highly reactive upon photoirradiation.


  • 有机非线性材料电导器件、动力治疗癌症领域的研究,带有多种取代菁配合物受到关注。

    Interesting in phthalocyanines modified by different substituents is growing in many fields such as organic nonlinear optical material, photoconducting device, and photodynamic therapy.


  • 相干雷达接收机中,信号为平面经衍射形成艾里斑,本振模高斯束,文章中两者在探测器敏面上频的混频效率进行了讨论

    The mixing efficiency in coherent lidar of an Airy signal field with a Gaussian local-oscillator(LO) is discussed with the consideration of the effect of wavefront matching of both fields.


  • 目的建立单端固定修复下颌游离缺失的及其牙周支持组织模型

    Objective: to establish the Photoelastic Model of the abutment and periodontal tissue of mandibular unilateral distal-extension edentulous restored by cantilever fixed bridge.


  • 研究引发种类浓度乙烯树脂固化速度厚度影响

    This article has researched the effect of photoinitiator types and concentration on the curing speed and thickness of the vinyl resin.


  • 这种折射率包层折射率所以短波长时损耗迅速增大使得传输截止。

    The index of the core is a little smaller than that of the cladding base material, so the fundamental mode loss of short wavelength increases rapidly and leads to the mode cutoff.


  • 以太紫外源,对1苯酚两个异构体液相中的化学行为进行研究

    The photochemical behaviors of 1 butanoyl phenol by UV irradiation or sunlight in various solvents was examined.


  • 硕士论文微加工技术开关可调衰减器的设计制作与分析进行了研究

    This thesis presents a study on the non-silicon based MEMS optical switch and variable optical attenuator.


  • 首先使用上述图像分解模型,将图像表示太阳天空图像线性组合

    The model representing an outdoor image as a linear combination of sun basis image and sky basis image is first adopted.


  • 本文报道以邻氯甲苯为原料,氯化、水解取代三步合成2-甲酰磺酸钠的方法,并对影响反应收率因素进行了讨论。

    Sodium 2-formylbenzenesulfonate was prepared from 2-chlorotoluene by photo-chlorination, hydrolysis and substitution reactions successively. Factors affecting the yields were discussed.


  • 本文报道以邻氯甲苯为原料,氯化、水解取代三步合成2-甲酰磺酸钠的方法,并对影响反应收率因素进行了讨论。

    Sodium 2-formylbenzenesulfonate was prepared from 2-chlorotoluene by photo-chlorination, hydrolysis and substitution reactions successively. Factors affecting the yields were discussed.


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