• 按照其定义此类核心组视为特定服务可用性

    By definition, such a core group is also considered as a high availability domain for specific services.


  • 3绿色填充垂直拉伸。 也就是说,文本图像时候,这些

    The green-tinted regions in Figure 3 will only stretch in the vertical; that is, they'll grow when the text field is taller than the image.


  • 由于可用原因(核心组视为可用性),至少必须每个访问配置两个桥接接口

    Because of high availability (remember that a core group is considered as a high availability domain), a minimum of two bridge interfaces have to be defined per access point.


  • 核心组静态可用性其中包含紧密耦合WebSphereApplicationServer进程

    A core group is a static high availability domain that consists of a set of tightly coupled WebSphere Application Server processes.


  • Firefox 3.1Beta2表现有点出人意料对于局部变量执行的效率非常随着作用层数的增加,效率便大打折扣。

    Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 was somewhat surprising as local variable writes were very fast but performance degraded significantly once the variable was out of the local scope.


  • HighConcurrency策略解决并发需求,因为它能事务体系结构中的作用尽可能减小

    The high concurrency strategy addresses high-concurrency requirements by reducing the transaction's scope to the lowest possible level in the architecture.


  • 读取(read - first)技巧涉及尽可能应用层(通常api)对事务作用范围读取操作进行分组

    The read-first technique involves grouping read operations outside of the transaction scope at the highest application layer possible (usually the API layer).


  • dW那么大型负载就是人们兴趣的Samba 3.0处理的情形

    DW: So those are the circumstanceslarge domains and high workloads — where people would be most interested in Samba 3.0?


  • 显示屏的基色色饱和度彩色光色纯度颜色测量技术和设备也提出要求

    Wide color gamut display has high color saturation and color purity, which puts forward higher requirements for color measurement technology and instruments.


  • 中文摘要激光显示一种新型显示技术,同其它显示技术相比,它具有饱和度任意屏幕显示等无可比拟优越性

    Laser show is a new type of display technology, compared with other display technology, it has high color saturation, any screen display, such as the superiority of unparalleled.


  • 频率-空间进行计算,相对于纯粹的时间-空间有限差分算法计算效率成像方便的优点。

    Contrasted with the methods in time space domain, this one has high computation efficiency and is prone to image, because all its computation is in frequency space domain.


  • 根据目标背景干扰噪声红外序列图像中的差异提出一种基于空间滤波和时间上N帧轨迹积累运动目标检测方法

    According to the imaging difference of target, background clutter and noise, a moving small target detection method based on spacial high-pass filtering and N-frame track accumulating is presented.


  • 具有速度快效率的特点。

    Trace interpolation in F-K domain is fast and efficient.


  • 温度梯度均匀化为准则利用仿生优化方法得到了内有均匀和非均匀热源时导热材料最优布置。

    According to the uniformity principle of temperature gradient, the high conductivity material constructs are optimized by bionic optimization method.


  • 钟万勰院士提出微分方程的子精细积分方法半解析方法,方法简单精度

    The Precise Integration Method in the time domain developed by Zhong is very useful to solve a kinds of differential equations because it possesses very high efficiency and accuracy.


  • 针对视距环境下多定位方法需要资源量大、成本且定位精度受非视距传播影响大等问题,本文提出了站定位的伪目标动态可行约束

    A location method aiming at suppressing NLOS errors in cellular networks using single observer is proposed, which is named by pseudo-target dynamic feasible region constraint method.


  • 汽车皮革脚垫采用了全新的皮革材质舒服

    The car cushions skin by high new leather qualitative material, make you more comfortable foot feeling.


  • 采用平衡溶胀工艺合成了具有阻尼新型三元互穿聚合物网络

    The novel ternary interpenetrating polymer network with high-damping value for a wide temperature range was synthesized through equilibrium swelling process.


  • 进行了消声水池实验结果表明波束分辨MUSIC法分辨力,对阵列误差具有较大的宽容性

    At last, experiments are carried out in a water tank. Experimental results show that the beam-space MUSIC algorithm has high resolution ability and can bear preferably with array modeling errors.


  • 进一步,文章对结构进行优化,通过把补偿信号的比特转换到模拟,将引入的DAC精度降低2~3个比特,从而进一步降低了该结构的设计复杂度和功耗。

    Furthermore, this ADC architecture is optimized by converting the most significant bit to analog domain. This method can reduce the precision requirement of the extra DAC to 2~3 bits.


  • 义乌市线有限公司诚信实力产品质量获得业界认可

    Yiwu city beauty domain with high Co., LTD. Of the integrity, strength and product quality for the industry's approval.


  • 其中包括连接电压电压之间的电压转变电路

    Included is a voltage transition circuit connected between a low voltage domain and a high voltage domain.


  • 由于具有覆盖率色饱和度功耗特点,激光显示技术被认为是最具有发展前景的显示技术之一。

    Laser projection display has advantages over traditional projection technologies, such as extended color gamut, greater colors saturation and low power consumption.


  • 由于具有覆盖率色饱和度功耗特点,激光显示技术被认为是最具有发展前景的显示技术之一。

    Laser projection display has advantages over traditional projection technologies, such as extended color gamut, greater colors saturation and low power consumption.


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