• 再次农村剩余劳动力转移影响城镇劳动力市场均衡进而影响厂商生产成本

    Third, the transfer of rural labor force may change the urban labor market balance, and then affect firms' costs.


  • 过去一些年中,一些沿海城镇甚至出现了劳动力短缺

    So for the past few years, the coastal areas, they found themselves in a shortage of labor.


  • 帮助城镇就业困难人员、零就业家庭灾区劳动力就业

    Third, we will help urban residents experiencing difficulty finding work, members of zero-employment households and workers in disaster-stricken areas find jobs.


  • 城镇各行业劳动力向外散播农村地区

    The division of labour in the towns spread outward to the rural areas.


  • 而造成我国居民收入差距不断扩大主要原因就是我国城镇下岗失业人员不断增加大量农村剩余劳动力滞留农村

    This situation is caused mostly by the increasing number of out of worker in our cities and a mass of labor force resorting in the country.


  • 农民工即外出进入城镇从事产业的农村剩余劳动力

    Migrant workers are those rural surplus labor who go out into the cities and towns to be engaged in secondary and tertiary industries.


  • 乡村旅游作为种新型旅游项目,有助于功能型城镇构建能够实现农村富裕劳动力转移

    As a new form of tourism project, countryside tourism helps the construction of functional township and realization of extra labor transfer in countryside.


  • 中国加入WTO后,由于农产品市场竞争国际化,将产生更多农村剩余劳动力转移城镇

    After Chinas entry to WTO, the globalization of agricultural - commodity market produced more surplus rural labors, which were subsequently transferred to urban areas.


  • 农村剩余劳动力大规模城镇非农产业转移我国社会转型时期一个重要特征

    In the present stage, it is a very important feature that the surplus labor forces of off-farm workers were cosmically transferring to town and non-agricultural sectors.


  • 或者某些城镇房屋事实上可能炮弹炸毁了,武器其他军需品需求又挤占了建筑业所需的原材料劳动力

    This leads to public indignation. Or houses in some towns may be actually destroyed by bombs, and the need for armaments or other supplies diverts materials and labor from the building trades.


  • 随着农业资本密集程度的提高,许多农场劳动力转向城镇寻找工作

    As agriculture became more capital intensive many farm labourers moved to the towns and cities to look for work.


  • 十五期间我国劳动力维持供大于求失衡态势,城镇失业率将达5%—7%。

    During the tenth "Five year" plan, our work force will maintain the imbalanced state of supply over demand, whose urban unemployment rate will reach 5%-7%.


  • 而造成我国居民收差距不断扩大主要原因就是我国城镇下岗失业不断增加大量农村剩余劳动力滞留农村

    This situation is caused mostly by the increasing number of out of worker in our cities and a mass of labor force resorting in the country.


  • 今年该县城镇新增就业2246安置下岗失业人员1095人,其中“4050”人员483人,农村劳动力转移就业20850人。

    New jobs this year, the county town of 2246, 1095 resettlement of laid-off workers, including "4050" 483 staff, the transfer of rural labor force employed 20,850 people.


  • 随着城镇成长劳动力增多农民转移就业增收空间收窄;

    The increase of new growing laborers in cities and towns squeezed the space of transfer employment of farmers;


  • 第九首先指出现行农地制度安排提供了农村剩余劳动力彻底放弃土地迁居城镇激励结构

    In chapter 9, the author argues that the current rural land tenure cannot provide the incentive structure of making agricultural surplus labor to give up their land and to migrate to urban areas.


  • 一方面我国农村剩余劳动力必将继续城镇流动:一方面,城镇就业压力在持续加大

    On one hand, our rural surplus labor is moving to cities and towns; on the other hand, the pressure of reemployment in cities and towns is increasing.


  • 农村劳动力转移培训指对拟非农产业城镇转移就业的农村劳动力开展引导性培训职业技能培训。

    The training for rural migrant labor force is the guided and vocational training for rural labor force that want to get employment in Non-Agricultural or town.


  • 然后使用ARIMA模型新增农业劳动力指数第三产业指数进行长期预测,并根据二者的长期预测值,运用多元线性回归分析对城镇实际失业率进行长期预测。

    It will be used to forecast the short-term rate of town unemployment in 2003. Then the article makes the long-term forecast on the new agriculture labor force and the third industry index by ARIMA.


  • 因为大量农村人口城镇集聚,大量从事农业人口非农化,导致农村劳动力相对短缺,涉及到原有农村土地合理利用的问题。

    Rural urbanization is a complete process of urbanization of rural land use in the study involves not only to small towns, but also to the rural areas.


  • 而小城镇农村剩余劳动力转移问题具有重要作用,农村富余劳动蓄水池“节流闸”,可以很好地满足农业富余劳动力转移的成本需要。

    These towns can make up the shortage of huge costs incurred by the shift; they are "reservoirs" and "switches" to the surplus rural labor force.


  • 而小城镇农村剩余劳动力转移问题具有重要作用,农村富余劳动蓄水池“节流闸”,可以很好地满足农业富余劳动力转移的成本需要。

    These towns can make up the shortage of huge costs incurred by the shift; they are "reservoirs" and "switches" to the surplus rural labor force.


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