• 分析家城战这个对话

    Analysts praised the talks.


  • 招收更多时候有更多的人手可以支配

    Also can recruit more sides numerous, in city war when more hand can be controlled.


  • 反应越来越韦斯·布朗,也受伤病困扰在曼德比甚至没有出现大名单上。

    The more stolid Wes Brown, hindered by injuries of late, did not appear even on the bench for United against City.


  • 德比结束时, 伊恩·麦柯肖恩强尼·文斯什么

    What did Ian McShane say to Jonny Evans at the end of the Manchester derby?


  • 一份比利时杂志本周报道已经赢得了卢卡库争夺名17岁的球员夏天转会东地球场。

    City were reported by a Belgian magazine this week to have won the battle for Lukaku, with the 17-year-old said to be moving to Eastlands in the summer.


  • 忘了惨痛失利,那些失利正在产生的惊慌失措的愿望清单

    Forget about the horrible loss to City or the panicked wish lists said loss is generating.


  • 他们曼彻斯特大锋神,一个曼联,一个在曼。他们渴望周六收获各自粒德比进球

    They are the big-money strikers of the two top Manchester clubs - United and City. And on Saturday they will go in search of their first derby goals.


  • 上周六温布利以1;0斯托克举起足总杯特维斯有机会超越东家曼联留在的动力。

    After lifting the FA Cup at Wembley following last Saturday's 1-0 victory over Stoke, Tevez said the chance to overhaul former club Manchester United could yet persuade him to stay at City.


  • 3比0了ArisSalonika,将13次乌克兰联赛冠军及3次闯入欧洲杯半决赛的基辅迪纳摩会师

    City beat Aris Salonika 3-0 to set up a meeting with the 13-time Ukrainian champions, who are also three-time European Cup semi-finalists.


  • 墨西哥副总检察长Luis Genarovasquez,“呼气测醉”闪电减少酒驾很帮助

    A breathalyser blitz has helped to reduce drink-driving, says Luis Genaro vasquez, the city's deputy attorney-general.


  • Terry周日下午比赛中以良好的表现回应,是役CarloAncelotti率领的切尔西在主场2:0斯托克队,获得了一张足总杯赛半决赛的门票。

    Terry provided the perfect response to an afternoon on Sunday as Carlo Ancelotti's side booked an FA Cup semi-final spot with a 2-0 win over Stoke at Stamford Bridge.


  • 就意味着鲁尼会缺席冠军杯半决赛拜仁慕尼黑第二场比赛可以赶得上4月17日德比

    That rules Rooney out of the second leg of the Champions League quarter-final against Bayern Munich but could enable him to return for the derby against Manchester City on 17 April.


  • 地方长官及其属下抬头张望之际,在荷兰军官•范霍夫(Janvan Hoof)呼叫下,F-16呼啸至巴格兰上空。 机群加大油门俯冲直下,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声摄人心魄,令人难忘。

    As the governor and his officials looked on, Jan van Hoof, a Dutch commander, called in a group of F-16 fighter jets, which swooped over the city of Baghlan, their thunderous afterburners engaged.


  • 而更多军事人员需要面对这些军官纽约海军队员一样向他们大喊大叫。

    More Military personnel need to get in the faces of these officers and scream at them like the Marine in NYC did.


  • 就像所有榜尾球队赫尔生存。上周末他们身上证明了这点,”经理说。

    "Like all the teams at the bottom of the league, Hull City are fighting for survival as they proved last week at Tottenham," the manager warned.


  • 杭州绿上下半场各2:0南昌八一

    Hangzhou Lucheng scored a goal in each half in their 2-0 win over Nanchang Bayi.


  • 这位26岁的门将因为上周日饱受质疑,失误一个本来没什么威胁的大门

    The 26-year-old stopper came in for criticism during last Sunday's Derby victory after his failure to deal with a hopeful ball forward from City led to the Blues' opening goal.


  • 将会时机降临加入攻打冰的最后

    I will join in the assault upon Icecrown Citadel when the time to strike upon us.


  • 没过多久,洛博特回到疯人危机期间在那里

    A short time later, Lobot returned to Cloud City, where he remains during the Yuuzhan Vong crisis.


  • 蛮锤氏族,是由建筑师们这个曾经是宏伟最初拥有者构成,高地的丛林前哨采取了一些行动

    The Wildhammer clan, architects and original owners of the once-great fortress city, maintains some operations in forested outposts of the highlands.


  • 在又一场势如破竹胜利(2:0),弗莱仍然是曼联中场核心球员。 弗莱彻现在的想法很简单,就是帮助球队夺得联赛冠军。

    And dafter another commanding display in the heart of United's midfield in the 2-0 win over City, Fletch says his mind is solely on helping the Reds win the title.


  • 周日1 - 1平大,卢卡斯·雷瓦用表现获得了无数赞美掌声。我们来看看数据

    Lucas Leiva is receiving plenty of plaudits for his performance in the 1-1 draw with Manchester City on Sunday - and our stats illustrate why.


  • 大意是,狄俄墨得斯、阿喀琉斯、上千首无法下的特洛伊却沦陷于狡诈泪水之中

    So it befell that by false cunning and pretended tears those were conquered whom great Diomedes had never overcome, nor savage Achilles, nor ten years of warfare, nor a thousand ships.


  • 斯科拉科特迪瓦前锋排除了周中4-1索森德足总杯比赛大名单外,如今已经重新找回,准备迎“陶瓷”们(斯托克的别称……译者注) 。

    Scolari omitted the Ivory Coast forward from the side that beat Southend 4-1 at Roots Hall in the FA Cup but has recalled him for the visit of the Potters.


  • 揭幕中0 - 6惨败给切尔西之后大个们在接下来时间表现得还不错最近还在联赛淘汰状态不佳的

    After a 6-0 opening day humbling at Chelsea, the Baggies have picked up some decent results in recent weeks, and dumped an under-strength Manchester City out of the Carling Cup.


  • 揭幕中0 - 6惨败给切尔西之后大个们在接下来时间表现得还不错最近还在联赛淘汰状态不佳的

    After a 6-0 opening day humbling at Chelsea, the Baggies have picked up some decent results in recent weeks, and dumped an under-strength Manchester City out of the Carling Cup.


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