• 气候变化挑战着我们现在城市建设方式以及规划管理城市绿色空间的方式。

    Climate change is challenging the way our urban areas are built, and the way the green Spaces within those urban areas are planned and managed.


  • 使城市绿色空间特别是住宅区绿色空间濒临绝境,因为耗尽它们的预留空间

    It puts urban green Spaces and in particular those of housing estates at risk since it depletes their spatial reserves.


  • 设计理念、设计手法以及成功经验对于建设其他城市绿色空间提高城市建设质量值得借鉴

    In the construction of other community green space and improving the urban construction quality, its design concept, design skills and successful experience is also worth using for reference.


  • 明显,在城市拥有绿色空间居民游客都非常有益的。

    It is clear that having green spaces in a city is very beneficial for residents and visitors.


  • 此外拥挤城市这些绿色空间让我们呼吸一下新鲜空气有一个地方放松一天的紧张。

    Furthermore, in a congested city these green spaces offer a breath of fresh air and a place to relax from the rigours of the day.


  • 一项研究表明生活绿色空间城市地区人们心理健康长期的积极影响

    Living in an urban area with green spaces has a long-lasting positive impact on people's mental well-being, a study has suggested.


  • 这些绿色空间拥挤城市人们提供了呼吸新鲜空气紧张日子里放松地方

    These green spaces provide people in a congested city with a breath of fresh air and a place to relax from the rigours of the day.


  • 理查德·罗杰斯提议巨大的绿色空间网格遮盖那些割裂城市铁路线

    Richard Rogers offers to cover up railway lines that dissect the city by placing huge green Spaces and networks above them.


  • 雷诺兹这块曾经的工业用地几年的时间便成为了雕塑花园新生代代表,它城市环境中创造出了新的绿色空间

    Just a few years old, this reclaimed industrial site could represent the next wave of sculpture gardens, Reynolds says, creating new green space in an urban environment.


  • 2005 - 2007年,城市绿色空间增加30%。

    Urban green space had increased 30 percent from 2005 to 2007.


  • 房屋面小山上方道路一侧较为封闭绿色空间和室外景观一侧敞开,可欣赏整个城市天空的景色。

    Closed towards the hill and upper road while open towards the green Spaces and the view over the city and towards the sky.


  • 巧妙设计绿色走廊形式城市绿脉”,商业住宅景观空间接在一起

    Clever design of one horizontal and two vertical green corridor form of the city green pulse, the commercial and residential landscape space together.


  • 城市绿色开敞空间改善城市生态环境提高居民户外生活品质举足轻重的作用

    The urban Green Open Space plays a significant role in improving urban ecological environment and raising the quality of their inhabitant outdoor life.


  • 本文论述英国西方国家21世纪城市生活构建绿色空间重要性

    This explores the importance of green Spaces for 21st century urban living in Britain and the western world.


  • 城市价值观念公共艺术绿色空间

    The city values public art and green space.


  • 屋顶花园不仅能为有限城市空间增添绿色景观而且能够很大改善城市生态环境

    Land roof garden off the ground, Their value lies not only limited to urban green space added to the landscape, but also greatly improves the city's ecological environment.


  • 虽然城市缺乏绿地这种模块化摩天大楼的设想一系列太阳能堆积单位绿色花园额外的空间生活和工作。

    While the city is having lack of green spaces, this modular skyscraper is envisioned as a series of solar powered stacking units containing green gardens and additional space for living and working.


  • 其中一半照片展示了全建筑物静止汽车城市空间另一半绿色空间不过大多是常见的场景,比如两侧绿树的无人小径而不是壮观野外景色

    Half the pictures displayed urban Spaces full of buildings and parked cars; the rest were green places - but homely ones, like empty pathways flanked by trees, not majestic wilderness.


  • 交融提醒着人们,城市依靠自然维系,我们也应当滋润着我们绿色留下些许空间

    The interplay of water and light reminds us that our cities depend on nature and make room for the green spaces that nurture us.


  • 这样地面屋顶形成一系列不同层次不同体验绿色个性主题公共空间,形成了“垂直城市街坊”,住户进行公共活动交流提供最大化多样场所。

    A series of special thematic Spaces with various levels are created from the ground to the top-the Vertical City. It provides our tenants with maximized kinds of places for social activities.


  • 我们几乎变成了物化城市动物。我们空间丰富物质世界充盈楼群街道格式化绿色植物所有目光的事物

    We are almost turned into "urban animals" with a space filled with plenty of things: top buildings, streets, formatted urban greenery and almost every thing we can see with our eyes.


  • 中轴景观作为城市文脉象征贯穿中心区形成空间序列绿色中枢;

    The Central Axis Scenic Road, taken as the city's historical and cultural symbol, runs through the Central Zone as a "green center" of spatial sequence, and melting into nature terminally.


  • 园林绿地作为城市重要绿色公共空间城市绿地系统重要组分

    The garden and Greenland, which are the important public green Spaces, are the important components of the urban Greenland system.


  • 风景城市的特征灰色空间镶嵌绿色空间之中。

    The scenic city is characterized by gray space laid in green space.


  • 体育运动散布城市中的公园绿地等绿色空间结合起来出现具有鲜明运动主题公园类型——体育公园。

    Characterized with a distinctive sports theme, sports park appeared with the combination of sports with the green Spaces scattered in urban parks.


  • 现代城市由于人口过度膨胀而导致住房拥挤交通堵塞城市环境恶化现象使城市人们向往更富自然、生态气息的绿色空间

    Population expansion in modern cities caused the problem as the house crowding, the traffic jam, and urban environment worsening and so on.


  • 城市景观规划设计通过视觉为主感受通道,借助物化的景观环境形态,通过视觉空间绿色空间的机理再现人们行为心理上引起反映

    Through the reappearance of visual space and green space, landscape design is to arouse people's psychological reflection by resorting to the existence of landscape and through visual sense.


  • 城市景观规划设计通过视觉为主感受通道,借助物化的景观环境形态,通过视觉空间绿色空间的机理再现人们行为心理上引起反映

    Through the reappearance of visual space and green space, landscape design is to arouse people's psychological reflection by resorting to the existence of landscape and through visual sense.


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