• 本文详细介绍了低水峰非色散位移单模光纤特性及其在城域网络中的应用

    This paper instructs character and hydrogen ageing performance and the fiber is used in the metro networks.


  • 文章首先介绍了IEEE 802.16a协议无线宽带城域系统结构,并对基于此协议的无线宽带城域网络移动电子商务系统结构进行了研究。

    This dissertation introduces IEEE Std 802.16a and broadband wireless systems(BWS), Mobile E-business system infrastructure development based on IEEE 802.16A for BMAN is introduced too.


  • 介绍了千兆教育城域方案设计拓扑结构设备选型给出中心节点节点网络互连路由详细配置

    The paper gives design, network topology and network equipment selection of science and technology MAN, and gives detailed configuration of Internet route of center node and main node.


  • 本文论述了一个教育城域网络设计实现

    This article elaborated one education city territory net network design and the realization.


  • 广域网城域网络传输中,高端路由器扮演着及其重要角色

    In the network transmission of local area network and wide area network, high-end routers play an important role.


  • 烟台网通城域优化改造完成后,必将达到打造精品网络提高多业务承载能力目标

    As the reformation of YanTai CNC's MAN is finished, the goal of obtain an exquisite MAN and improve multi-service ability will be achieved.


  • 简要介绍城域基本概念网络结构规划原则针对中国铁通城域建设论述了解决方案。

    The essential concepts, network structure and programming principle of metropolitan area network (MAN) are introduced briefly. And the solution for MAN construction of China Railcom is discussed.


  • 阐述了贵州大学校园网络现状,并对当今主要城域技术进行分析比较

    Current situation of Guizhou University campus network was described and current important MAN technologies were analyzed in comparison.


  • 分析比较了常用网络路由算法提出IP宽带城域网络路由算法选择问题。

    This paper analyses and compares many common network routing algorithms, and discusses how to select an algorithm in broadband IP MANs.


  • 随着城域流量急剧增长网络流量的特征发生了很大改变,因而网络流量的数学模型需要随之改变

    MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) traffic has advanced by leaps and bounds, making its characteristics change drastically and requiring its mathematical model to change also accordingly.


  • 课题研究目的设计一种MSTP网络方案可以实现本地业务综合接入,能够城域其它设备交换业务数据

    The purpose of the project is to design a MSTP network scheme and to realise the composite accessing to local services and to exchange service data with other equipment in MAN.


  • 城域协议DQDB基础提出线型网络协议LONP,组网方式是该协议中的重要一环。

    This paper puts forward a Linear Optical Network protocol (LONP) based on Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) protocol DQDB.


  • 文章介绍南宁市教育城域主干网络设计,主要涉及网络拓扑结构光纤网络组网技术网络扩展方面的问题。

    This paper introduce the backbone design of the Nanning Educational MAN, special in network topology, optical network, network technology and network extending, etc.


  • 宽带IP城域电信运营商在城域范围内建设城市IP骨干网络城市重要信息基础设施

    The wide band IP MAN is a central IP network built by telecommunication company within the scope of metropolitan area, it is the city important information infrastructure.


  • 本文主要讨论贵阳市教育城域主干网络设计主要涉及网络拓朴结构光纤网络设计、路由设计、设备参考选型将来网络扩展方面的问题。

    This paper mainly discusses the backbone design of Guiyang educational metropolitan area network, including network topology, fiber network, route design, network devices and network expansion, etc.


  • 可是IP城域网宽带接入网络建设模式相应技术策略因为业务特点不同呈现出很多的变化

    However, the network model and corresponding technology strategy of MAN IP broadband access network present variety variously due to different operation characteristics.


  • 本文结合大连网通城域建设实际工程,进行城域中的智能光网络设计研究

    In this thesis the research of a Metro ASON design is carried out which is combined with Dalian Netcom Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) actual construction engineering.


  • 城域已经成为网络建设重点之一

    Metro networks is becoming one of the focuses of the transport network construction.


  • 根据城域定位作用城域网络结构组网原则光纤选用等问题进行了讨论

    The architecture of metro optical network, networking principles and the selection of optical fiber cable are discussed in accordance with metro network positioning and function.


  • 论文所讨论的重点就是基于SDH城域传送平台如何实现业务传送具体典型网络设计

    This article focuses on the issues that how to complete the multi-task transmitting and the specifically typical network designs at the City Area network platform based on SDH.


  • IP城域一个城市地域范围内IP网络作为互联网一部分用户提供基于IP的各种业务

    The IP Metropolitan Area Network is a kind of IP network in a city , being a part of the Internet, IP Metropolitan Area Network provides customers with various business based on IP.


  • IP城域一个城市地域范围内IP网络作为互联网一部分用户提供基于IP的各种业务

    The IP Metropolitan Area Network is a kind of IP network in a city , being a part of the Internet, IP Metropolitan Area Network provides customers with various business based on IP.


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