• 城中村问题我国市化进程中的一个特有现象

    VIC (villages in city) is a special phenomenon of urbanization in our country.


  • 现有政策制度下,形成自下而上自主市化中村问题得以消解现实选择

    Under existing policy system, formation "from bottom to top" road of the independent urbanized, is the reality choice which the in city village question can dispel.


  • 本文中村存在问题着手,分析问题产生原因演化过程,最后提出了解决城中村问题对策

    The paper starts with the problems that lie in City Village, analyses the causes and the evolutionary processes of the problems, and brings forward some countermeasures to solve these problems.


  • 文章第三章通过解决中村问题方面分析,着重探讨规划解决城中村问题途径,改造整治

    In chapter three, it analyzes all kinds of problems in city village, and then discusses the approaches of city village renovation, including the ways of reconstruction and alteration.


  • 本文中村存在问题着手,分析了问题产生的原因演化过程最后提出了解决城中村问题对策

    The paper starts with the problems that lie in City Village, analyses the causes and the evolutionary processes of the problems, and brings f...


  • 本文通过中村现状城中村问题所在以及城中村形成机理分析对于城中村有了一个比较全面认识

    This dissertation obtains a comprehensive understanding of city village through the analysis of status, problems and forming mechanisms of city village.


  • 因此研究市化进程中村改造问题具有重要理论意义现实意义

    So the study of village in the city in the process of urbanization has important theoretical and realistic meaning.


  • 随着市化推进,广州市作为一个大都市产生了许许多多的“中村”,而“城中村”的环境卫生问题提上有关领导的议事日程。

    Along with the urbanization steps, Guangzhou, as a cosmopolitan city, also produces many urban villages whose environmental hygiene issues have become the schedule of the government.


  • 系统深入研究中村问题必须把它放在整个市化框架及其特殊制度背景下进行。

    To study the "village in city" in a deep-going and systematical way, we should do the research under the whole frame of urbanization and its special background.


  • 因此研究市化进程中“中村村民市民化再就业问题具有重要理论意义现实意义。

    Therefore, the research of the urban village residents' re-employment question has the important theory significance and the practical significance in the urbanization advancement.


  • 解决中村问题不但改善居住环境更为重要提高中村居民文明意识素质

    Villages to solve the problem, not only to improve the living environment, even more important is to improve the "Village" residents of urban civilization consciousness and quality.


  • 随着市化不断推进,“中村问题日益暴露出来

    With the continuous development of urbanization, the problem of "village in city" is increasingly exposed.


  • 比较之下经济学角度,对城中村现象及其涉及中国市化问题进行的研究很少。

    However, the research of this subject, from the angle of economics, based on Chinese urbanization, is lack.


  • 目前有关中村问题国外没有专门研究

    At present, the issue of foreign Urban Villages there has no specific studies.


  • 如何中村改造真正社区就成为当前社会关注的焦点问题

    It is that how "city village" transforms into the true city community becomes the question which the academic circles widely discussed.


  • 加上现在昆明城中村改造新机场扩建修建地铁使原有堵车问题更加突出

    Coupled with the transformation of villages in the city of Kunming is now the new airport expansion and the construction of subways, so that the original traffic jam is even more prominent.


  • 其次通过中村土地现状描述制度因素管理角度深层次分析目前我国“城中村土地利用存在普遍问题

    Secondly, based on the description about current land of Urban Villages, I analysis the widespread problems in land-use of Urban Village from the institutional factors and management system.


  • 这些研究主要是运用社会学规划方法分析城中村现象,关注城中村景观形成,关注城中村社会所造成的负面影响,以及城中村改造等问题

    They based these researches on sociology and science of city planning, paying attention to the formation of these villages scene, the disadvantage, and the reconstruction in these villages.


  • 土地问题既是中村改造中的难点也是搞好“城中村改造最佳切入点

    Land issue is not only the difficulties of "Urban Village" transform, but also the best starting point for reform of the "Urban Village".


  • 中村失地农民出路问题关系社会稳定问题

    The way out of the landless peasants in "village in city" is a big problem that relations on social stability.


  • 因此如何实现土地集约利用科学有效地进行城中村改造既是严峻现实问题又是一个值得探究的理论难题。

    Therefore, questions of how to use lands intensively and how to rebuild urban village efficiently will be a serious reality upon us. They are also difficult problems which worth our researches.


  • 中村现象所体现问题就是这样的文化内涵生活结构市化所预期效果一种抵触现象。

    The questions bearing "Village within city" is the embodiment of conflicting relationship between such cultural connotation and living structure and expected effects of urbanization.


  • 伴随着土地征用,“城中村村民失去了相应权益从而面临生活就业社会保障一系列问题

    The villagers has lost their land, as a result of lost land, they lost their corresponding rights and interests, Thus faced with the life, employment and social security and other issues.


  • 伴随着土地征用,“城中村村民失去了相应权益从而面临生活就业社会保障一系列问题

    The villagers has lost their land, as a result of lost land, they lost their corresponding rights and interests, Thus faced with the life, employment and social security and other issues.


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