• 希望这个电影让人意识到这点

    I'm hoping this movie will fix that, "Aidan said."


  • 首先埃顿(音译)夫人及其女儿……姐妹百合

    First, there were Mrs Erhton and two of her daughters... both sisters were fair as lilies.


  • 埃顿自己因为口吃同学欺负嘲笑讨厌别人告诉镇定集中精神

    Aidan Hardy said he has been bullied and teased for stuttering. He hates it when people tell him to just calm down and focus.


  • 他们需要倾听,”芝加哥苏珊电影后14岁年级的儿子埃顿口吃

    What they needis to be listened to, " said Susan Hardy, who saw the film with her son Aidan, a 14-year-old Chicago eighth-grader who also stutters."


  • 出生大道我家的院子里枫树。

    He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born.


  • 看来,那不过便饭

    It was a simple meal by Eddie's standards.


  • 德格麻省理工学院电气工程教授

    Edgerton is a professor of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


  • 美林证券公司分析师大卫担忧高斯超市(Coles)下跌指数会受到影响估计2.2%左右。

    Merrill Lynch analyst David Errington is concerned about the level of price deflation at Coles supermarkets, which he puts at around 2.2 percent.


  • 1967年,侧扫声纳系统发现了一个巨大的、形状异常物体麦基认为它就是玛丽·罗斯号。

    In 1967, Edgerton's side-scan sonar systems revealed a large, unusually shaped object, which McKee believed was the Mary Rose.


  • 普通搜索技术不能令人满意,所以麦基麻省理工大学电子工程教授罗德·E·合作

    Ordinary search techniques proved unsatisfactory, so McKee entered into a collaboration with Harold E.Edgerton, professor of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


  • 心里想着,也许嫁给约翰·,并且拥有这座房子可能是最好不过的事了。

    It might, after all, be best, she told herself, to marry John Parton and let Effie and Will have this house.


  • 看到文·斯的墨西哥式餐馆不在当天日程安排之内,但是她可以当天稍后附近的位置路过检查一下这个情况

    She saw that the Chili's in Evanston was not on her schedule for the day, but she could stop by to check the situation at a later point in the day when she would be nearby.


  • 安迪·桌子施了魔法知道所有即将发生的好事么?

    Would Andy Adinton have done his table some magic nexus where you know good things happen?


  • 虽然休斯敦并未像加尔维斯那样受到风暴正面袭击,但“克”仍旧摧毁该市抽水系统,其破坏程度足以整个卫生保健系统造成威胁。

    While Houston did not take the brunt of the storm the way Galveston did, Ike did knock out the city's water pumping systems, and that was sufficient to threaten the whole health-care system.


  • 据描述赫那具有奇异女性特征,源于法老代表兼具两性特征这一信仰

    Depictions of Akhenaten with a bizarre feminine physique were due to the belief that god represented by the pharaoh was androgynous.


  • 爱因斯坦第二任妻子尔莎于1933年来到成立普林斯高级研究院的。

    Einstein, with his second wife Elsa, had arrived in Princeton in 1933 at the newly formed Institute for Advanced Study.


  • 哥伦比亚大学·德尔斯坦人们应该保持基本良好口腔卫生

    Burton Edelstein of Columbia University says people should stick with the basics of good oral hygiene.


  • 龙彭伯格先生编制一个帮助塑造巴马思考写作人名清单,里面包括马克斯.韦伯和尼采,梭罗和爱默生,兰斯.休斯和拉尔夫.利森

    Mr. Kloppenberg compiled a long list of people who he said helped shape Mr. Obama’s thinking and writing, including Weber and Nietzsche, Thoreau and Emerson, Langston Hughes and Ralph Ellison.


  • 我们45年来在太平洋见任何海啸都要得多,”美国伊利诺斯州文·斯西北大学的欧卡尔说道。

    "It is much larger than anything we've seen in the Pacific in 45 years," said Okal, of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.


  • 哈瓦斯说:“艺术家引用一封信例,来描绘繁衍生命源,信中既是位男性也是位女性’。”

    "The artists used a poem Akhenaton wrote to god saying 'you are the man... you are the woman' as a model for depicting fertility and the source of life," Hawass said.


  • 图中上方左处看到那里被用作多种用于宇航员训练科研货物转运太空署飞行器机场

    Also visible at image upper left is Ellington Field. This airport services a variety of NASA aircraft used for astronaut training, scientific, and cargo transport purposes.


  • 中上方看到地,那里被用作多种用于宇航员训练科研货物转运太空署飞行器机场

    Also visible at image upper left is Ellington Field.This airport services a variety of NASA aircraft used for astronaut training, scientific, and cargo transport purposes.


  • ·尔斯坦:控制饮食经常使用牙膏牙医间断地悉心监督

    Burton Edelstein: Control of the diet, the regular use of fluoride toothpaste, good ongoing supervision by a dentist.


  • 1899年8月,阿尔弗雷德·约瑟夫·希区柯克伦敦市郊·斯出生威廉·希区柯克夫妇三个小孩中的幺子。他们在大街上开了一间小店

    Born in August 1899 above the family's high-street shop in the London suburb of Leytonstone, Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was the youngest of the three children of Emma and William Hitchcock.


  • 加里·内维尔极其幸运,他因为对阵斯托克城时对马修·瑟林恶意犯规却只得了张黄牌直接下场

    Gary Neville was incredibly fortunate not to be sent off at the end of the first half away at Stoke with a second yellow for a rash challenge on Matthew Etherington.


  • 猎杀场地克·斯穆尔南端蒂弗山谷里

    The killing ground was a valley near Tiverton, on the southern edge of Exmoor.


  • 然而喜欢播放喜爱音乐家的爵士乐,经常播放杜克·的歌曲。

    However, he liked to play the musicians he liked best, such as Duke Ellington, often.


  • 波士学院韦斯实验室主任约翰·贝尔注意到,从地震学角度说,现在似乎重现了世纪中期一系列地震

    John Ebel, director of Boston College's Weston Observatory, noted that seismically, the current period seemed to resemble the cluster of large earthquakes in the middle of the last century.


  • 西南方向里维拉夜车伦敦车站出发,沃尔的彭赞斯驶出陆地进入过海隧道。

    Both of them are crackers. The Night Riviera runs southwest from London's Paddington Station and keeps going until it runs out of land at Penzance in Cornwall.


  • 西南方向里维拉夜车伦敦车站出发,沃尔的彭赞斯驶出陆地进入过海隧道。

    Both of them are crackers. The Night Riviera runs southwest from London's Paddington Station and keeps going until it runs out of land at Penzance in Cornwall.


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