• 分析存在垫层材料级配对夯能量传递效果

    When there was cushion layer, the material gradation of cushion layer have effect on the tamp energy's transfer.


  • 其次弹性垫层材料力学特性角度出发,建立组合圆筒裱糊装配结构力学模型

    Secondly, the structure's mechanical model that based on the elastic material mechanical characteristic and a certain enclasped state and enclasped thinking of multi-layers' shell is established.


  • 石粉材料来源广泛价格低廉施工工艺简单推广应用的新型垫层材料

    Sources of material for powdery stone cushion are widespread. With their low costs and simple construction process they are new cushion material to be popularized.


  • 垫层材料应力应变试验可以了解不同材料变化特征分析各自的应力区间中的应变范围

    Characteristics of different material obtained from stress versus strain cure of cushion material are to analyze strain scopes at the respective stress ranges.


  • 研究复合地基厚度设置及选择配制合理垫层材料提供依据有利于复合地基的优化设计。

    The research results will provide a theoretical evidence for the suitable selection of the cushion thickness and its materials and will be beneficial to the opt...


  • 水电站压力引水钢管蜗壳外表敷设材料满足结构受力要求工程措施称之为垫层管或垫层蜗壳。

    The penstock and spiral case with elastic layer are defined as a engineering measure of having flexible layer material surrounding it to meet the needs of bearing loads in structure.


  • 研究结果表明BG B塑性垫层材料较小滑动位移下面板应力拉应变进行调整,确保面板在滑移过程中不开裂

    The test result show that BGB plastic cushion material can restrict the tensile stress and strain and prevent the facing from crack under a relatively small sliding displacement.


  • 本文介绍了石粉形成材料特性,对石粉力学特征作了研究取得垫层设计施工参数

    Formation of powdery stone and its properties are introduced. Parameters for design and construction of cushion are acquired after investigated the mechanical characteristics of powdery stone cushion.


  • 城市铁路轨道垫层研制从高分子弹性材料选择、模具设计加工生产工艺三方面进行了分析评价

    The selection of macromolecular elastic material, model design and production, and the producing technics of ballast padding plate for urban rail are analyzed and evaluated.


  • 本文论述结构路面、基垫层、磨耗保护材料用量结构强度等问题。

    The materials, quantity, structure and strength of road surface having many layer structures are discussed in this paper.


  • 故此研究设计依赖垫层能够上部混凝土新型防水材料成为最佳选择

    Therefore, the study design does not rely on a kind of cushion, can be embedded with the upper part of grass-roots associated with a new concrete waterproofing material, is the best choice.


  • 认为垫层厚度材料CFG复合地基承载力性状很大影响,两者之间匹配问题

    It is shown that the thickness and material of cushion have great influence on the bearing capacity of composite foundation with CFG pile in loading test, and there is a match problem between them.


  • 泥土西北地区渠道防渗、过水土坝护面与垫层方面的应用提供了基本技术资料,有利于这种价格低廉的地方性建筑材料推广使用。

    The results provide basic data of cement-soil used for seepage prevention of irrigation canal and shield or cushion of silt-dam. It helps the spreading of the use of this low-price local material.


  • 前言:垃圾卫生填埋法关键技术之一防渗垫层铺设,国内外防渗垫层的要求是“防渗”,所设计的防渗垫层所用材料种类多、价格贵、铺设复杂、成本高。

    One of the key techniques for garbage sanitary burial is the pavement of a liner, which is designed to prevent seepage. It is very expensive.


  • 前言:垃圾卫生填埋法关键技术之一防渗垫层铺设,国内外防渗垫层的要求是“防渗”,所设计的防渗垫层所用材料种类多、价格贵、铺设复杂、成本高。

    One of the key techniques for garbage sanitary burial is the pavement of a liner, which is designed to prevent seepage. It is very expensive.


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