• 美国银行需要重新注资。

    A major U.S. bank will need to be recapitalized.


  • 也是需要关系银行业务又一原因

    This is another reason why we want relationship banking.


  • 我们全能银行模式源于我们法国世界各地业务和专长。

    Our Universal Banking Model is based on our complementary businesses in France and around the world.


  • 解决综合银行问题的一个难题就是他们产生成百上千分支机构

    One difficulty in dealing with complex Banks is their tendency to spawn hundreds or even thousands of subsidiaries.


  • 引出所谓关系银行业务,其实也就是银行业务的全部所在。

    This leads us to what is called relationship banking -or it's really all banking is, relationship banking.


  • 现在看来,印度国家银行与私人银行共存混合银行业几十年内将持续下去。

    Now India’s mixed model of banking is likely to persist for longer.


  • 一家社区银行——佐治亚信托银行行长布兰顿解释说是因为“这里银行问题难不知如何入手”。

    There were “too many banks to begin with,” says Dan Blanton, the head of Georgia Bank and Trust, a local community bank.


  • 一家社区银行——佐治亚信托银行行长布兰顿解释说是因为“这里银行问题难不知如何入手”。

    There were “too many banks to begin with, ” says Dan Blanton, the head of Georgia Bank and Trust, a local community bank.


  • 可是,我们想当然地以为,那些贝尔斯登一样的非储蓄型银行并不需要监管因为市场原则保证他们认真负责地做生意。

    Supposedly, however, "non-depository" institutions like Bear didn't have to be regulated, because "market discipline" would ensure that they were run responsibly.


  • 加拿大银行评论家猜想他们的保守主义友好供不应求的对立面

    Critics of the Canadian Banks reckon that their conservatism was the flip side of a cosy oligopoly.


  • 当然对于银行以及家庭来说,危机时代最重要的事即减少债务这意味着经济V回升几乎可能。

    To be sure, the post-crisis imperative for Banks and households to reduce their debt meant a V-shaped rebound was never on the CARDS.


  • 阿根廷具有巨大国内市场相比作为一个依靠银行海滨旅游业牛肉出口业的开放较小规模的经济体乌拉圭本应受到世界经济衰退大打击。

    As a small, open economy dependent on banking, beach tourism and beef exports, Uruguay ought to be more exposed to the world recession than Argentina, with its large domestic market.


  • 近几年基金会风险资本家世界银行印度当作赢利社会企业的培养皿,这些企业在盈利的同时满足社会需要

    In recent years, foundations, venture capitalists and the World Bank have used India as a petri dish for similar for-profit "social enterprises" that seek to make money while filling a social need.


  • 包括担保公司银行贷款,准许资金短少公司延期纳税以及补贴以旧车换环境友好轿新车交易

    These included guaranteeing bank loans to small firms, letting cash-strapped companies defer tax payments and subsidising the exchange of old cars for more eco-friendly new ones.


  • 银行业内人士建议建立一个G 20类机构,并通过该机构加强国际间的合作

    The bankers suggested creating a G20-style institution to increase global cooperation.


  • 因此收益率2%两年期银行定存单或者通货膨胀保值国债以及收益率在2%以上短期投资债券基金都属于不错的选择。

    So a two-year bank CD or a Treasury inflation-protected security yielding around 2%, and short-term investment-grade bond funds at 2% plus, aren't the end of the world.


  • 同样的,电子货币——银行储蓄帐户每月$5000实体只是硬盘的某一个存储单元。

    Ditto electronic moneythe $5, 000 you allegedly have in a savings account at the bank, whose only corporeal existence is on a hard drive somewhere.


  • 世界银行公共卫生专家Suprotik Basu,这种目前还没有疫苗的蚊虫传播疾病非洲儿童头号杀手”。

    In many countries, the mosquito-borne disease is the “leading killer of African children,” says World Bank Public Health Specialist Suprotik Basu.


  • 此外这些证券并非同一类的,意味着银行因为逆向选择而取得大量劣质资产

    Moreover, the securities are not homogeneous, which means that even an auction process would leave the aggregator bank with inferior assets through adverse selection.


  • 雄心壮志解散英国最大银行集团的商务大臣,温斯•凯博,又要伸出“魔掌”为成长公司银行索要更多贷款了。

    VINCE CABLE, the business secretary, whose declared ambition is to break up Britain’s biggest banks, is trying to cajole these leviathans into lending more to growing companies.


  • 机构增长9%是由于客户债务产品持续增强需求尤其是后半年关系贷款和商业银行

    Institutional grew 9% as a result of continuing strong customer demand for debt products, especially in Relationship Lending in the latter part of the year and Business Banking.


  • 如此之多数据相互冲突时谁又因为可能出现W衰退警告责怪汇丰银行首席执行官迈克尔·盖根呢?

    Who can blame Michael Geoghegan, chief executive of HSBC, for warning of the possibility of a double-dip recession when there is so much conflicting data around?


  • 如果国际货币基金组织对银行业的损失预测属实,那么银行残存的资金所剩无几,不过大部分的专家认为另一场雷曼金融地震爆发的机会已经大幅降低

    If the IMF's loss predictions turn out to be accurate, there is still too little capital in the system. But most think that the chance of another Lehman-style blow-up has been greatly reduced.


  • 当然银行同样环境友好企业提供资金比如福特通用电气埃克森-美孚,因为他们需要现金维持运营

    Banks, of course, raise money for less environmentally friendly corporations, too, such as Ford, General Electric, and ExxonMobil, which need cash to fund their operations.


  • 不能没有银行而且你不能没有交易,”一位私募公司执行官说:“股票部分价值在于能够今天下午卖掉。”

    "You can't not have Banks, and you can't not have trading," an executive at a big private-equity firm said to me. "Part of the value in a stock is the knowledge that you can sell it this afternoon."


  • 另外一家则资历要短许多桑德勒·奥尼尔投资银行,1988年创建业务集中其他经济公司提供咨询资金筹集上。

    Another member of the club is the much younger Sandler o 'neill, founded in 1988, which focuses on advising and raising capital for other financial firms.


  • 苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bankof Scotland)构建个“测试傻瓜套利组合被认为非常准确地反应一领域各大基金表现,但去年损失了32%。

    A "naive" dummy carry trade portfolio constructed by Royal Bank of Scotland, and believed to be a fairly accurate representation of the real funds operating in this field, lost 32 per cent last year.


  • 苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bankof Scotland)构建个“测试傻瓜套利组合被认为非常准确地反应一领域各大基金表现,但去年损失了32%。

    A "naive" dummy carry trade portfolio constructed by Royal Bank of Scotland, and believed to be a fairly accurate representation of the real funds operating in this field, lost 32 per cent last year.


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