• 新的垄断问题引发了新的规制问题

    Thus, the new monopolization problems result in new regulatory problems.


  • 当然举措必然引发垄断问题

    Such a move would surely set off antitrust alarms.


  • 国际组织用很多时间关注国际反垄断问题

    International organizations also pay attention to international anti - monopoly.


  • 因此垄断问题的探析国内走向国际

    Therefore, the analysis of Anti - Monopoly also by moved towards along with the economic globalization internationally.


  • 本文我国银行业核心我国金融业垄断问题展开研究。

    This study researches on China's banking industry as the core of antitrust issues of China's financial industry.


  • 司法部合约已经上升为版权垄断问题应当现有框架内拒绝。

    The deal raised copyright and anti-trust issues the department said and should be rejected in its current form.


  • 垄断问题国际化需要相应国际法律规范来予以规制,由此而产生国际垄断

    It requires the rules of international laws and standards over the problems of internationalizing monopoly, which results in the appearance of international anti-monopoly law.


  • 高科技领域的垄断问题环境变化如此之快,”克拉拉大学法律教授埃里克·戈德曼

    "The problem for antitrust in high tech is that the environment changes so rapidly," says Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa Clara University.


  • 总的来说,谷歌欧洲国家搜索广告市场份额美国的,所以欧洲的反垄断问题更为尖锐

    Google generally has a larger share of search advertising in European countries than it does in the U.S., making antitrust worries more acute.


  • 英特尔发言人这份广告旨在营造一个泛泛的正面形象,不是专门应对垄断问题

    A company spokesman said the ads are aimed at creating a positive image for general reasons but aren't particularly in response to antitrust issues.


  • 经过计算交易HHI美国欧盟都会即刻得到不存在垄断问题结果

    By my calculations, the transaction produces HHI scores that would have resulted in a summary dismissal of antitrust concerns in either the U. S. or EU.


  • 国内理论界行政垄断问题研究主要涉及行政垄断形式成因后果反行政垄断措施等。

    Researches on Administrative Monopoly in domestic theoretical field are mainly related to form, cause, aftereffect of the administrative monopoly and anti-administrative monopoly measures.


  • 本来属于国内法事项垄断问题越来越成为国际经济自由化过程中一个迫切需要解决的问题

    The antitrust issue that was recognized as a internal law topic have been more and more becoming a new international economic significance problem with the trade and economic globalization.


  • 思科华为知识产权提出了思科“私有协议”的垄断问题可能构成知识产权的拒绝许可

    Dispute of intellectual property rights between Cisco Co. and Huawei Co. reveals the 'private protocol' monopoly, i. e. it may be deemed as refusal to license.


  • 知识产权领域垄断问题拒绝许可搭售专利联营标准制定实施等的垄断分析);

    The antimonopoly issues in the IP field, such as the antimonopoly law analysis in permission denied, tying, patent pool, standard setting and enforcement.


  • 我们按照现代社会经济公共管理演进趋势认识垄断问题,并从多方面寻求打破垄断思路措施

    We should realize the problems of monopoly abiding by evolving approach of modern social economy and public management so as to seek the pathway and measures to break the monopoly.


  • 一方面,外资并购国内企业也引起了许多问题尤其是外资并购国内重点企业和行业带来的垄断问题

    On the other hand foreign capital Mergers and Acquisitions domestic enterprise arouses some problem, especially monopoly problem of key enterprise and industry and drain of state-owned assets.


  • 尽管欧盟反应速度较之美国迟缓一些但是他们对于垄断问题态度较之美国更加严格一些。

    Although the response rate of the European Union wants than the United States a few logier , but they also want than the United States to the manner of antitrust problem more a few stricter.


  • 其他行业相比计算机行业因为垄断问题登上头版的概率要大得而且似乎想躲也躲不个中原因不外乎三条

    The computer industry makes more antitrust headlines than others, and seems unlikely to shake off these problems, for three reasons.


  • 任何个能够控制,们出行目的地的出版物网站或者市场营销者,特别是人们在一个无聊周六晚上自己这些问题,都可以批评这个应用程序可能涉及的垄断问题

    Any publication, Web site or marketer that can control where people go when they ask themselves these questions on a dull Saturday night has a shot at dominance.


  • Google公司计划上千万册图书资料数字化对于这项颇惹争议(以及很可能造成垄断问题的)计划,展开各种讨论以及争辩,但对于公司究竟如何实施该项计划,我们则知之甚少

    For all the discussion and debate about Google's controversial (and potentially anti-competitive) plan to digitise millions of books, little has been known about how the company is actually doing it.


  • 政府垄断烟草销售Gandania,与吸烟有关健康问题发生率过去20年里稳步上升。

    In Gandania, where the government has a monopoly on tobacco sales, the incidence of smoking-related health problems has risen steadily for the last twenty years.


  • 主要问题在于:在什么条件下英特尔电脑制造商零售商提供折扣部分退款算的上垄断呢?

    The main question is: under what conditions can a quasi-monopoly such as Intel give discounts and rebates to computer-makers and retailers?


  • 世界之中,往往垄断悲剧痛苦就是为何拯救而言一个极为严重无法解决的问题

    Man tends to monopolize tragedy and suffering in the world: that's why salvation for him is a burning insoluble question.


  • 问题倘若亿万富翁们重新考虑的话,相互竞争相比坚持舒适的近乎垄断的局面对他们有利。

    The danger is that the billionaires think twice, and realise they are better off sticking with their cosy near-monopolies than competing against each other.


  • Forrester咨询公司J . P.Gownder说,不论是不是真的,这行动打破了蓝光轰动性大片垄断播放机价格现在更加成为问题

    Whether or not this is true, the move broke Blu-ray's lock on blockbuster content, so the price of players will now become more of an issue, argues J.P. Gownder of Forrester, a consultancy.


  • GPS系统垄断的:即使出现什么问题消费者没有其他的选择

    The GPS system is a monopoly: if anything goes wrong with it, consumers will have no alternative.


  • 垄断认为问题在于更多竞争在于少的监管

    The antitrust response is to say the problem is not too much competition but too little regulation.


  • 垄断认为问题在于更多竞争在于少的监管

    The antitrust response is to say the problem is not too much competition but too little regulation.


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