• 结论氯沙下调AT1R表达

    Conclusion Losartan can down-regulate the expression of AT1R.


  • 希望球队速度更快,奥贝带给我们速度,”经理说。

    "I wanted more pace in the team and Obertan will bring us pace," said Newcastle's manager.


  • 结论缬沙改善向心性重构型原发性高血压患者整体舒张

    Conclusion Valsartan can improve the global left ventricular diastolic function in essential hypertension patients with left ventricular conventric remodeling.


  • 语言学博拉坦能语》中就解述遗传社会关系怎样作用于夫妻之间对话关系

    "He Said, She Said," by linguist Deborah Tannen, for instance, explains how all conversations and relationships between couples involve a combination of hierarchy and connection.


  • 结论缬沙显著降低原发性高血压患者餐后2小时血糖、提高胰岛素敏感性指标从而改善胰岛素抵抗。

    Conclusion Valsartan might decrease 2 hour post-meal blood sugar of patients with primary hypertension and increase insulin sensitive index, so as to improve insulin resistance.


  • 多国科学家组成科研小组墨西哥尤卡半岛著名的“奇科苏卢布”陨石坑进行声波探测,而这个巨大的陨石坑就是6500万年前造成恐龙灭绝的根本原因。 科学家们希望通过这一研究找到当时彗星或小行星撞击地球的更多的有用信息。

    Scientists working off the Yucatan Peninsula are preparing to use sound waves to search for information about an asteroid that may have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.


  • 大二的时候感觉这里一起约会根本没有,”克里斯托,她女生比例达55%的纽约大学高年级生。

    "By my sophomore year, I just had the feeling that there is nobody in this school that I could date," said Ashley Crisostomo, a senior at Fordham University in New York, which is 55 percent female.


  • 伊朗星期一向国际原子机构提交了最新设施细节说是已经建立第二个试验性”提炼工厂,与其接受国际原子机构监督、位于纳兹(Natanz)附近的工厂规模相当。

    Iran sent details of its latest nuclear facility to the IAEA on Monday, saying it had established a second "pilot" enrichment plant, parallel to the one monitored by the IAEA near the city of Natanz.


  • 正好帮助我们完成这个,因为精神目标对于陀罗行者夫妇来说重要,就他们一样。

    Tantra can help us do just that because a spiritual goal is as important to the tantric couple as their love.


  • 格林俱乐部讨厌得很,没有它也过日子。

    The Tanglin Club is a bore she can do without.


  • 谢谢面试安德伍德先生希望见到你。

    Stanley: Thank you, Mr. Underwood, for your interview with me. I hope to see you again.


  • 研究结果显示服用唑吡患者站立行走重复词语句子词语命名物品没有自发语言

    The results showed that after receiving zolpidem, the patient was able to stand up and walk, repeat words and sentences, read words, and name objects, although she was not able to speak spontaneously.


  • 弗格森爵士奥贝进球而遗憾,依然相信释放毋庸质疑的潜力潜力证明自己价值

    Sir Alex Ferguson felt for his latest debutant after his failure to score, but he remains confident that Obertan will go on to prove his worth and realise his undoubted potential.


  • 爆炸理论”栏目的主持人詹姆•史斯费尔德解释说,这种汽车展示的是一个真正替代化石燃料的可选择引擎动力

    Bang Goes the Theory presenter Jem Stansfield explained that the cars demonstrate a genuine alternative to powering engines using fossil fuels.


  • 假如找出对方具有的某种配合点”,即便是初度碰头,无形中对方发生亲热感,一旦心理上间隔减少了,两边便轻易怀相待了。

    If you can find some "with each other with common", even first meeting, also can let each other in virtually kindness, once produce psychological distance narrowed, both sides will be easy to talk.


  • 纳可卖掉多少就卖多少,补偿它提供的食宿即使意味着制胶

    Tanner will probably sell her for as much as he can get to make up for her room and board, even if it means the glue factory.


  • 除了一个运行现代隐形护盾原型外,蒂斯隐藏了数千个斯帕蒂克隆舱。

    In addition to a working prototype of a modern cloaking shield, Mount Tantiss hid thousands of Spaarti cloning cylinders.


  • 施尔说:“网络缔造真实人际关系并不会导致孤僻人情淡漠。”施尔称自己休假时如果上网,就会感到紧张焦虑

    "The Web creates real relationships and does not result in autism and dehumanization," said Scheer, who admitted he gets nervous when he does not have Internet access while on vacation.


  • 施尔说:“网络缔造真实人际关系并不会导致孤僻人情淡漠。”施尔称自己休假时如果上网,就会感到紧张焦虑

    "The Web creates real relationships and does not result in autism and dehumanization," said Scheer, who admitted he gets nervous when he does not have Internet access while on vacation.


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