• 所以今天开始一直坚持持续下去不要害怕早晨太阳一定会再次升起

    Sobeginning today and lasting a lifetime though—hang in there, and don't be afraid to fee like the morning sun isi shining …just for you.


  • 患者必须坚持持续HIV治疗,从而控制HIV感染减少HIV相关性疾病

    Patients must stay on continuous HIV therapy to control HIV infection and decrease HIV-related illnesses.


  • 无论一路上发作什么事情,无论是阴险的,不可防止的,还是看不到出路的时候,坚持持续努力任务。

    No matter what happens along the way, whether it is insidious, inevitable, or do not see the future, I have insisted to continue to work hard.


  • 据透露,米歇尔是第二次学院看望那的学生,2年前继她第一该校,她还是坚持持续写信鼓励那的女生们坚持学业

    The First Lady had visited the school two years ago and has kept in touch ever since, writing letters and encouraging the girls in their studies.


  • 支持率持续走低的时候,如果不抗议者怒吼坚持自己计划也许什么好处也捞不到。

    With his popularity languishing near an all-time low, he may gain nothing from sticking firmly to his plans despite the howl of protests.


  • 坚持认为冲突持续下去直至停火条件得到满足为止。

    He insisted that the conflict would continue until conditions were met for a ceasefire.


  • Sainz Breeze坚持认为这种食物绝不儿戏,它可能一种新的持续蛋白质来源

    Sainz Breeze insist that such food is no joke and could be a new, sustainable source of protein.


  • 周密计划持续坚持,才可能成功

    After careful planning and constant persisting, one may be rewarded with success.


  • 每个影片最后由于持续活动重点能屈能伸动物总是可以形成新的网络如果需要坚持他们模具发现有效途径

    By the end of each video, the mold has found the most efficient paths and sticks to them, but as the continuous activity highlights, the resilient creature could always form new networks if needed.


  • 只要收藏少数几个网页就可以了,这些网页是持续阅读按里面的方法和信念坚持下去。

    Just bookmark a handful of websites that you will continuously read and stick with their teachings and beliefs.


  • 虽然燃烧持续三个小时但是莫斯科火灾安全部门发言人坚持消防队员准时到场,援救工作也做很好

    It burned for more than three hours, though Moscow fire safety department spokesman insisted that firefighters arrived on time and did their job well.


  • 史蒂芬·卡瑞拉医生,是布鲁克林医学中心名外科医生,他过去10年间持续坚持医疗援助。 他安排在未来几天动身地进行医疗援助。

    Dr. Stephen Carryl, a surgeon at the Brooklyn Hospital Centerwho has gone on medical missions regularly in the last 10 years, wasmaking arrangements to go to Haiti in the next few days.


  • 尼科西亚坚持反对欧盟努力建立塞普鲁斯直接贸易经济联系以此鼓励土耳其籍塞浦路斯族群持续支持重新统一

    Nicosia continues to oppose EU efforts to establish direct trade and economic links to north Cyprus as a way of encouraging the Turkish Cypriot community to continue to support reunification.


  • 我们一直在鼓励社区继续GlassFishgem开发工作并且我们也会坚持这些开发者的持续支持

    We will continue to encourage the community to continue working on the GlassFish gem and we will continue to offer assistance to those that want to continue to evolve the gem.


  • 实际上蒂利希认为我们真正需要勇气坚持下去面对无意义罪恶感的时候仍然持续下去的勇气。

    In fact, Tillich believed that the courage we really need is the courage to persist and continue in the face of feelings of guilt of meaninglessness.


  • 弗格森不和传言继续持续但是曼联坚持鲁尼哪里也不去。

    Speculation of a rift with Ferguson continues to grow but United insist Rooney is going nowhere.


  • 虽然一些患者需要一些疗程ECT而另一些则需要持续ect。他们通常一周一次开始,然后逐渐减少每月一次坚持

    Although some patients will need only a few courses of ECT, others may need maintenance ECT, usually once a week at first, then gradually decreasing to monthly treatments for up to one year.


  • 十分感激那些博客留言的人们,他们:“了解的,J.D.,我知道是怎样实现的,但我也努力坚持,尝试在几个的时间里持续更新一个博客。

    I appreciate the folks who come up to me and say, "you know, J."D., I don't know how you do it. I tried to keep a blog for a few months.


  • 正确地评估节食计划,从中找到一个自己可以长期持续坚持

    Evaluate diets carefully to find one that could work for you for the long term.


  • 婚姻之间的沟通困难么?通常这是可以计划的,无论如何坚持忍耐加上基本沟通技巧有效的沟通可以替代帮助他人建立持续一生桥梁

    However, with planning, persistence and patience, plus basic communication skills, effective communication can take place and allow you to build a bridge to each other that will last a lifetime.


  • 统治迪拜精英们坚持已经持续作为未来进行中的项目的重点。

    Dubai's ruling elite insists it now places "sustainability" at the heart of its plans for existing and future projects.


  • 因为需要坚持到底决心药物治疗的要求非常苛刻而且大多数情况下,治疗持续终身

    A lot of commitment is needed, since following a drug regime can be quite demanding and in most circumstances, the treatment will have to be taken for life.


  • 毕竟,在长期经济停滞伴随着持续失业率社会不满情绪时,相信削减开支承诺能够坚持下去呢?

    After all, who will believe that commitments to cut spending can survive a lengthy stagnation with prolonged high unemployment and social dissatisfaction?


  • 私营企业则通过日常经营坚持持续建立激励机制追求自身利益同时兼顾环境社会目标而做出贡献

    Private firms contribute when they commit to sustainability in their daily operations and also create incentives to pursue their interests while advancing environmental and social objectives.


  • 持续释放直到坚持没有什么喜欢喜欢

    Continue letting go until you have no more likes or dislikes with regard to holding on.


  • 事实上并非所有参与者都完成了这项持续二十四周的计划最终只有81%人坚持下来

    Not everyone actually completed the 24-week program; there were only 81 participants at the end.


  • 坚持原因生意模式不可持续

    In four years' time, because the business model was not sustainable.


  • 与大家过去多年对我们EF事业所作持续坚持付出和奋斗相比个月工作时间实在是没有任何历史感可言。

    Compared with the effort that all of you have contributed to ef in the past several years, the six months I have worked for ef is really short.


  • 与大家过去多年对我们EF事业所作持续坚持付出和奋斗相比个月工作时间实在是没有任何历史感可言。

    Compared with the effort that all of you have contributed to ef in the past several years, the six months I have worked for ef is really short.


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