• 一个物体要是遭到几个作用依然维持僻静,咱们物体处于均衡状况

    If a body is acted upon by a number of forces and still remains motionless, the body is said to be in equilibrium.


  • 研究共同弱点是,缺乏中国农村社会状况尤其是均衡状况关注

    The common weakness of the two kinds of studies lies in the lack of attention to the social state in rural China, especially the non-balance of the rural China.


  • 利用均衡评价模型及其软件可以快速计算均衡度指标,方便地画出用氧均衡状况氧气发生系统氧气用户的决策者提供满足氧气生产和使用要求的分析方法和计算方法。

    The index and graph of uniform use of oxygen are conveniently got with the assessment model of the uniform use of oxygen and its software. It provides a valid method for the oxygen manager.


  • 物质商品价格倾向于达到均衡,该价格供求状况而定。

    Prices for material goods tend toward equilibrium, depending on supply and demand.


  • 市场份额比例相当意味着高价得来的利益均衡,最大程度的减少一家大的状况

    A rough parity in market shares should mean that the benefits of high prices are split evenly, minimising the risk that one firm breaks ranks.


  • 现在,我们有很多对策方案可以通过减少不利得失均衡状况通过与其它生态系统服务之间形成有利的协同作用,保护或改善某些特定的生态系统服务。

    Many options exist to conserve or enhance specific ecosystem services in ways that reduce negative trade-offs or that provide positive synergies with other ecosystem services.


  • 弹性负载均衡可以进行一些基础Web服务器状况检查避免请求发送出现故障的服务器。

    Elastic Load Balancing can do some basic health checking of the Web servers to avoid sending requests to servers that are down.


  • 借由运动放松大笑任何开心的事,坚持均衡安康日子开释压力你坚持佳作业状况要害

    Through sports, relax, laugh and whatever it takes to make you happy, keep balance in Ankang the day, is the key to release the pressure, let you keep the best working status.


  • 均衡饮食包括指甲在内身体各部分的健康状况来说都必须的。

    Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for the overall health of the entire body, including the fingernails.


  • 26显示了小格栅水流均衡组合状况

    Such a combination of fine screening and flow equalization is shown in Figure No. 26.


  • 论述符合现实状况,现实状况技术社会动态均衡作用论。

    Actually, the argumentation that mutual influence between technology and society is in dynamic balanced condition tallies with the actuality.


  • 改变这种状况培育农民工利益集团达到博弈双方力量均衡

    To change this situation, it is necessary to:(1) form interest groups of the migrant workers to achieve a balanced game on both sides;


  • 结构设计缺陷均衡受力状况可能导致仪器框架结构变形甚至损毁导致仪器设备脱落损坏

    The defects and uneven force subjecting condition of the structural design may cause the deformation and damage of the unit frames, resulting in dropping and damaging of the instruments.


  • 人口空间结构状况趋于均衡,人口再分布活力明显下降

    The spatial distribution of population tended to imbalance, and the redistribution index declined obviously.


  • 本文通过均衡博弈分析,讨论不同市场状况性质银行竞争与整个行业服务水平关系

    To discuss the relationship between the service level of domestic banking and the competition structure, this paper set up a simple game.


  • 针对农村学校教师短缺分布均衡状况,着重从教育人事管理体制改革角度进行了两点探讨

    This paper probes into the management systems of education personnel and gives two views according to the fact that the country teachers are short and distribute unevenly.


  • 转变手艺需求状况或许阶段性地招致价钱不不变地一个短地时代直到新商场均衡抵达

    A change in technology or new demand conditions may periodically produce a short period of price instability until a new market equilibrium is reached.


  • 森林凋落物具有阻滞径流拦截泥沙均衡土壤状况等功效。

    Forest litter has considerable eco-hydrological effects in retarding surface runoff, trapping sediment, and equilibrating soil water and heat status.


  • 1980年,联合国教科文组织第21大会上,论证世界新闻传播均衡不平等状况提出建立国际新闻传播秩序

    In 1980, the 21st session of the General Assembly of UNESCO, has demonstrated the uneven spread of world news, inequality, and proposed the establishment of a new order of international media.


  • 1980年,联合国教科文组织第21大会上,论证世界新闻传播均衡不平等状况提出建立国际新闻传播秩序

    In 1980, the 21st session of the General Assembly of UNESCO, has demonstrated the uneven spread of world news, inequality, and proposed the establishment of a new order of international media.


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