• 偿试利用二元光学方法选择合适相位光束进行整形,并就高斯光束均匀化为进行了值计算。

    In the paper, it is attempted to choose suitable slices of phase for beam shaping by use of binary optics, for example, the uniformization of Gaussian beam is calculated numerically.


  • 通过计算曲线,直观地表示出液相均匀分布汽相横向混合填料塔当理理论塔板影响

    The influences of liquid maldistribution and the lateral mixing of gas on the equivalent NTP are shown by the curves calculated.


  • 通过试验得到转速破损均匀之间关系和播量关系。

    By the test, the relation of speed and seeding quantity, seeding uniformity, broken rate, and the relation of seeding quantity and column quantity of hole have been gotten.


  • 本文介绍阶乘能够消除统计起伏证明引入累积变量后可使粒子分布变得均匀;给出了消除粒子间关联效应的方。

    The method of removing statistics fluctuation with factorial moment was introduce and the cumulant variable able to even for distribution of multiparticle production was proved.


  • 刮板放置水平平面上,小调将待样品搅拌均匀,然后在沟槽最深部分试样滴,以能充满沟槽而略有余为好。

    Place the gauge on a horizontal, flat , non-slip surface . Stir the sample homogeneous with small palette knife , and the pour sufficient liquid into the deep end of the gauge channel.


  • 按照这个规则排布光束在光束有限情况下获得较高辐照均匀

    According to the rules, one can obtain higher irradiation uniformity under the case of limited number of beams.


  • 依据中心极限定理均匀分布随机求和的方法得到趋于高斯分布噪声

    White noise tending to Gaussian distribution is implemented by summing uniformly distributed random numbers according to the central limit theorem.


  • 采用均匀随机蒙特卡罗计算多重积分一种简单有效方法程序结构简单,易于编制调试

    Monte Carlo method by adopting uniform random number is a simple and effective way to calculate multiple integrals, its structure is simple and easy to program and debug.


  • 每年产品导入变化状况均匀分布线性增长增长三种情况进行模拟迭加研究

    According to the varying situation of the quantity of introduced products, we research it by uniform distribution, linear growth and exponential growth.


  • 种群格局信息能够刻划格局强度尺度变化程度揭示出种群个体分布均匀性状况。

    The information dimension of population patterns quantifies the scale variation degree of pattern intensity, and discloses the unevenness of individual distribution.


  • 选取了斑块平均斑块面积、斑块形状破碎化、分维景观异质性景观均匀指标进行研究分析。

    Several targets, such as patch number, average patch area, form index of patch, fragmentation index, sub-dimension, heterogeneity index of landscape and homogeneity index of landscape were studied.


  • 该方法通过混淆运算映射方式产生均匀、可用小于512的任意频隙跳频序列

    Through the operation of confusion and slot number mapping, a frequency hopping sequence can be produced with fine uniformity and less-than-512 arbitrary slot number.


  • 指明平衡系统宏观产生微观状态密度在空间随机均匀离开平衡引起

    It shows that the macroscopic entropy production in a nonequilibrium system is caused by spatially stochastic and inhomogeneous departure from equilibrium of the number density of micro-states.


  • 得到不同结构物流分配不均匀特性雷诺之间的关系式

    The correlations of the flow maldistribution characteristic with Reynolds number are obtained under different header configurations.


  • 使用计算流体力学软件FLUENT,模拟均匀固定圆柱流动,模拟雷诺20,40,100的绕流流动,得到场的流等值线图速度矢量图

    Uniform flow around a mounting cylinder is simulated with the application of FLUENT software while Reynolds number is 20, 40,100. Stream function and velocity vector distributions are indicated.


  • 对于改进型中心极限定理法概率密度转换器均匀分布随机做密度转换然后再累加产生正态分布的随机

    With new Central Limit Theorem, convert the uniform random number's probability density using probability density Converter, then add all generated random Numbers.


  • 均匀随机为基础,根据大中心极限定理,产生高斯分布随机

    Based on pseudo random uniformity number and the central limit theory of great numeral, random Numbers of Gaussian distribution are produced.


  • 声呐阵阵增加条件下,本文方法抑制均匀线影响

    At the cost of increasing the number of the array elements, the method presented in this paper can reduce the affection of the mutual coupling among array elements.


  • 表土颗粒分形维粘粒含量显著正相关,与均匀呈显著相关。

    The dimensions are positively relative with clay content, and significantly negative with even index.


  • 方法:先溃疡中央,再沿中央往外均匀点刺溃疡面大小),溃疡

    Method:Regards ulcer surface size, on ulcer surface the even prompt piercing number needle to dozens of needles. Ulcers with blood covered is appropriate.


  • 对于断裂体系而言分形越大,则断裂分布均匀,断裂越发育

    Fault systems with larger fractal dimension consist of better developed and less evenly distributed faults.


  • 在分离LV上相同方向、均匀切片使用无偏立体学方法,评估心肌细胞核每个心肌细胞的细胞核

    Isotropic, uniformly random sections were cut from theisolated LV, and the total number of myocyte nuclei and the average number of nuclei per myocyte were estimated using unbiased stereology.


  • GOOGLE一天的时间内均匀发布广告使你的点击预算内低于预算

    If your daily budget is lower than the recommended amount, Google will deliver your ads evenly throughout the day to keep your clicks at or below your daily budget.


  • 本文设计了频率CO2激励射流,将横向注入马赫2.5的均匀超声速当中。

    The CO2 jet excited under three different frequencies was injected into the Mach 2.5 supersonic flow.


  • 著名的当外婆红烧肉肥瘦均匀特制的瓦罐内,酥软适中,入口即溶。

    The most well known dish is nothing but Grandmother pork braised in brown sauce that a well-marbled roast of meat is packed in a big special pottery jar and it is crumbly and delicious.


  • 著名的当外婆红烧肉肥瘦均匀特制的瓦罐内,酥软适中,入口即溶。

    The most well known dish is nothing but Grandmother pork braised in brown sauce that a well-marbled roast of meat is packed in a big special pottery jar and it is crumbly and delicious.


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