• 解释了均匀带电球面场强问题

    The problem why the field intensity of the inner of uniform charged ball is zero is explained.


  • 我们接着讨论细长均匀带电直导线所产生的电场

    We consider next the electric field set up by a long thin uniformly charged wire.


  • 通过几种不同方法计算分析均匀介质球体静电

    Gives some kinds of calculations and analysis on electrostatic energy of dielectric spheroid with homogenous charges.


  • 介绍计算均匀带电圆环周围空间任意激发电场强度方法

    This paper introduces the method of calculation of strength of electric field excited at random point around the uniformly electric ring.


  • 叠加原理,导出了有限均匀带电圆柱面电势电场级数表达式

    According to the superposition theorem of the field, the series solutions of the potential and the field of a thin cylindrical surface having limited length charged uniformly are derived.


  • 点电荷电势计算公式出发推导出了瓣形均匀带电其直径处的电势分布。

    The potential profile on the diametral line on uniformly charged petal-like plane is deduced by means of potential formula of point charges.


  • 假设带电表面均匀带电,运用积分求电势电场分布方法实际意义不大。

    On assumption that the surface of the conductive body is uniformly charged, the method for evaluation of the electric field and potential distribution is insignificant in practice.


  • 根据点电荷电势叠加原理导出均匀带电圆环电势和电场级数表达式。

    According to the electric potential of a point charge and the superposition theorem of the field, a series solutions of the potential and the field of a uniformly charged ring are derived.


  • 直角坐标系中分别表示出均匀带电椭圆形中心轴线上任意位置处电势电场

    In the rectangular coordinate system, we express the electric field intensity and different position electric field energy of the elliptical ring with positive electric charge in the central axis.


  • 直角坐标系分别表示均匀带电椭圆形中心轴线上任意位置处的电势电场

    The new solution of an electric potential and an electric field distributions for a charged electric conduct ring.


  • 根据电势叠加原理,导出均匀带电圆盘电势的级数表达式,进而给出了等势方程。

    We obtain the series solution of the potential of a uniformly charged disc and its equipotential surfaces using the superposition theorem.


  • 均匀带电圆环电磁学理论应用中的基本模型研究产生电场空间分布具有重要意义

    A uniformly charged ring is a basic model in electromagnetics and applications, and it is important to study spatial distribution of electric field and electric potential generated by it.


  • 真空无限大均匀电介质中,无限大均匀带电平面电场强度处处相等场点距离该平面远近无关

    In the vacuum or infinite evenly charged dielectric materials, the field strength of its surface equals at all spots. And it has no relation with the distance of the field spots to the surface.


  • 本文讨论带电粒子均匀电磁运动普遍情况及其一般规律并由此推出几种常见常见特殊情况。

    This paper discusses the common movement of the charged particle inthe uniform electric-magnetic field and its universal law, from which special cases happening commonly and uncommonly are deduced.


  • 提供镶嵌油漆分子均匀粗糙表面涂漆层中的有机无机材料含有带电荷的极性官能团

    Surface paint molecules provide inlaid evenly and slightly rough, organic or inorganic material coating shall contain polar groups charged.


  • 用双量子理论描述带电粒子均匀磁场中的运动,得到对单个粒子运动状况完全描述

    Double wave quantum theory is applied to describe the motion of charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. This description of the motion of the particle is complete.


  • 文章指出均匀磁场带电粒子量子运动违反规范不变原理

    It is pointed out that the quantum motion of charged particles in uniform magnetic field does not violate the gauge invariance principle.


  • 经典电动力学基础上,讨论辐射阻尼影响相对论性带电粒子均匀磁场中的经典运动

    On the basis of classical electrodynamics, the classical motion of non-relativistic charged particle affected by radiantly damping force in equally magnetic field was discussed in the peper.


  • 讨论均匀磁场向同性带电谐振子函数描述得到量子和经典极限条件下的结果。

    Double wave function quantum theory is applied to describe the motion of three dimension isotropy charged harmonic oscillator in a uniform magnetic field.


  • 转轴同心地放着有限长的通电螺线管边缘均匀对称固定若干带电金属小球

    In concentric with the shaft of the plate to lay on a finite length solenoid power, the edge of the plate with a number of symmetrical fixed charged metal ball.


  • 用微分方程严格解,讨论带电粒子均匀磁场中的运动轨迹,得出带电粒子在均匀磁场中的运动轨迹螺旋线结论,目的是加深带电粒子在磁场中运动问题的理解。

    Discussed moving equation of bring electric particle in even magnitism field. Conclusion is spiral line for moving trade in even magnitism field. Objective is to deepened understand question.


  • 用微分方程严格解,讨论带电粒子均匀磁场中的运动轨迹,得出带电粒子在均匀磁场中的运动轨迹螺旋线结论,目的是加深带电粒子在磁场中运动问题的理解。

    Discussed moving equation of bring electric particle in even magnitism field. Conclusion is spiral line for moving trade in even magnitism field. Objective is to deepened understand question.


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