• 事先确认避难途径避难场所

    Please check evacuation routes and evacuation sites.


  • 适用宾馆酒楼商场高层建筑公共场所

    Apply to hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, high-rise buildings, public venues and so on.


  • 适用于噪音污染要求严格场所楼宇医院办公场所

    Apply to noise pollution demanding places, such as buildings, hospitals, office space, and so on.


  • 广泛应用于机械设备配套厨房油烟厂矿企业公共场所通风换气

    Widely used in machinery and equipment facilities, kitchen fume extraction, the use of the ventilation of factories and enterprises and public places.


  • 管制措施包括设置"、禁止"侵犯性乞讨"以及禁止占用城市的公共场所

    These regulations include establishing "prohibited areas", prohibiting "aggressive panhandling'and public space occupying and so on.


  • 报道了罗氏沼虾配合饲料加工储存方法以及、投饲时间、投饲场所投饲技术。

    The paper also reported the manufacture and storage of the feed, and the feeding technique such as the feeding amount, the feeding time and the feeding spot was reported as well.


  • 可以影响农业机组运用效果众多因素分为机器对象组织方法场所六个方面。

    A number of factors affecting the utilizing results of Agricultural Machinery Unit can be divided in six aspects: human factors, machine, operation targets, organization, method and working district.


  • 护栏主要用于工厂车间仓库停车场商业区公共场所场合设备设施保护防护

    Fence is mainly used in factories, workshops, warehouses, car parks, commercial areas, public places and places in the protection of equipment and facilities and protection.


  • 产品广泛用于衣柜滑动电视背墙隔断家庭酒店宾馆娱乐场所等玻璃装饰最佳选择

    The products are widely used in chest sliding doors, TV parados, partition and so on, is the family, hotel, hotel, entertainment glass decoration the best choice.


  • 一些新型游憩电影院、体育运动场所城市公园综合性娱乐场所等应运产生,集中分布汉口

    Many modern recreational places, for example, cinemas, playgrounds, parks and some integrative recreational grounds, emerged and came in full flourish rapidly in Hankow.


  • 该厂各大宾馆饭店、餐厅、烟、酒企业旅游业休闲娱乐场所提供专用礼品火柴的生产厂家。

    As the particular crafts and gifts, the products of the factory are specially provided for the hotels, restaurants, tourist agencies (markets), entertainment industries and the tobacconists.


  • 灵活公共-私人相互关系位于人行道半层,可以成为一个画廊论坛文化连廊互动场所

    This is a flexible space of public-private interrelationships, located a half-level below the sidewalk, that can become a gallery, forum or place for interacting during the Cultural Corridor, etc.


  • 移动静音系列移动电站分为挂车汽车自载式,适用于噪音污染要求严格场所楼宇医院办公场所

    Mobile muted series of mobile power station into trailers and self-contained car-that applies to noise pollution demanding places, such as buildings, hospitals, office space, and so on.


  • 酒店咖啡馆酒吧公共场所使用Wi-Fi数据暴露安全网络

    Using Wi-Fi in a public place such as a hotel, cafe or bar can expose your data to a network which is not secure.


  • 男校年轻人表达情感,让他们参与艺术舞蹈音乐活动最佳场所

    Boys' schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music.


  • 被拒绝进入火车站和机场场所

    He was refused to enter places like railway stations and airports.


  • 中国,你会看见一大群人在公园和广场公共场所打太极。

    You will see in China big groups of people doing tai chi in public places, such as parks and squares.


  • 府在公共场所放置了许多带有玻璃和金属回收标志的特殊垃圾箱,让人们回收玻璃瓶和金属罐垃圾。

    The government has put many special rubbish bins with glass and metal recycling signs in public places to get people to recycle waste like glass bottles and metal cans.


  • 这些措施包括《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的执行提高烟草禁止烟草广告通过立法抑制公共场所吸烟

    Such measures include implementing the WHO Framework Convention on tobacco Control, such as raising taxes on tobacco, banning tobacco advertising and legislating to curb smoking in public places.


  • 鉴于这些原因我们火车公共汽车、学校医院剧院餐馆商店公共场所禁止吸烟

    For these reasons, we should ban smoking in public places such as trains, buses, schools, hospitals, theatres, restaurants and stores.


  • 培训内容包括基本数学技能生活技能,诸如如何着装如何展示言谈举止处理工作场所发生冲突

    Instruction includes basic math skills and life skills, such as how to dress, behave, and deal with conflict in the work place.


  • 那里可能规划森林相关活动的适宜场所,如公园动物园营地

    These are good places to plan forest-related activities – a park, a zoo, a camp.


  • 尤其医院工业场所旅馆休闲中心采用这些控制措施极大地减少军团菌染污可能性预防散发病例发生

    Applying such controls particularly in hospitals, industrial sites, hotels, leisure centres, etc will greatly reduce the risk of legionella contamination and prevent the occurrence of sporadic cases.


  • 报告员走访了北京第二监狱、第二看守所和北京女子劳教所羁押场所一些在押人员进行了交谈

    Mr. Nowak visited such detention places as Beijing's Second Prison, Second Detention Center, Beijing's Female Center for Reeducation through Labor and talked with some detainees.


  • 健身房属公共场所除非正在一个重要电话,否则还是建议你关掉手机

    As with all public places, unless you're waiting for an important call, it's recommended that you turn off your mobile phone at the gym.


  • 一些培训课程主要通过计算机教室或者是比较的公共互联网接入点加以提供,也同时通过工厂、老人院场所加以提供。

    Some of the trainings took place not in computer classes or bigger PIAPs but also in factories, old peoples homes etc.


  • 一些培训课程主要通过计算机教室或者是比较的公共互联网接入点加以提供,也同时通过工厂、老人院场所加以提供。

    Some of the trainings took place not in computer classes or bigger PIAPs but also in factories, old peoples homes etc.


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