• 盾构施工城市地铁区间隧道施工主要方法之一

    Shield construction method is one of the main methods of interzone tunnel construction in urban underground.


  • 大多数地铁区间隧道中,通常同一地层平行修筑两条隧道

    The parallel dual-subway tunnels are often constructed in the same buried depth of most metro running tunneling.


  • 全面分析影响地铁区间隧道安全体系各个因素建立层次结构模型

    An overall analysis of factors influencing the safety system of metro running tunnel was carried out; a Hierarchy structure Model is set up.


  • 模型模拟实际施工过程中然后动态地分析地铁区间隧道开挖感情

    The model simulated the practical construction process and then dynamically analyzed the affection of excavating on metro tunnel.


  • 地铁区间隧道顶部开孔利用地铁列车运行产生活塞进行自然通风换气一种可能的通风技术手段

    Natural ventilation that made use of piston wind induced by metro operation at the top opening of metro tunnel is a possible means of ventilation technology.


  • 位移内力角度,归纳出断面形式区间隧道抗震性能影响规律提出地铁区间隧道断面形式的优选择

    Summarized the influence law of seismic performance of the tunnel under the form of section from displacement and internal force, and proposed the most perfect form of section on the tunnel.


  • 结果表明土体-地铁区间隧道抗震分析考虑土体向异性的影响必要的,所提出的计算模型是可行的。

    And the results show that it is necessary to take account of anisotropy of layered soil effect in the seismic analysis of shield tunnel system in layered soil.


  • 采用拱背非均布荷载作用模式利用理论计算公式结合弹性圆环城市地铁区间隧道衬砌管片进行内力计算

    The paper introduces uneven load in the arch-back to calculate the internal force in the linking of an interval tunnel for a metro line by theoretical formula and elastic uniform rigidity ring model.


  • 工程实例出发介绍顶地铁盾构区间隧道联络通道施工中的应用情况

    With a practical project, authors state application status of the pipe jacking method in construction of contact tunnels of a subway shield zone tunnel.


  • 为了严格控制既有环线区间隧道沉降确保环线地铁运营安全首次采用了顶管超前预支护。

    In order to control the subsidence of the interval tunnel and guarantee the safety of operation strictly, pipe-jacking is used as pre-support for the first time.


  • 北京地铁4线白石桥至学院南路区间线隧道作为工程背景阐述复杂环境下浅埋大跨隧道施工的地层沉降控制方法

    Taking the crossover tunnel in the Baishiqiao-Xueyuannanlu metro section tunnel of Beijing metro No 4 as the engineering background, the control method for ground subsidence is introduced.


  • 广州地铁线区间工程实例介绍构法隧道长距离硬岩地层段采用钻爆法开挖管片衬砌施工技术

    Taking the shield-driven tunnel works of line 3 of Guangzhou Metro as example, the article presents the shield construction technology taken for the long-di…


  • 介绍地铁复八线大热区间隧道复杂地层施工地下水治理马头门结构施工配套技术类似工程施工提供了成功经验。

    The paper gives a description of the ground dewatering at the construction site and the technique of constructing the access to the tunnel.


  • 上海地铁1线区间隧道采用盾构法施工,地下车站采用地下连续法施工,土木工程已于1994年全线竣工

    The civil works of Shanghai metro No. 1 line was completed in spring of 1994. The metro stations are mainly built by diaphragm wall .


  • 上海明珠线东方车站附近区间隧道相邻地铁二号线的区间隧道建设的,二者中心线间的最小距离为12.3 m。

    Shield-driven tunnels of the Pearl Line 2 were constructed adjacent to the Metro Line 2 tunnels near Dongfang Road Station in Shanghai.


  • 冻结施工软弱含水土层施工的辅助方法之一,北京地铁大北车站区间隧道水平冻结施工工程是我国首例隧道水平冻结施工。

    Freezing construction is an auxiliary method in soft and water-bearing ground. The horizontal freezing construction was firstly applied in Dabeiyao Station of Beijing metro tunnel.


  • 成都地铁一号线一期工程区间隧道大多通过富水卵石地层含有少量粒径漂石

    The first stage project of line 1 of Chengdu Metro mostly passes through water-rich sandy cobble ground, which contains a small amount of large boulders.


  • 广州地铁线区间工程实例介绍构法隧道长距离地层段采用钻爆法开挖管片衬砌施工技术

    Taking the shield-driven tunnel works of line 3 of Guangzhou Metro as example, the article presents the shield construction technology taken for the long-distance hard rock ground, where the tunnel i…


  • 广州地铁线区间工程实例介绍构法隧道长距离地层段采用钻爆法开挖管片衬砌施工技术

    Taking the shield-driven tunnel works of line 3 of Guangzhou Metro as example, the article presents the shield construction technology taken for the long-distance hard rock ground, where the tunnel i…


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