• "人们开始地表的特殊岩层进行编目分类时起,大家开始期望能够以某种方式利用这些岩层计算地质年代。

    Ever since people had begun to catalog the strata in particular outcrops, there had been the hope that these could somehow be used to calculate geological time.


  • 冲突强度、大面积的地质破坏援助速度等参数都被作为创伤反应分类参考数据

    Variables like intensity of impact, extended geographical destruction, rapidity of assistance are examples of modifiers that have emerged to categorize reactions to trauma.


  • 分析结果地质采样结果海图吻合,说明本文提出方法应用于窄带脉冲信号的海底底质分类适用的。

    The result is accord with geological sample and sediment chart, so this method can be applied on sediment classification of narrow-band pulse echo sound signal.


  • 本文结果表明土质分类以及地质场地条件两者场地特定反应标定中都采用

    It is shown that both the soil classification and geological site condition should be used in the scaling of site specific response spectrum amplitudes.


  • 通过多年理论实践研究火山地质景观区的资源分类评价工作有了一定基础同样存在诸多问题。

    After years of theoretical and practical research, geological resource classification and evaluation method of volcanic landscape has some foundation, but there also.


  • 基结构分类堤基渗透变形、堤坡稳定性分析堤基工程地质分段评价提供了方法依据

    The levee classification provides the method and basis for analysis of levee foundation seepage deformation, levee slope stability and segmented evaluation on levee engineering geology.


  • 通过调查研究提出了煤层顶板工程地质分类方案方案简单易行,验证可靠适用煤田勘探阶段

    Based on the investigation and research, a new plan of engineering geology classification is put forward. The plan is easy and reliable, suitable to the exploration stage.


  • 首先对煤矿地质条件进行分类采用连续介质力学理论探讨条带开采合理条带煤柱尺寸

    The coal mine's geological conditions are classified, and the rational sizes of strip coal pillars in strip mining are discussed using the theory of continuous medium mechanics.


  • 本文论述旅游景观资源的性质功能以及分类模式,特别是旅游地质景观特点。

    This paper discusses the characteristics, functions and classification mode of the geological landscapes for tourist industry.


  • 地质勘查资质专业分类注册登记条件另行发布。

    The professional classifications of the qualifications for geological reconnaissance and the conditions for registration are separately promulgated.


  • 得到区域地球化学分类反映了一定的岩性分布构造特点区域地质调查提供线索。

    The geochemical classification map obtained by this method reflects the characters of lithologic distribution and structure, which can provide the thread of the regional geologic survey in such area.


  • 两个版本地质矿产实验室测试质量管理规范》选矿试验分类定义提出了作者的意见

    The ideas have been posed on classifications and definitions of ore dressing experiments in two editions of in this paper.


  • 试验结果表明基于地理地质环境分块分类方法高效精确的。

    The results show that the classification method based on the division of geographic and geological environment is efficient and precise.


  • 通过唐钢石人沟铁矿地质条件研究,以及在岩块力学试验的基础上,对唐钢石人沟铁矿岩体rmr进行分类然后霍克·布朗公式岩体力学参数进行了估算。

    Based on the test of rock mass mechanics, the rock mass of Shirengou Iron Mine was classified by RMR method, and then, the parameters of rock mass mechanics were estimated by Hoek-Brown.


  • 生态建设环境保护地质地貌植物分类遗传育种相关研究提供了可靠的孢粉学参考

    It provided reliable referenced materials for correlative researches, such as ecology construction, environmental protection, geology and landforms, plant taxonomy and genetic breeding, etc.


  • 最小标度区间内研究样品有利于区别不属于同一母体异常样品这个方法适用地质对象评价分类判别

    To study the samples in minimum interval, it is beneficial to differentiate abnormal sample from population. The method can be used in appraisal and distinguish of the geological objects.


  • 讨论矿产资源开发引起环境地质问题出发,对湖南形成机制进行分类

    Setting out from discussing the geological environment questions caused by development of resources of mineral products, this paper classified the forming mechanism of the mine earthquakes of Hunan.


  • 采用围岩分类专家系统中的不确定性推理处理方法,以工程地质家谷德振提出岩体结构划分标准为基础,对金川二矿区(矿)体用模糊数学择近原则的方法进行模糊综合判别。

    Rock mechanics models have been established for different types of rock structure to offer a reliable mechanical basis for the analog analysis of host rock stability while mining in a broad area.


  • 然后将V_K均匀和动态分析法综合在一起,构成了个适合平面有序地质变量统计分类系统

    The classifying system is made up of three parts: V_K method, cluster analysis and a new parameter which is defined as degree of uniformity.


  • 由于地理位置地质条件复杂性,拟地带性土壤分类方法进行建模

    In sophisticated geographic and geological conditions, models are sorted out in the zonation character of soils.


  • 复杂地质条件下的煤进行了分类对复杂地质条件下的煤巷支护技术进行了研究分析提出了合理的有效措施

    The entries in complicated geological conditions are categorized and discribed, whose bolt and mesh support technique is analysed, some reazonable measures are put forward.


  • 分类方案系统归纳各类城市环境地质问题同时城市中特定环境问题类型特征进行了分析。

    The scheme systematically sums up the different urban environmental problems the urban zones faced, and the characteristics of specific urban environmental problems are analyzed.


  • 研究产生影响因素分类对此地质灾害防治具有重要的理论意义与经济价值。

    The research on the influence factors of its occurrence and classification is very important to prevent geologic disasters theoretically and practically.


  • 地质样品分类地质一个重要问题

    The classification of geological samples is one of the important problems in geology.


  • 本文论述了陕西崩塌灾害,并根据陕西地质地貌特征地质灾害防御实践,对区内的崩塌进行分类,在此基础上分析总结了陕西崩塌灾害的时空分布特征。

    Based on geological features and disaster mitigation practice of Shaanxi, this paper expounded its collapse hazards and types and analyzed its distribution features of time and space.


  • 本文对落叶松人工林进行立地分类地质量评价的基础上,建立了落叶松人工林的矩阵模型和单木生长模型。

    Based on the site classification and site evaluation, the matrix models (size class model) and individual tree growth model was developed in this paper.


  • 城市评价迄今研究

    The studies of the evaluation of the types of urban land quality classification are so far very few.


  • 对于只具有表层地质资料一般建筑场地,本文根据波速随深度平均变化规律提供了粗略分类方法

    A rough method of site classification depending on. the average S-wave velocity within shallow depth of site foundation is suggested when the detailed geological data are unavailable.


  • 锚杆地质工程中应用比较普遍,本文介绍某水电站工程水泥砂浆锚杆质量检测典型波形锚杆质量分类分析方法

    This paper introduces the typical curves and the method of analysis on detecting quality evaluation of the cement mortar anchor bars.


  • 锚杆地质工程中应用比较普遍,本文介绍某水电站工程水泥砂浆锚杆质量检测典型波形锚杆质量分类分析方法

    This paper introduces the typical curves and the method of analysis on detecting quality evaluation of the cement mortar anchor bars.


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