• 后来调查发现,令英军望风而溃敌人无非芦苇丛中数以百计受惊乱走的

    Later investigation revealed that the enemy who had put the British to flight were nothing more than hundreds of land crabs, which had been moving about among the reeds in alarm.


  • 篮球大小的椰子(coconutcrab)也是科学家们研究的对象,椰子世界最大类,圣诞岛上椰子数量是世界上最多的。

    The same went for the basketball-size coconut crab (see picture), the world's biggest land crab, of which Christmas Island has the world's largest population.


  • 他们永远不会没有品味客人提供龙虾——出现许多美国人餐桌上菜肴

    They would never have the bad taste to offer a guest lobster stew or steamed crab legsdishes that appear on many American tables.


  • 显然由于捕捞已经灭绝曾经很强大的芬兰舰队现在海底四处搜寻疯狂

    It had, apparently, been fished out of existence; and the once might Newfoundland fleet now gropes about frantically for crab on the sea floor.


  • 它们不停特拉华狂吃的原因完全是因为老天爷在那里安排了另一种生物马蹄古老的奇怪动物

    Their ability to go on a sustained eating binge while at the bay is due entirely to another creature: the horseshoe crab. These bizarre animals are among the oldest on Earth.


  • 他们希望了解是否入侵离开或者是永久片浅水区域殖民

    They want to know whether the crabs will invade and leave, or permanently colonize the shallow areas.


  • 他们不会没有品味客人上炖龙虾腿,而这些很多美国人餐桌上是常见的。

    They would never have the bad taste to offer a guest lobster stew or steamed crab legs-dishes that appear on many American tables.


  • 莎莉快脚觉得恶意,于是殷勤距离不到英尺阳光下了支舞。

    This Sally Lightfoot crab decided that I meant no harm and just politely danced for me in the sunlight less than a foot away.


  • 我们以为小小的垃圾桶但是椰子物种最大节肢动物。

    We were hoping that was just a tiny trash can but, no, it's a coconut crab, which is the biggest arthropod that lives on land.


  • USAA旗下贵重金属矿物基金经理DanDenbow已经刻意从来都不增加只狗只猫寄居水族馆的所用费用

    Dan Denbow, co-manager of USAA's precious metals and minerals fund, said he had purposely never added up all the expenses from his four dogs, two cats, hermit crab and aquarium.


  • 我们以为小小的垃圾桶但是椰子物种最大节肢动物。

    We were hoping that was just a tiny trash can but, no, it's a coconut crab , which is the biggest arthropod that lives on land.


  • 到处是黑人,倾身匍匐,海,小龙虾,尖头,在他们身上爬上爬下,爬东爬西。

    Negroes are prostrate everywhere and morays and crawfish and spider crabs are moving around and over their bodies.


  • 摩羯-:性格完全不同的这对搭档能相处。摩羯座的安全感忠诚信任恰好能形成完美的配合。

    You are polar opposites that do quite well together. Security from you and loyalty and trust from the Crab.


  • 它们不停特拉华狂吃的原因完全是因为老天爷在那里安排了另一种生物马蹄古老的奇怪动物

    Their ability to go on a sustained eating binge while at the bay is due entirely to another creature: the horseshoe crab . These bizarre animals are among the oldest on Earth.


  • 然而如果进食较多较少的熟食,胆固醇指标真正降下来

    Yet if you eat more crabs and prawns, and less of those prepared foods, your cholesterol count can actually fall.


  • 依山傍水历史名城绝对喜欢浪漫的的理想的度假目的

    An old city by the water is the perfect vacation destination for a antic like you, cancer.


  • 你们好的伙伴关系一起可以相互促进,共同提高。你能需要的安全感,同样,你也能从巨座那里得到渴望的激情忠诚

    Good partnership. You will enhance one another. You offer the Crab the necessary security and, in return, you receive the affection and loyalty you desire.


  • 为什么寄居要不停搬家

    Why does the hermit crab have to change its home?


  • 大学的密友第一次约会回来时很惊诧描述同伴完全知道应该怎么。”

    A close friend at university came back from a first date aghast that her companion "had no idea how to eat crab."


  • 镜头转而落到女士身上兴高彩烈打开家门,眼前一亮身着制服员手中接过一八只装的特级

    It pans to a happy lady opening the door of her home and beaming as she takes delivery of the box of 8 Special Grade crabs from the smartly uniformed crab Courier.


  • 发明涉及食品技术领域具体说是一种保健配方其特征在于:这种保健配方由柿子组成

    The invention relates to the technical field of food, in particular to a health care prescription which is characterized in that the health care prescription comprises crab and persimmon.


  • 探索通信公司致命捕捞电视节目就是那些渔民进行报道,一直以来它都是高清和3 - D的热衷者,而且很早就开始接受这些了。

    Discovery Communications, whose "Deadliest Catch" television show follows those crab fishermen, has been a keen early adopter of high-definition television and 3-d.


  • 描述如今专家坦言,环境污染栖息消失正在彻底摧毁全球水域重要的一类守护者。全球第六大淡水种群正濒临灭绝

    Caption: Pollution and habitat loss are wiping out one of the essential guardians of the world's river systems, it was claimed today.


  • 描述如今专家坦言,环境污染栖息消失正在彻底摧毁全球水域重要的一类守护者。全球第六大淡水种群正濒临灭绝

    Caption: Pollution and habitat loss are wiping out one of the essential guardians of the world's river systems, it was claimed today.


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