• 火星大小几乎地球一半质量地球1/10.

    Mars is nearly half the size of Earth but around one tenth the mass.


  • 由于地球看起来是个球形,同一时间太阳只能地球一半

    Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time.


  • GD 362直径地球一半质量太阳差不多,因此地球致密

    GD 362's diameter is about half of the Earth's, but its mass is about that of the sun, making GD 362 far more dense than our planet.


  • 虽然火星的表面积相当于地球陆地面积但是它直径只有地球一半密度也小于地球,只有地球体积的15%,地球质量11%。

    Even though Mars has almost the same land surface area as Earth, it has only half the diameter and less density than Earth - possessing roughly 15% of Earth's volume and 11% of its mass.


  • 地球历史上的这次重大灾难以物种大量消亡标志;当时地球多达一半物种灭绝了。

    This break in Earth's history is marked by a mass extinction, when as many as half the species on the planet became extinct.


  • 20世纪90年代,地球原有雨林只剩下不到一半而且它们每年继续惊人速度消失

    By the 1990's, less than half of the earth's original rain forests remained, and they continued to disappear at an alarming rate every year.


  • 男性同行相比申请地球科学博士后学位女性收到优秀推荐的概率几乎只有男性的一半

    Female applicants to postdoctoral positions in geosciences were nearly half as likely to receive excellent letters of recommendation, compared with their male counterparts.


  • 界上有一半种类的动物、植物和昆虫生活在地球的热带雨林中。

    One half of the world's species of animals, plants and insects live in the Earth's rainforests.


  • 目前地球上,超过一半动植物物种生活在热带雨林之中

    Rainforests currently hold more than half of all the plant and animal species on Earth.


  • 森林包含着地球一半资源,形成巨大威胁

    Since forests hold half of all terrestrial carbon, this presents a huge threat.


  • 地球光合作用仅仅为之前三分之一一半

    We now co-opt between one third and one half of all the photosynthesis on the planet.


  • 一份报告警告称人类自然资源需求量不到50年内翻了一番目前超出地球供应能力的一半

    Human demands on natural resources have doubled in under 50 years and are now outstripping what the Earth can provide by more than half, a new report has warned.


  • 闯入地球小行星一般认为白垩-第三纪灭绝,即恐龙遭受大灭绝的主要原因之一。 那次毁灭性事件灭绝了地球上超过一半的物种,为哺乳动物成为地球上的首要物种扫清了道路。

    The extinction was caused by a massive asteroid slamming into Earth at Chicxulub in Mexico.


  • 这个理论认为早期时候,地球曾经被一颗火星大小(相当于地球体积一半)的行星撞击。

    An object about the size of mars-half the size of earth-slammed into our planet very early in its formation, the theory says.


  • 我们认为地球水资源无限的,句话只对一半因为一滴雨水都会汇入海洋海洋里的水又能蒸发天空中。

    Our trust in Earth's infinite generosity was half right, as every raindrop will run to the ocean, and the ocean will rise into the firmament.


  • 所观察地球一半活体有机物细菌组成,这些细菌种类繁多,有着数不胜数未经发现基因

    As he observes, half the mass of living organisms on the planet is made of bacteria and these bacteria are divided into zillions of species with countless unidentified genes.


  • 湿热热带丛林里丰富多彩的野生生物构成整个地球动植物种类一半还要

    The colourful wildlife found in tropical humid forests makes up more than half of the animal and plant species on Earth.


  • 现在估计地球大约一半生物生活地下深度约5千米以下的地方。

    Current estimates suggest that half of all the living matter on Earth lives underground, at depths of up to 5km.


  • 地球大约一半原始森林砍伐殆尽

    About half the Earth's original forest area has been cleared.


  • 使用其他来源收集钾(一种主要元素)的数据放射估计能够地球产生热量一半

    Using data gathered from other sources on potassium-the other major element-they were able to estimate that radiogenic heat accounts for half of the heat produced by the Earth.


  • 地底下还是很多石油我们目前已经消耗地球一半原油储备),原油的终结可能好几十之外的事情,但它的开端已经开始

    There is lots of oil still in the ground (we’ve used about half of the planet’s generous endowment), but while the end of oil may be many decades away, the beginning of the end is now.


  • 地球史上发生迅速全球变暖,均扩大化反馈作用引起一次,都有超过一半动植物地球消失

    Several times in Earth's history, rapid global warming occurred, apparently spurred by amplifying feedbacks. In each case, more than half of plant and animal species became extinct.


  • 地区面积地球表面一半居住世界人口的59%,遭受自然灾害占世界的70%以上

    The region covers half of the earth's surface, is home to 59% of the world's population, but has had over 70% of the world's natural disasters.


  • 答案:由于地球看上去太阳只能一半

    Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time.


  • 当时距离地球236000英里(380000公里),图片显示了地球一半伊斯坦布尔开普敦及其以东地区笼罩一片夜色之中。

    Shot from a distance of about 236, 000 miles (380, 000 kilometers), this image shows half of Earth, from Istanbul to Cape Town and areas east, shrouded in night.


  • 大部分不会意识微生物存在,因为他们肉眼看不见,事实上,微生物占据了地球大约一半生物量所有动物加起来,也不过地球总生物量的千分之一。

    Most people don't realize it, because they're invisible, but microbes make up about a half of the Earth's biomass, whereas all animals only make up about about one one-thousandth of all the biomass.


  • 尽管地球水资源丰富但是超过97%咸水剩下不到3%的水又有一半以上要么冻结两极,要么是构成冰川

    THERE is a lot of water on Earth, but more than 97% of it is salty and over half of the remainder is frozen at the poles or in glaciers.


  • 同样的,木星距离地球如今距离的一半也会地球一个相似的力场Barnes补充道

    Likewise, a Jupiter about half the distance to Earth as its present location would have had a similar steading hand, Barnes added.


  • 豪厄格-古尔·伯格海洋地球”,释放出世界一半氧气吸收30%人类制造的二氧化碳

    Hoegh-Guldberg said oceans were the Earth's "heart and lungs", producing half of the world's oxygen and absorbing 30 percent of man-made carbon dioxide.


  • 豪厄格-古尔·伯格海洋地球”,释放出世界一半氧气吸收30%人类制造的二氧化碳

    Hoegh-Guldberg said oceans were the Earth's "heart and lungs", producing half of the world's oxygen and absorbing 30 percent of man-made carbon dioxide.


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