• 海洋火山它们热点轨迹对于地质学家尤其有用因为它们记录过去板块固定地点之上的位置

    The oceanic volcanic islands and their hot-spot trails are thus especially useful for geologists because they record the past locations of the plate over a fixed source.


  • 地图显示了这个地点位置

    Maps show where the place is.


  • 赫拉盆地古老火星海洋位置另一个候选地点,据测量跨度大约为3000公里并且底部位于盆地边缘下方接近9公里的位置

    The Hellas Basin, which measures some 3,000 kilometers across and has a floor that lies nearly 9 kilometers below the basin's rim, is another candidate for an ancient Martian sea.


  • 地理疗法通过我们地点位置所处环境的改变来“解决问题

    A geographical cure "fixes" problems by changing where we are, moving our location, or shifting things around.


  • 骑着自行车普查地点,把尽可能周末时间用来根据的叫声绘制鸟的位置

    She rode her bicycle to the census site and spent as much of her weekends as possible mapping the birds' locations by their calls.


  • 说明文字标明了所处的位置——室内还是室外地点以及大概时间

    A slugline tells you where we are – interior or exterior, location, and approximate time.


  • 物理视点我们创建地点表示功能分布位置

    In the Physical viewpoint, we create localities to represent the places in which functionality is distributed.


  • 他们英国23个地点欧洲大陆5个位置收集的270条环节动物门chlorotica种蠕虫进行DNA测序。

    They sequenced the DNA of 270 A. chlorotica worms collected from 24 British sites and five mainland Europe locations.


  • 可以这样某个地点位置Isitnear. / .

    You can also ask about the position of a place or something by saying: Is it near . . .? / Is it near . . . ? e.g.


  • 清楚新词到底什么意思的社交定位游戏所在位置相互影响你周遭环境敏感能自动配合所在地点游戏作品

    For anyone who is still confused by this new buzz word, social location games are titles which interact with your location and are sensitive to your surroundings, adapting to where you are.


  • 意味着许多应用程序开始地点服务获取信息人们位置群组等信息混杂一起。

    That means that a lot of applications will start pulling information from Places, scraping it for data about people, locations, groups and more.


  • 通讯每一战场上都至关重要——只有队伍之间相互交流了解敌我双方位置才能所有士兵准确地掌握交战地点

    On any battlefield, communication is keytroops must be able to communicate their own locations and that of their target, so everyone knows exactly where to bring the fight.


  • 上个月还启用一个被称为定位”的服务鼓励人们他们造访地点登录网站好友播报位置

    Last month it introduced a service called places that encourages people to "check in" at places they visit and broadcast their location to friends.


  • 研究结果显示女性关心度假地点位置56%的女性表示愿意花费更多感受异国情调的目的地,而男性这个比例是51%。

    Results also showed that women were more concerned with the location of a holiday, with 56 percent of women saying they would pay extra for an exotic destination compared to 51 percent of men.


  • 短短的外星生命或有星球列表接近表上端位置有一个地点:木星的卫星——巉岩耸峙欧罗巴

    Near the top of the short list of places in our solar system that might harbor extraterrestrial life is Jupiter’s rocky moon Europa.


  • 降低美国失业率整顿楼市是可行之法,这样人们工作地点就不会受制于住所位置

    Cleaning up the housing market would help cut America’s unemployment rate, by making it easier for people to move to where jobs are.


  • 位置数据可视化使我们容易作出明智决定——关乎位置的抉择上,几乎没有什么找到一个合适地点下来重要的了。

    Visualizing this data makes it easier for us to make informed decisions -- and there are few place-related decisions more important than choosing where to live.


  • 1797年之前船舶位置哈得一部分占有工地新起始地点一半

    Prior to 1797 the site of the ship was part of the Hudson River, as was about half of the ground zero site.


  • 这里可以位置分享给你的好友了解你的朋友(如果他们使用地点服务)的位置并且发现附近地点

    From there, you can share your location with friends, find out where your friends are (if they're using places), and discover new places near you.


  • 地理位置地理定位采取多种形式国家区域地点邮编甚至GPS坐标(手机)。

    Geographic targeting can take on multiple forms: by country, region, locality, Zip code, and even GPS coordinates (mobile).


  • Facebook首席执行官MarkZuckerberg一功能并不会将位置分享全世界的用户,用来发现地点和你的朋友分享地点

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said this feature isn't about sharing your location with the world; it's about finding places and sharing them with your friends.


  • 这个产品现在流行Foursquare地理定位服务不同可以让某个地点签到”,然后这个位置附近好友发送消息

    The product is not unlike the popular Foursquare location-based service, and lets youcheck-inat a place and send a notification to your friends who are nearby.


  • 通过共同思想提供公共测试地点位置WSTF可以弥补社区Web服务开放式开发方面脱节。

    By providing a common testing ground and location for sharing ideas, the WSTF can fill some of the gaps in the community and open development aspects of Web services.


  • 图15:从阿波罗17着陆地点2仰望地球时所拍摄的照片,画面中醒目位置是一块圆形巨石月球地平线

    15Looking up toward Earth, a boulder and the Moon's horizon in theforeground, at Station 2 of the Apollo 17 landing site.


  • 探险队在那个地点做了记号读取全球定位系统测定那个地点所在位置去年8月返回地点挖掘遗骸

    The team marked the site, took a GPS reading of the location, and returned last August to excavate the remains.


  • 探险队在那个地点做了记号读取全球定位系统测定那个地点所在位置去年8月返回地点挖掘遗骸

    The team marked the site, took a GPS reading of the location, and returned last August to excavate the remains.


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