• 他们一个优美的地点建造他们房子

    Spot They are building their house at a beautiful spot.


  • 设计四个不同地点建造越来越桥梁

    You will design and construct increasingly elaborate Bridges across four varied locations.


  • 什么时间、什么地点建造新的图书馆没有下来,使得人们很失望。 芈。

    When and where to build the new library have not been decided, which . (disappoint)


  • 物质只能特定工程单位探测到使用一个HUD指导玩家标记地点建造复杂的矿井结构

    Taylor: Mass can only be detected by special construction units, and using a HUD (Heads-Up Display) directs the player to build a sophisticated mine structure at the designated location.


  • 建造房子工厂办公室合适地点人流聚集且基础设施已经到位城镇

    The sensible place to build new houses, factories and offices is where people are, in cities and towns where infrastructure is in place.


  • 住房建造巴勒斯坦争取成为未来本国领土的地点

    The new homes will be built on land the Palestinians seek for a future state.


  • 同样海狸建造堤坝点石斑鱼挖掘维护明显的坑洞,这些坑洞的石质表面成为珊瑚虫海绵动物和其他海洋生物聚集地点

    In the same way beavers construct DAMS, red grouper excavate and maintain distinct holes whose rocky surfaces provide a place for coral, sponges and other Marine life to congregate.


  • 如果俄罗斯想实施猴子上火星计划格鲁吉亚这个研究所成为一个封闭训练"生物圈"建造地点猴子长期生活在这个生物圈内,模拟太空飞行

    If Russia pursues the idea of sending monkeys to Mars, Mikvabia's institute could become the site of an enclosed "biosphere" where apes would be kept for long periods to simulate space flights.


  • 县长杨照兴受难地点建造一个纪念公园

    The county chief, Yang Chiu-hsing, said a memorial park would be built on the site.


  • 摩根号捕鲸船建造地点杰思罗扎卡里亚·希尔船厂,并且以查尔斯·沃尔恩·摩根的名字命名,此公费城教友派成员,也是船的第一个主要船东

    The Morgan was built in the shipyard of Jethro and Zachariah Hillman and named after Charles Waln Morgan, a Philadelphia Quaker who was its first main owner.


  • 通过设备屏幕,城堡地点名称解释性文字叠印目标上,而且屏幕中加配的动画显示出某些建筑怎样建造起来的,而又是如何被摧毁的。

    Place names and explanatory text are superimposed over objects seen through the viewer's screen, and animated graphics show how some structures were built or destroyed.


  • 为了炫炫自己这些东西,2006年开始了名为“德克萨斯房子建造行动地点在同样“小”的小镇庐陵,可以说地点选的非常合适

    So in 2006 he started Tiny Texas Houses, a building operation based in the appropriately tiny town of Luling, as a way of showing off his wares.


  • 随后赫利普西姆教堂开始修建了,建造地点正是修女们被处死地方。

    Later this church was built here, in the place of execution of the poor nuns.


  • 蒂诺鸽子建造精心挑选地点而且靠近肥沃土地山坡上

    Pigeon houses on Tinos are built at well-chosen locations on the slopes of mountains and near fertile land.


  • 为了不同地点易于建设设备使用了廉价改装的建造系统无需熟练工装配

    To allow the facility to be easily constructed in various locations, the facility uses inexpensive and adaptable construction systems that do not require skilled laborers for assembly.


  • 我们需要考虑大楼类型建造地点工程诸多方面

    We also need to think about the building type, site and engineering aspects of the project.


  • 考虑项目所在区域降雨量,项目建造倾斜中心凹陷蝶形屋顶使建筑准确地点以准确的厚度向屋顶边缘升高,最终在边沿达到两层高。

    The low rainfall in the area, allow the development of a butterfly roof slope towards the center to achieved double heights in the right places and the right screed towards the margin.


  • 可能出现建造准则产权文件中的限制规则,对建筑大小安置材料设计或者地点进行控制

    Limiting rules which may appear in building codes or in title documents which control the size, placement, materials, design or location of new construction.


  • 一些外部干扰很大的地区,恰当的做法清理地点拆除合适人工设备,比如多个的行军灶建造凳子桌子

    On high impact sites, it is appropriate to clean up the site and dismantle inappropriate user-built facilities, such as multiple fire rings and constructed seats or tables.


  • 项目地点拥有好的平衡设备建造简洁合理谷仓映衬获得远眺海角美景的视角

    The site has a wonderful balanced quality to it, and the simple grounded form of the barn is sited to compliment this setting and capture the long views to the coastal range beyond.


  • 建造最高法院之前地点私人建筑

    Prior to the construction of the Supreme Court building the site was occupied by private residences.


  • 所以我们建造了名为温登堡新世界——一个看起来十分具有欧洲风格的,与模拟人生4任何地点都完全不同的地方!

    That's why we built the new World of Windenburg, a visually-striking European-inspired location that looks like nothing you've ever seen before in The Sims 4.


  • 因此我们应该我们正在建造购物中心宣传出口购物的中心地点铺面租给直销公司

    Therefore, we should publicize the new mall that we are building at Pleasantville as a central location for outlet shopping and rent store space only to outlet companies.


  • LADWP建造新的传输线座变电站连接项目地点华达山脉东面之间条高压传输线。

    LADWP will construct a new transmission line and substation to connect the Pine Tree project site to a high-voltage transmission line running up the east side of the Sierra Nevada mountains.


  • LADWP建造新的传输线座变电站连接项目地点华达山脉东面之间条高压传输线。

    LADWP will construct a new transmission line and substation to connect the Pine Tree project site to a high-voltage transmission line running up the east side of the Sierra Nevada mountains.


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