• 艺术家使用本身物质作为媒介不是描绘风光

    Rather than portraying landscape, land artists used the physical substance of the land itself as their medium.


  • 然而英国地景艺术家通常愿意远离城镇,到那些传统意义上被认为是域去,例如湖区或者威尔特郡丘陵区域。

    Generally however British land artists preferred to get away from towns, gravitating towards landscapes that are traditionally considered beautiful such as the Lake District or the Wiltshire Downs.


  • 真空能量地景中点垂直高度

    The vacuum energy is just the vertical elevation of a point in the landscape.


  • 科学信息资源灵魂

    Science information is the soul of geological landscape resources.


  • 西费城计画思考社区事务中心所赞助

    It is sponsored by the West Philadelphia Landscape Project and the Center for Reflective Community Practice.


  • 如果用户打开的是一个格式照片窗口需要扩大

    But if the user opened an image in landscape format, the window would have to be widened.


  • 两个低平线型体块分开的融于车库组成。

    It consists of two low-lying, rectilinear volumes and a detached garage that is sunken into the landscape.


  • 文章最后给出一个应用卫星影像进行地景建模实例

    At the end of this paper, we gave an example of applying satellite images to 3d modeling of landscape.


  • 建筑开始成为当代解决建筑城市环境关系的一种重要设计理念

    It had been an important concept to solve the settlement construction and urban environment.


  • 走走,找寻这里成为城市之前的例如水源特徵

    Take a walk through your site looking for signs of its pre-urban landscape: topography, for example, or water features.


  • 透过人物关系城市生活节奏复杂地景探索勾勒出现代台北多元文化。

    For exploring the multicultural space of modern Taipei through relationships, the rhythm of city life and its complex landscape.


  • 费兰德住宅特殊中呈现了一所房子而不是选择消失,”克鲁索

    "Fayland house places a very large house in a special landscape without disappearing," said Caruso.


  • 这些也许将完全改变去除真空或者放弃在上聚集成瀑布般的泡泡

    These may completely change or do away with the landscape of string vacua or with the cascade of bubbles that populate the landscape.


  • 历史对于你们来说可以捡起本书图书馆吗?还是一个没有时间概念的

    Is history like a library where you can pick a book or is it like a landscape without time?


  • 因为抽象金属外形建筑与散布中的各个雕塑一起构成了一个整体的展示空间。

    With its abstract metallic appearance the structure becomes an equal member of a whole group of sculptures which are spread out in the landscape.


  • 鱼眼镜头拍到了平线上所有东西包括边缘圈被灯光照亮,正在脑袋上方天顶

    The full fisheye frame shows everything above the horizon, including a lamp-illuminated landscape around the edges, and the zenith of the sky directly overhead.


  • 数据库飞行模拟器重要组成部分构建地景数据库通用平台具有显著的作用现实意义

    The scene database is important component of flight simulators, and building the scene database universal platform has remarkable function and practical significance.


  • 拍摄地景伤疤————轮胎源自的亮橙色废水,怪异的同时却有一种特别的美感

    His images of scarred landscapes — from mountains of tires to rivers of bright orange waste from a nickel mine — are eerily pretty yet ugly at the same time.


  • 图像里通量线消失其他拓扑改变代表一个翻越山脊进入低谷量子跃迁

    In the landscape picture, the disappearance of a flux line or other change of topology is a quantum jump over a mountain ridge into a lower valley.


  • 鱼梁这个宽阔峡谷创作了艺术作品,给人留下深刻印象,使人联想到哈派绘画。

    In this broad valley, reminiscent of a Hudson River school painting, the weir made an impressive piece of land art.


  • 不论是医药方面或是地景方面,物理诊断都是重大细项从不相关细节筛选出来的一种艺术

    Physical diagnosis, in medicine, in landscape, is the art of culling the significant from a welter of irrelevant detail.


  • 我们认为纪念不仅个用来纪念过去建造形式并且是一种用来面对未来疗愈历程

    We view "memorial landscape" as not only a built form to commemorate the past, but also a healing process to face the future.


  • 本文侧重于对阿尔瓦罗·西扎设计环境考虑策略进行研究探讨室内空间如何发生关系

    This article is to study the strategy of Alvaro Siza in the design which considered to the environment conducts, and try to discuss the relationship between the internal space and the landscape.


  • 学生在指定上,学习如何借由分析气候环境建造适合观建筑,并且设计构想模型及图说表现。

    Students learn to build appropriately through analysis of landscape and climate for a chosen site, and to conceptualize design decisions through drawings and models.


  • 地景建筑师工作耐心因为我们最少二十(在我们中年的时候),才能看到树木得够形成我们心中所预想的空间架构

    Landscape architects must have the patience of Job as we wait at least twenty years (middle age) for trees to grow large enough to form the envisioned spatial structure.


  • 为了抵御灾难恐惧我们需要确定一些故事行动默默努力实现一个有希望未来

    To counter the fears of disaster, we need to identify stories, visions and actions that work quietly towards a more hopeful future.


  • 朦胧记得最后站在那里公共汽车或者是望看着她的手表

    The last thing I remember, vaguely, is her standing there, looking at the bus, or perhaps at her watch.


  • 轰隆、轰隆、轰隆,炮击一样,”这位顾客这个店里的其他人一样,在保安人员制止任何拍照之前快速拿出手机咔咔拍摄一场

    It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots, "said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking."


  • 轰隆、轰隆、轰隆,炮击一样,”这位顾客这个店里的其他人一样,在保安人员制止任何拍照之前快速拿出手机咔咔拍摄一场

    "It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots," said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking.


  • 轰隆、轰隆、轰隆,炮击一样,”这位顾客这个店里的其他人一样,在保安人员制止任何拍照之前快速拿出手机咔咔拍摄一场

    "It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots," said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking.


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