• 右边远远的地方,认出那是希法

    Distantly, to her right, she could make out the town of Chiffa.


  • 芒通镇一个安静简单宁静地方富人从不来这里

    I live in Mentone, a quiet, simple, restful place, where the rich never come.


  • 维斯加里以来一直的地方。

    Vista is the town Gabry has lived in since age five.


  • 布朗控制哈珀斯镇控制三个地方

    Without firing a shot, Brown now controlled the three places he wanted in Harpers Ferry.


  • 居住地方向来仅限于曼哈顿公寓住宅,因此莱维敦镇最惊叹之处就是它的宁静。

    The only places I'd ever lived had been apartments in Manhattan, and what astonished me about Levittown was the tranquillity.


  • 短篇小说中,伊顿威尔镇描述一个美国黑人能够他们自己意愿生活地方

    In her stories, she described Eatonville as a place where black Americans could live as they pleased.


  • 海事安全部门采取了重要改进措施:单壳船体的油轮正逐渐被淘汰,阿拉斯加瓦尔迪兹这样地方成立了相当出众的溢油事故应急团队

    Maritime safety agencies mandated key improvements: single-hulled tankers are finally on their way out, and some places, like the Alaskan town of Valdez, have created impressive spill response teams.


  • 了,本来我们计划到镇外面玩如果辆现在随时都有可能出现的除雪不能抵达我们停车地方,我们将不得不把车子包复上。

    I'd had enough. We had an out-of-town trip planned, and if the plow-which was sure to show up any minute now-couldn't reach the point where our car was parked, we'd have to bag it.


  • Pinner镇为人所是因为它曾歌手埃尔顿·约翰西蒙·上学地方

    Pinner is best known in modern times as the place where the singers Elton John and Simon Le Bon went to school.


  • 长野县妻笼实践曲物(magemono工艺、将弯曲桧木制造出圆形物体的的地方之一。

    The town of Tsumago, Nagano Prefecture, is one of several places in the Kiso Valley that practices the craft of magemono, making round objects of bent cypress wood.


  • 18每次选举都会投票,甚至包括一些地方性选举,比如只是选举学校董事会理事会这样的规模。

    I have voted in every election since I turned 18, including off years and off-off years, where only things like school boards and town councils were on the ballot.


  • 奥兰加巴德镇是个地方

    Aurangabad is not a small place.


  • 难民营于1984年首次建立现在共有9个这样难民营,定居点里是建立在有倒钩的铁丝网后面的竹子建成的房屋蔓延距离边境小镇索镇不远的地方。

    The refugee camps were first set up in 1984; there are now nine of them, settlements of bamboo-built houses behind barbed wire spread out not far from the border town of Mae Sot.


  • 这些地方并非而是一个时代遗迹

    They're not ghost towns, but rather the remnants of a different time.


  • 几个USDP候选人主持了仰光各镇的党部开张仪式,他们选票的地方。

    Several USDP candidates officiated at the opening of offices in the Rangoon townships in which they will be standing for election.


  • 他们卡扎菲几分钟还在,然后被押解森严敞篷军车上去米苏拉塔,在之前,在这个镇拥护者张狂的地方。

    They said Gadhafi had been there until minutes before and loaded onto a caravan of vehicles bound for Misrata, a town his loyalists had brutalized earlier this year.


  • 好的,”克莱尔松了口气,笑了笑,说“恩,我家密歇根黑文湖边的一个小镇旁,我家其实一个较偏僻的地方原本我外祖父母米格兰夫妇的房子

    Well...my family lives in Michigan, by a small town on the lake called South Haven. Our house is in an unincorporated area outside the town, actually.


  • 马卡其它地方,家庭行动项目不仅仅局限于将提供补助与不间断上学卫生所的检查联系在一起,它还包括其它方面的内容,因为贫困人口不仅仅

    There and elsewhere, Familias en Acción goes a step beyond linking payments to continued school enrollment and clinic visits, because the poor lack more than money.


  • 身边走着,他文雅地和着兴致焦煤是个热闹地方不是吗?

    She walked along at his side, and gently accommodating himself to her humour, he said Coketown was a busy place, was it not?


  • 此镇这个地方我来说陌生的

    This part of the town is strange to me.


  • 伊朗边境线靠近叙利亚边界地方,哈奈根Khanaqin直到辛贾尔镇(Sinjar),防御线蜿蜒横亘在伊拉克的北方。

    FROM the market town of Khanaqin, on the Iranian border, all the way to Sinjar, near the border with Syria, a fortified line snakes across northern Iraq.


  • 今天上午坠落在QazvinJannatabad,地点位于离德黑兰西北大约75英里地方,发生在飞机德黑兰的霍梅尼机场起飞16分钟之后

    It came down this morning near the village of Jannatabad in Qazvin province, about 75 miles north-west of Tehran, 16 minutes after taking off from Tehran's Imam Khomeini airport.


  • 故事发生这样个雪后早上在靠近马里兰州牛津镇的地方,的一个朋友正在一扇巨大窗户摆放早餐餐具

    It was on such a morning, near Oxford, Maryland, that a friend of mine set the breakfast table beside the huge window, which overlooked the Tred Avon River.


  • 战火万尼(Wanni,位于斯里兰卡腹地)的其他地方爆发的时候,好几千家庭汇集在基利诺奇镇。

    Thousands of families converged on Kilinochchi when battles broke out elsewhere in the Wanni.


  • 假如我们这儿创立工厂,我们就能任何地方创造。” 临海Balhafde 的Total天然气工厂的建筑经理 StéphaneVenes说。

    If we can build this here, we can do it anywhere, ” says Stéphane Venes, a construction manager at Total’s natural gas plant in Balhaf, a coastal town.


  • 假如我们这儿创立工厂,我们就能任何地方创造。” 临海Balhafde 的Total天然气工厂的建筑经理 StéphaneVenes说。

    If we can build this here, we can do it anywhere, ” says Stéphane Venes, a construction manager at Total’s natural gas plant in Balhaf, a coastal town.


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