• 如果地方群体真的喜欢基于选举不公联邦维持多久呢?

    But how long can a federation based on electoral oddities last if local parties truly don't want it?


  • 城步湖南四大地方群体种群之一,茶多酚含量达38

    As one of the four species of the original tea species group in Hunan province, Duntsa tea contains 38.


  • 滩羊地方群体遗传变异程度所有群体最小(1.7188)。

    Tan sheep's variation degree was the lowest (1.7188).


  • 我们过去曾认为经文应该教派群体文库中,但是现在大家认为存在于一个类似于陶瓷厂地方

    We used to think scriptures were a library of a sectarian community, but now I think that they think it was a pottery factory or something.


  • 二天早上,他决定回到他最后一次和群体在一起的地方

    The next morning, he decided to go back to the place where he'd last been together with his pack.


  • 倘若这些食物分布不同地方,那么这些群体无法碰面

    If those foodstuffs live in different places, the groups will never meet.


  • 我们日常生活我们可能从不同地方听到过类似观点,我们于是自动这些拼凑起来成为群体的倾向。

    In everyday life we are likely to hear the same opinion many times in different places. We then put all these together to judge the general mood of a group.


  • 具有最大能源开发潜力鸟类栖息地方许多鸟类群体数量在最近40间经历急速下降

    Many of the bird groups with the most rapid declines in the last 40 years inhabit areas with the greatest potential for energy development.


  • 穴居雌性微蝠选择一个温度湿度较高地方,集结成群,进行繁殖养育,形成特别巨大的养护群体

    Cave-dwelling females form particularly large nursing colonies, choosing a spot with relatively high temperature and humidity where they gather in their masses to breed.


  • 国王法院保护非精英群体免受地方贵族的盘剥。

    It was the King's Courts that protected non-elite groups from depredations by the local aristocracy.


  • 服务部署的位置,会消费者其他需要服务群体所在地方,它方案性能可用性及安全性方面重大意义的影响

    Where a service is deployed in relation to consumers and other required services can have a profound effect on solution performance, availability, and security.


  • 例如有些野生黑猩猩群体个个都会石头坚果。在其他地方,黑猩猩会用树枝到白蚁窝钓白蚁来吃。

    For example, there are groups of chimps in the wild who all use stones to break open nuts for food.


  • 整个无线电广播商业模式建立迎合地方社区群体小型企业地方学校尤其是地方听众基础上的。

    The whole radio business model is built around pandering to local community groups, small businesses, area schools and, above all, local listeners.


  • 我们所有地方合作伙伴结核病方面开展工作,另外,我们不要忘记处处弱势群体高危人群,就富裕国家同样贫穷群体一样。

    We have partners working everywhere in TB and let us not forget that there are vulnerable and at-risk populations everywhere - as we have pockets of poverty in rich countries too.


  • 岛上物种群体包括其它地方找不到70猴,其它哺乳动物90%,宽达226,656平方英里的土地上,两栖动物爬行动物稀罕独特的

    The island's population includes 70 kinds of lemurs found nowhere else and about 90 percent of the other mammals, amphibians and reptiles are unique to its 226,656 square miles.


  • 岛上物种群体包括其它地方找不到70猴,其它哺乳动物90%,宽达226,656平方英里的土地上,两栖动物爬行动物稀罕独特的

    The island's population includes 70 kinds of lemurs found nowhere else and about 90 percent of the other mammals, amphibians and reptiles are unique to its 226, 656 square miles.


  • 其实头顶上方肉眼完全看不见的地方一个庞大生命群体在飞行

    It turns out that right above you, totally invisible, is an enormous herd of animal life.


  • 当然群体中人活动目标通常相当简单,要什么地方然后呆在那里

    Of course, the objective of someone in a moving crowd is usually fairly simple-to get somewhere and then stay there.


  • 我们目标一个特定群体所以程序商店很难找到,那些,向他们介绍,所以如果我们卖出很多的话,程序商店的确是个地方

    We are targeting at really specific audience, so it is really hard to reach out in the app store and target those people and say So the app store for us is great if you wanna sell a lot.


  • 部分相当多数安顿于大明宫地段,这个群体保留延续了他们地方文化方言饮食等。

    Many of these settled at the Daming Palace site, where they have maintained much of their original regional culture, such as their dialect and traditional food.


  • 弱势群体居住任何地方我们发现这些问题

    We can find these problems wherever disadvantaged populations reside.


  • 十一早已散成若干个群体,拍客寻找镜头喜欢地方诗人寻找点燃灵感场景

    Eleven people have been dispersed into several small groups, making the search for love scenes where the poet to find inspiration to light the scene.


  • 陆克文说,那些被怀疑维多利亚一些地方引火的纵火者犯下了“群体谋杀

    Mr. Rudd says that arsonists suspected of starting some of Victoria's fires are guilty of "mass murder."


  • 优质研究生教育关键地方发挥影响。研究生,这个高校弱小的群体,也可以借此改善他们生活

    Good graduate teaching will help make a difference where it matters most. It will improve the lives of universities' least powerful citizens: their graduate students.


  • 垃圾可以用来确定一个特定地方多少他们年龄多大多少钱、来自哪个种族群体等等,结果相当准确

    Waste can be used to determine with great accuracy how many people are living in a particular place, how old they are, how much they earn and which ethnic group they come from.


  • 我们过去认为经文应该教派群体文库中,现在大家认为存在于一个类似于陶瓷厂的地方

    We used to think they were a library of a sectarian community; now I think they think it was a pottery factory or something.


  • 他们一个很好的方法创造群体思考汇集智力,但是最终结果往往丢失我们找的微妙地方

    They're a great way to generate group-think and pack mentalities, but the end result is often missing the nuance we're looking for.


  • 他们一个很好的方法创造群体思考汇集智力,但是最终结果往往丢失我们找的微妙地方

    They're a great way to generate group-think and pack mentalities, but the end result is often missing the nuance we're looking for.


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