• 问题是否完全恢复或者根本性改变,这个问题威胁着直接或者间接依赖博彩业地方生存

    The question is whether there will ever be a complete recovery, or whether something more fundamental has changed, threatening the existence of places that rely directly or indirectly on gambling.


  • 问题是否完全恢复或者根本性改变,这个问题威胁着直接或者间接依赖博彩业地方生存

    The question is whether there will ever be a complete recovery, or whether something more fundamental has changed, threatening the existence of places that rely directly or indirectly on gambling.


  • 三分之二的人相信整容外科变成地方,六分之一的人认为我们使用程序设备照顾好我们自己的健康不是依赖医生

    Two-thirds believe cosmetic surgery will have become common place and one in six think we will look after own own health using apps and gadgets rather than relying on the doctor.


  • 能量依赖于,任何相互作用,在这个分子和,其他地方相邻分子之间的。

    The total energy doesn't depend on any interaction between this molecule and its neighbor somewhere else.


  • 上述事件证据表明审计师根本无法依赖地方银行银行询证函

    The evidence from the cases cited above indicates that auditors simply cannot rely upon local bank confirmations.


  • 重要,请密切关注位置去的地方不要仅仅依赖GPS提供方向

    Even more important, pay close attention to where you are and where you're going. Don't rely solely on your GPS to give you directions.


  • 虽然我们知道每个人都依赖于某种控制稳定即便所有地方所有的事情会不断地被我们之间的联接所改变,我们依然这样

    Yet we know already that everyone will be looking to maintain control and stability, even as everything everywhere becomes progressively reshaped by all this connectivity.


  • 线最有地方在于可以依赖它们展示产品要求理解的不同。

    The most fascinating thing about wireframes is that you can depend on them to expose gaps in the comprehension of product requirements.


  • 全球那些经常被人忽视依赖手机信息地方来说是个好消息。

    This is an exciting outreach to frequently neglected and mobile-dependent information cultures around the world.


  • 因此未来网速——至少美国——将特别依赖地方

    As a result, the speed of your future Internet connection-at least in the United states-may well depend on particulars like where you live.


  • 国际银行满足地方银行贷款需求意愿依赖美元流动性

    How willing the global Banks are to meet the demand depends on dollar liquidity.


  • 是的肯定有种地方我们视为个人工作区-但是不会依赖任何单一设备

    Yes, there has to be some kind of place that we consider to be our personal "home" and "workspace" -- but it's not going to live on any one device.


  • 因为需要地方建造巨大风力发电机风能企业多达50%项目花费依赖银行资金

    Because of their need for space to accommodate giant wind turbines, wind farms are especially reliant on bank financing for as much as 50 percent of a project's costs.


  • 也许好奇朋友是如何上班时在Facebook上更新状态的,但是在另外一些地方人们的生活——毫不夸张地说——也许完全依赖TOR

    You may be curious to see your friend's latest updates at work, but there are people in places whose lives-without exaggeration-might truly depend on TOR.


  • Linden构建过程依赖很多不同地方(很多Linux包都存储自己的包含文件拷贝的文件, Linden 构建这些文件被拷贝一个统一位置处

    The Linden build process relies on copying files from all the many disparate places that many Linux packages store their include files, to a unified location in the Linden build tree.


  • RelatedAssets选项卡显示资产依赖的资产、使用此资产的地方前一个版本等等

    The Related assets TAB reveals which assets this asset depends on, where this asset is used, the previous version, and so on.


  • 历史渊源来解释可能布莱顿六十年代最早认可药物依赖地区之一,这可能它是吸毒者地方建立名声

    An historical explanation may be more likely: Brighton was one of the first places to acquire a drug-dependency unit in the 1960s, perhaps establishing a reputation as a good place for addicts.


  • 可以一个,比12+t数代表,这里有点不准确的地方,具体的步数依赖奇数偶数但是你们可以看到两个case

    It says, in either case in general, t of b-- and this is where I'm going to abuse notation a little bit but I can basically bound it by t, 12 steps plus t of b over 2.


  • Dashboard关键的地方在于,依赖桌面应用程序能够它发送提示,用 Dashboard 中的术语来说,就是发送 线索( clue)。

    The key thing about Dashboard is that it relies on the desktop's applications being able to send it hints -- or in Dashboard terminology, clues -- about what they are doing.


  • 问题Sun依赖美国市场的销量现在不是一个好玩地方了。

    The problem is that Sun is reliant on U.S. sales and that's not a fun place to be right now.


  • 有消息人士告诉媒体,“他的安保团队总是寸步不离,Lady Gaga对于他们依赖越来越强,甚至不愿意孤身一人任何地方保镖的贴身保护甚至睡觉时都没有半点松懈,他们会在房间里守着熟睡的Gaga”

    She is becoming more and more reliant on them and won’t go anywhere alone. Her bodyguard even sits in her room as she sleeps.


  • 不是所有地方接受信用卡的,所以有信用卡带身上好的啦,但是依赖它们

    Not all places take credit CARDS, so while they are great to have, don't rely on them.


  • 我们项目中,这些目标依赖于项目进展到什么地方而不同并且这些目标依次确定演示精确性观众

    On our project, these goals varied depending on where we were in the progress of the project, and they in turn determined the precise nature of the demonstration and its audience.


  • 这个名为“H-1B”项目一直以来就是硅谷华尔街地区的支柱这些地方很多公司已经来自印度程序员来自中国的工程师形成依赖

    The program, known as H-1B, has been a mainstay of places such as Silicon Valley and Wall Street, where many companies have come to depend on computer programmers from India or engineers from China.


  • 因为这种恢复方法非常依赖错误发生流程已经进行什么地方所以最好恢复机制使用有范围限制活动

    This recovery depends on how far the process had progressed when the fault occurred, and the best mechanism available to use the scope structured activity.


  • 但是承认他们越来越依赖矿产时澳大利亚其它地方开始变化了

    But he acknowledged that other parts of Australia also changed as they became more dependent on mining.


  • 依赖外国石油天然气根本不再最佳解决方案——美国不是,在欧洲不是,在任何地方不是。

    Dependence on foreign oil and gas simply is not the best solution any more - not in America, not in Europe, not anywhere.


  • 依赖弱势力的对流,而对流总是闲逛到它容易漂浮地方然后温和耐心小山丘这个死胡同里。

    It relies on low-powered convection currents to ramble wherever it is easiest to drift to, and is then trapped by gentle, patient cul-de-sacs in the hills.


  • 蝗虫依赖潮湿泥土发育较少较多的降雨都会有益于它们生长,因为水位下降和曾经发过洪水地方都有潮湿的泥土。

    Locust eggs depend on soil moisture for their development, and both low and high rainfall can benefit them, as receding water levels and formerly flooded areas provide moist soil.


  • 了解帮助他人,使其自给自足:在居住地工作即使意味着你要创立新的地方的、以社区为基础的企业因此你不必依赖汽车石油

    Learn and help others become self-sufficient: Work where you live, even if that means creating new, local, community-based enterprises, so you're not dependent on cars and oil.


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