• 印第安人摔倒,并将死死按住,使他无法逃脱

    The man wrestled the Indian to the ground, locked in a hold he couldn't escape.


  • 17000名印第安人居住亚利桑那州保留内。

    Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation.


  • 本世纪一些印第安人常常赤身吊床里。

    Some of the Indians of this region, earlier in the century, used to sleep naked in hammocks.


  • 因此,到1848年,普韦布印第保留用水优先其他公民的用水权,一年,普韦布必须被视为保留

    Therefore, the reserved water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens' water rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be considered to have become reservations.


  • 韦布印第安人预留从1848优先于其他公民的水权,这一年普韦布洛村落必须视为保留

    The reserved water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens' water rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be considered to have become reservations.


  • 哥伦布发现美洲大陆之前大洋洲无可争议存在着种在新大陆驯化红薯有时用来支持Heyerdahl太平洋上的美洲印第安人理论

    The undisputed pre-Columbian presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to support Heyerdahl's "American Indians in the Pacific" theories.


  • 一事实以及将(普埃布洛印第安人庆祝礼堂小心翼翼单独放置在传教士建筑群庭院中心表明突出这个下礼堂的重要性,而不是贬低意图

    This fact, and the careful, solitary placement of the kiva in the center of the mission complex courtyards, suggests an intention to highlight the importance of the kiva rather than to diminish it.


  • 印第安人不满导致庞蒂亚克战争爆发后,英国当局决心平息不同殖民间的对立争端

    After Indian grievances had resulted in the start of Pontiac's War, British authorities determined to subdue intercolonial rivalries.


  • 这样马车一直不停行驶,要更换的只是马匹或驾驶员,沿路没有多少能够的,而且这样的行程危险,因为这一路要碰到许多敌对印第

    And there were not many places to eat. Also, the trip was dangerous, because of hostile Indians.


  • 轰隆、轰隆、轰隆,炮击一样,”这位顾客这个店里的其他一样,在制止任何拍照之前快速拿出手机咔咔拍摄一场景

    It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots, "said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking."


  • 轰隆、轰隆、轰隆,炮击一样,”这位顾客这个店里的其他一样,在制止任何拍照之前快速拿出手机咔咔拍摄一场景

    "It was boom, boom, boom, like gunshots," said the shopper, who like others in the store whipped out a cellphone to snap the scene before security personnel put a stop to any picture taking.


  • 然而遗体任何来自墓穴中的东西也许应该触摸展示为了尊重至今仍然生活现代韦布洛印第意愿

    However, human remains or any object from a grave may not be touched or shown. This is to honor the wishes of the modern Puebloan people who live in the area today.


  • 片土一直通过契约被视为印第安人神圣狩猎,特别是族。

    The region had been recognized by treaty as the sacred hunting ground of the Indians, primarily the Sioux and Cheyenne.


  • 因为印第疯狂收集柴火

    Because the Indians are gathering firewood like crazy!


  • 抱怨亚洲西班牙美洲课程成功赢得了一席之,因此几乎没有课程(内容)能够排给其它民族。

    He complains that because Asians, blacks, Hispanics and American Indians have all successfully won more space in the curriculum, there is less classroom time to recognise the contributions of others.


  • 即使吊床手电筒看书经常约20个印第安人所包围,他们直瞪瞪注视着我。

    Even in my hammock, reading by my head torch, I'd often be surrounded by 20 or so gawping Indians.


  • 麦卡锡精巧展示孩子舒缓漫长成长过程,一个常见的莽撞的印第安人头皮猎取者,成长为最后酒吧争论法官的无畏对抗者。

    McCarthy subtly shows us the long, slow development of the Kid from another mindless scalper of Indians to the courageous confronter of the Judge in their final debate in a saloon.


  • 一个陪伴下,柏林小心谨慎接近情绪激动使用认知疗法平静下来。

    Berlin approaches agitated patients carefully, with a security guard standing in the background, and tries to use cognitive techniques to calm the patient.


  • 印第不满导致庞蒂亚克战争(1763-64)爆发后,英国当局决心整体解决印第问题,以平息不同殖民间的对立争端

    After Indian grievances had resulted in the start of Pontiac's War (1763–64), British authorities determined to subdue intercolonial rivalries and abuses by dealing with Indian problems as a whole.


  • 第二年春天,万帕诺亚印第安人殖民居民传授种植玉米其他作物的技巧,教会移民如何狩猎捕鱼

    The following spring, local Wampanoag Indians taught the colonists how to grow corn (maize) and other local crops, and also helped the newcomers master hunting and fishing.


  • 周日早上排队影印档案大多印第的面孔,多数都是在忍耐了长达数日公车之旅至此

    On a weekday morning, the queue to photocopy documents is made up mainly of people of Andean Indian appearance. Most have endured bus journeys lasting several days.


  • 殖民居民万帕诺亚印第食物结构比较类似饮食习惯不相同

    The foods that the colonists and Wampanoag Indians ate were very similar, but their eating patterns were different.


  • 特别是位于希腊土耳其殖民看到雅利安人控制乌托邦亚特兰提斯而成为军事法西斯阶段的变化,就试图挣脱控制。

    The colonies, particularly those in Greece and Turkey, saw the change from the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state controlled by Aryan and sought to break away.


  • 殖民居民习惯坐着吃饭早餐、午餐晚餐之分,而万帕诺亚格印第安人只在饿时候才会找个烧饭而且花上一整天的时间。

    While the colonists had set eating patterns-breakfast, dinner, and supper-the Wampanoags tended to eat when they were hungry and to have POTS cooking throughout the day.


  • 殖民居民习惯坐着吃饭早餐、午餐晚餐之分,而万帕诺亚格印第安人只在饿时候才会找个烧饭而且花上一整天的时间。

    While the colonists had set eating patterns-breakfast, dinner, and supper-the Wampanoags tended to eat when they were hungry and to have POTS cooking throughout the day.


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