• 评价结果显示沼气池建设地均产生了较大的环境效益

    Evaluation results show that the household biogas digester construction in the two cities have great environmental benefit.


  • 然后东部沿海产出两个指标估算了东部沿海城市利用效率,并分析影响用效率的因素。

    In this paper, the title is the urban expansion and land-use efficiency research in China's eastern coastal areas, aim is to explore the rule of urban expansion and land use efficiency.


  • 所有拍摄取自大自然,但是却一种真正置身大自然的感觉,尤其是森林中。

    All of the shots you take are phenomenal, but the ones that really stand out to me are the ones in nature, particularly the woods.


  • 为了确保管理计算允许的范围内尽可能有效规避风险和精准制定价格,高盛其它大型投资银行加倍努力开展工作

    Goldman and the other big investment Banks have worked furiously hard to ensure that their risks are as efficiently hedged and as finely priced as management and mathematics will allow.


  • 每个独特路径元素属性存储单独表格容器)中,因此每个容器中的值变为同质,可以高效进行压缩

    The values of each unique path (element or attribute) are stored in separate tables (containers). Thus, the values in each container become homogenous and can be compressed more efficiently.


  • 而多数行星模型假设它们我们太阳系行星相似,即大气含量含量的一半左右

    Most models of planets assume that they are similar to the terrestrial planets in our own Solar System, with about half as much carbon as oxygen in the atmosphere.


  • 所有可检测到杀虫蛋白溪流位于玉米500范围之内

    All of the stream sites with detectable insecticidal proteins were located within 500 metres of a corn field.


  • 发言人称,车上48乘客食物暖气,同时已周日巴士送至各自的目的

    The 48 passengers had food and heat, a spokeswoman said, and were taken by bus Sunday to their destinations.


  • 维多利亚是的我们希望顾客能够轻而易举看到我们产品所以哈尔及哈迪公司所有产品的包装使用统一颜色

    Victoria: Yes, we want consumers to recognise our products easily so that's why they all bear the Hale and Hearty colours.


  • 同样此时如果所有数据迁移成功完成就应该重新引导这个LPAR

    Again, at this point, you would reboot the LPAR once you are satisfied that all data migrations have completed successfully.


  • 这种质化的处理方式,简化了世界使足以稳妥建模

    This homogenization simplifies and uncomplicates the world enough to model it sanely.


  • 科学家们发现开始的那块钢板本身异乎寻常薄弱其余泰坦尼克号钢铁通过测试

    The original piece, scientists discovered, had been unusually weak, while the rest of Titanic's steel passed the tests.


  • 裁决书面形式作出并且应为终局当事人各方具有约束力。当事人各方应承担毫不迟延履行裁决的义务。

    The award shall be made in writing and shall be final and binding on the parties. The parties undertake to carry out the award without delay.


  • 计算结果表明本文动力学模型较好模拟河道的过特征改善漫滩河道洪水演进模拟预测能力

    Calculation results show that this model can simulate the characteristics of water flow in a floodplain river and can improve the capacity of flood routing simulating and predicting.


  • 时域仿真特征值分析结果证明控制器具有的良好阻尼效果不同时滞下仍然可以提供阻尼。

    The results from time-domain simulation and eigenvalue analysis prove that the proposed controller can provide good damping effect so far as to different time lags.


  • 阐明了为什么当时篮板如此之现今就算是最好中锋篮板数也只有12 - 14个。

    This is why the rebounding Numbers were higher across the board then, and why even the best rebounders today only get around 12-14 per game.


  • 黑龙江省位于中国东北部,中国国土的最北端东端位于黑龙江省境内。

    Located in the most northeastern part of China, Heilongjiang Province occupies the land along the northern and the eastern frontiers.


  • 清华附中王殿军校长亲临展会现场家长们亲切交谈耐心家长们解答提出问题

    Dianjun Wang, the principal of Tsinghua University High School, visited the site for two days, and warmly talked with parents and patiently answered their questions.


  • 结论动物模型生殖内分泌激素神经递质两方面较好反映更年期抑郁症病理生理变化

    CONCLUSION:This animal model reflects the physiopathological changes of menopause depression disease in the aspects of productive endocrine hormone and neurotransmitter.


  • 新建上层露台沿垂直方向铺设着红杉木条创造出一个可渗水的表面,轻轻砌筑基础上

    The new upper storey is lined with vertical slats of red cedar, creating a homogenous yet permeable box that appears to rest lightly on its masonry base.


  • 干暖河谷特有成分各级植物区系标志种反映河谷区系演化近代趋势及其独特性

    The endemic elements and the character elements are all the better to be reflect the evolutional tendency of tropical flora and the unique flora in these valleys.


  • 创造力培养特色时间逻辑性维度外的其他维度上明显高于创造力培养特色的区。

    The places with creativity training features was much higher obviously than the places without creativity training features on the all dimensionalities except time logicality.


  • 大学生冲突化解、自我评价、自我反馈认知他人、评价他人五个指标上得分显著高于女生

    The scores of male students are significantly higher than female one in removing conflict, self-perceive, self-feedback, cognizing others and evaluating others.


  • 大学生冲突化解、自我评价、自我反馈认知他人、评价他人五个指标上得分显著高于女生

    The scores of male students are significantly higher than female one in removing conflict, self-perceive, self-feedback, cognizing others and evaluating others.


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