• 撰写窗口中,在每一HTML模式切换文本模式时,邮件地址描述将被增加的问题。

    In the compose window, mail address description increased every time you switch HTML mode to text mode.


  • 如果其中个人使电子邮件地址变得可用可以她自己的FOAF文件引用或许还可以象上面描述的那样对它进行加密

    If one of those people wishes to make her E-mail address available, she can reference it in her own FOAF files, and perhaps encrypt it as described above.


  • 元数据示例包括接口描述端点地址涵盖服务级别协议安全关系策略

    Examples of metadata include interface descriptions, endpoint address, and policies covering service level agreements, security relationships, and so on.


  • 如果回想起有关主题文章,假定电子邮件地址是一个明确特性用于合并来自不同描述

    If you recall from the previous article on this topic, the E-mail address is assumed to be an unambiguous propertyused to merge descriptions from diverse sources.


  • 这家日本集团把这起周前发生的事件描述侵入”,失窃的信息包括真实姓名生日电子邮件地址索尼密码

    The Japanese group said it had lost real names, birth dates, E-mail addresses and Sony passwords in what it described as an "intrusion" nearly a week earlier.


  • 对于姓名地址产品描述文本数据查看可变数据格式识别包含多个字段关键

    For text data such as name, address, and product descriptions, a review of the varying data formats is critical to identify fields containing multiple domains.


  • 3显示示例1描述地址关系基础概念视图

    Figure 3 shows a conceptual view of the base tables for the address relationship described in Example 1.


  • 前面描述方法假设实际端点地址某种方式从使用端点地址相同的自定义中介元素获得

    The approach described above assumes the actual endpoint address is somehow derived in the same custom mediation primitive that USES the endpoint address.


  • 1示例IP地址范围描述全面命名规范

    Table 1 outlines a much more comprehensive naming convention with example IP address ranges.


  • 指定SNMP代理获得许多数据包括IP地址描述正常运行时间网络统计数据(已发送/接收数据包和已发送/接收的 IP 数据包)。

    This obtains a number of data points from a specified SNMP agent, including the IP address, description, uptime, and network statistics (packets sent/received, and IP packets sent/received).


  • 地址空间虚拟的,就是说地址是从物理内存中抽象出来的(通过一个简短描述过程)。

    The address Spaces are virtualized, meaning that the addresses are abstracted from physical memory (through a process detailed shortly).


  • 一个基于XML公共数据模型(称为NIEM核心),提供描述人员地址活动组织通用对象数据组件

    A common XML-based data model called NIEM core that provides data components for describing universal objects such as people, locations, activities, and organizations.


  • 如果某个站点可以检测垃圾帖子其他站点辨别出帖子,这类似上面描述垃圾信息bot登记电子邮件IP地址的热门列表

    If the post can be detected as spam on one site, it can prepare the other sites to identify it as such, similar to the hot lists of spam bot registration E-mail and IP addresses described above.


  • 需要注意是,"contact"对象包括另一个嵌套)对象 "address",描述详细地址

    Notice that the "contact" object includes another (nested) object named "address", which describes the details of an address.


  • 其放置中可以全面描述MedPublisher其中包括用于使用库的任何项目端点地址

    Placing it in the library makes the full description of MedPublisher, including the endpoint address, available to any project that uses the library.


  • WSDL描述指定Web服务地址允许通信机制接口消息类型

    The WSDL description specifies the address, allowable communication mechanisms, interface, and message types of a Web service.


  • description2包含位置描述信息(Redlands),地址查找服务中使用它。

    Description2 contains the short description of the place (for example, Redlands). Not used in Address Finder.


  • 简单清单1中的描述表明“名叫EddDumbill 的人,电子邮件地址为 edd@xml.com。”

    Put simply, the description in Listing 1 says "there is a person whose name is Edd Dumbill and whose e-mail address is edd@xml.com."


  • GoogleGeocoder服务返回描述地址KML

    The Google Geocoder service will return KML that describes the address.


  • AdHocdistribution一步必须输入电邮地址UDID, UDID即唯一数据条目描述,在iTunes里可以获得。

    Here you must enter your email address and UDID as the first step in the AD Hoc distribution process. The UDID, or Unique Data Item Description, is available from within iTunes.


  • 提名发送至pask-nominations@agilealliance.org,包括提名人姓名邮件地址您提名此人的原因描述,限制200个单词之内。

    Please send your nominations to pask-nominations@agilealliance.org, including the nominee's name, email address and a short summary of your reasons for making the nomination, limited to 200 words.


  • 篇文章描述如何通过利用地址簿作为例子使用一个查询

    This article demonstrates how to use each of these queries by using an address book project as an example.


  • 后面介绍地址空间映射时,我们描述这些不同部分

    We'll identify some of these in an address-space map later on in this article.


  • 由于节点其子节点定义地址,所以可以选择不同地址映射最恰当描述系统

    Since each parent node defines the addressing domain for its children, the address mapping can be chosen to best describe the system.


  • 使用文件address . xml(描述地址簿)来快速重复一个示例

    Let me repeat a quick example using the file address.xml, which describes an address book.


  • 其他人描述引用他们的 mbox_sha1sum 特性不是他们的电子邮件地址对于您来说或许礼貌的。

    In your descriptions of other people, it is probably courteous for you to reference their mbox_sha1sum property instead of their e-mail address.


  • 使用先前指定端点类型绑定大致给出了描述服务特殊提供商Web地址uri

    It USES the port type and binding specified earlier, and basically gives the web address or URI for a particular provider of the described service.


  • 我们以上所描述整个过程就是极客们所说的“去arp一个MAC地址”。

    This entire process we've just described is what geeks mean when they say "it's ARPing for a MAC address."


  • 编辑链接面板内部,可以链接的任何或者所有选项,包括XFN关系类别地址描述RSSURI,或者其它的详细信息

    From within the Edit link panel, you can change any or all of the options for the link, including XFN relationships, category, address, description, RSS URI, or any other detail.


  • 编辑链接面板内部,可以链接的任何或者所有选项,包括XFN关系类别地址描述RSSURI,或者其它的详细信息

    From within the Edit link panel, you can change any or all of the options for the link, including XFN relationships, category, address, description, RSS URI, or any other detail.


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