• 尝试不同放映机地图投映在同一屏幕上

    The team tried projecting the maps with two different projectors onto the same screen.


  • 大德中心给出了一对比过去两个冬季(左边)夏季(右边)“季节平均温度异常地图

    Goddard released this set of maps comparing "seasonal mean temperature anomalies" for the last two winters (left) and summers (right).


  • 例如今天,Wolfram Alpha正在发布实时空间气候数据12完整基因数据以及本地地图以及众多数学生物学物理地理相关其他知识领域

    Today, for example, the team is launching real-time space weather data, 12 complete genomes and local maps, as well as other knowledge domains related to math, biology, physics and geography.


  • 他们第一个目标受试者基因完整地图,从而判断是什么使他们的死亡时钟走得那么,那么长。

    Their first goal is to draw a complete map of their subjects' genomes, to figure out what makes their mortality clocks tick so slowly and for so long.


  • 给定地址我们查找它们纬度经度然后使用plot - latlong它们显示世界地图中。

    Given a set of addresses, we will look up their latitude and longitude, then use plot-latlong to display them on a world map. Consider the following list of addresses.


  • 世界电子热度地图输入了35数据

    His team feeds 35 sets of data into an electronic "heat" map of the world.


  • 专家们新的发现改变人类DNA样貌科学观点,我们基因地图增添丰富种类

    The new findings already are altering scientific understanding of what human DNA looks like, experts said, adding a rich diversity of variation to our map of the genome.


  • 每隔20英国鸟类研究信托公司都会公布有关英国爱尔兰鸟类生活详细地图分布

    Every 20 years the BTO produces a superbly detailed atlas of bird life in Britain and Ireland.


  • 采用间设计,每种实验条件下12被试他们通过言语交流完成地图任务

    There are 12 pairs of subjects in each experimental condition. They performed a map task through their verbal communication.


  • 地图显示二零一一年一月至三月十个星期,发生流感样爆发情况的学校地点和个案人数

    This set of Map Library maps displays the pattern of this second wave over a ten week period.


  • 现在可以绘制十分详尽亚历山大的古代地图考古学现代水下测量数据这些信息提供给计算机绘图专家

    Drawing on the details of alexandria ' s ancient maps, archeology and modern underwater survey data, she can now send the information to a team of computer graphics specialists.


  • 试验结果表明,各密度地图生长速度存在明显差异率、增长率、特定生长率平均日增重都养殖密度的增加而降低;

    The results showed that there were significant decreases in length increment, special growth rate and daily weight gain of the juveniles with the increase in stocking density increase.


  • 结果地图舌小儿反复呼吸道感染厌食发生率明显高于对照P<0.05),体重明显低于对照(P<0.05);

    Results:The percentages of repeated respiratory tract infection, anorexia and weigh loss in the study group are much higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).


  • 地图角膜炎有效率痊愈病例疗程比较显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    The effective rate of geographic keratitis and courses of treatment of the cured patients were not statistically significant between two groups ( P >0 05).


  • 本文课题开发设计实现基于本体的可重构知识管理系统框架下,研究了基于知识地图的知识检索重用方法

    This paper researches methods of a knowledge search and knowledge recommendation based on Reconfigurable Ontology-based Knowledge Management System developed by our design team.


  • 方法使用环境数据中提取特征完成激光数据点集的匹配,进而完成环境地图创建

    The map building method matched two consecutive scans according to the feature points extracted from the scans and then completed the whole map building.


  • 地图显示1998年至2007年每年首次被呈报吸食毒品年轻人士分布,人数等值区间区议会分区居住地描绘。

    These maps show the yearly number of newly reported young drug users by district of residence from 1998 to 2007, with data classified by equal intervals.


  • 地图显示1998年至2007年每年首次被呈报吸食毒品年轻人士分布,人数等值区间区议会分区居住地描绘。

    These maps show the yearly number of newly reported young drug users by district of residence from 1998 to 2007, with data classified by equal intervals.


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