• 阿根廷地区联网用户比率最高国家,为64%。

    Argentina is the country with the highest rate of users connected to the network with about 64%.


  • 令人大为鼓舞数据来自欧洲北美,这两个地区联网用户占总人口比率分别为58%和77%。

    Far more encouraging are the data coming from Europe and North America where the percentages of users connected to the network, respectively, are around 58% and 77% of the population.


  • 也是全球联网使用率最低地区之一

    It also has one of the lowest rates of Internet usage.


  • 比如,失业者在线工作,边远地区农民也能联网找到定制农作物种植建议

    The unemployed will search for jobs online. Farmers in remote areas will find customised advice on crop planting.


  • 拉丁美洲地区国家人们联网广泛访问,是诸如犯罪地图在线工具增加决定因素。

    Wider access to the internet in Latin American countries has been crucial to the rise of online tools such as crime maps.


  • 这些数据来自2010年尼尔森超过2万7千名来自北美南美亚太欧洲中东地区联网用户所做调查

    The data is based on a 2010 Nielsen survey of more than 27, 000 Internet users from North America, South America, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East.


  • 这些数据来自2010年尼尔森超过2万7千名来自北美南美亚太欧洲中东地区联网用户所做调查

    The data is based on a 2010 Nielsen survey of more than 27,000 Internet users from North America, South America, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East.


  • Cinic的报告指出联网使用农村地区增加速度快城市

    Cinic also noted that Internet use in the countryside was increasing faster than in the cities.


  • 约克:“尼泊尔等3地方联网普及率相当,而我认为埃及的互联网人群是3个地区总和的近20倍。

    JILLIAN YORK: "The Internet penetration rate of those three places is fairly low.


  • 年内美国亚洲地区之间联网通讯量可能翻番

    He says within two to three years, Internet traffic between the United States and Asia could double.


  • 在撒哈拉以南非洲地区接入联网价格高于世界任何其它地区

    The price of Internet access is significantly higher in Sub-Saharan Africa than in other regions of the world.


  • 偏远地区卫星接入服务价格昂贵,所以联网接入点稀少而且往往要共用

    Satellite access service to remote areas is expensive, so Internet access points are scarce and often Shared.


  • 具有更高联网参与度地区显然会领跑,具有更高的用户普及率地区如此。

    Markets with higher Internet participation will obviously lead the way, as will markets with higher subscriber penetration.


  • 但是粗暴地切断光纤可能会惹怒其他地区风险:例如传输欧洲亚洲很多联网通信的光纤同时服务于埃及的。

    But crudely disconnecting cables risks outrage elsewhere: much of the Internet traffic between Europe and Asia passes through the cables which also serve Egypt, for instance.


  • 接下来是1990年代后期联网泡沫,那次泡沫使得硅谷成了旧金山地区新的淘金之地。

    There followed the dotcom boom in the late 1990s, which promised to make silicon the new gold in the San Francisco Bay Area.


  • 印度经验表明语音通话昂贵联网连接稀缺的地区企业家愿意使用基于文本的短信服务

    The experience of India shows that in places where voice calls are expensive and Internet connections rare, entrepreneurs gravitate to text-based messaging.


  • 匹兹堡今天幸运来自于很大程度上躲过了席卷全国其它地区房地产联网泡沫,比如当下它建设实实在在的体育场医院

    Pittsburgh is in relatively good shape because it largely missed the housing and dotcom booms enjoyed by the rest of the county. Indeed, it is currently building a new sports arena and a new hospital.


  • 弗林特市中心爱荷华州农村地区孩子们负担不起或开通不了高速联网一情况会阻碍美国竞争力的提高。

    When kids in downtown Flint or rural Iowa can't afford or access high-speed Internet, that sets back America's ability to compete.


  • 威瑟斯:“我们收音机送到世界上部分没有联网任何电力网地区。”

    THOMAS WITHERSPOON: "we take our radios to parts of the world that lack access to the Internet, to a national power grid of any sort."


  • 最后拉美加勒比海地区联网用户数全部人口34%。

    Lastly, in Latin America and the Caribbean the number of users of the network stops at 34% of the total population.


  • 联合研究员Oregon大学网络启动资源中心首席执行官司非洲联网数字资源地区注册所

    Research associate, University of Oregon Network Startup Resource Center; CEO, Regional Registry for Internet Number Resources for Africa.


  • 福克斯计划负责互联网广告销售地区总部设在阿布扎比,阿拉伯地区年轻朝气对于福克斯来说一个机遇海湾地区4100万居民当中有近三分之二的人年龄30岁以下

    Fox, which plans to put its regional base for online-ad sales in Abu Dhabi, sees the region's youth as an opportunity: nearly two-thirds of the Gulf's 41m residents are under 30.


  • 最近我们安装一项具成本效益制式的技术——Amadeus旅行社联网引擎(Amadeus Agency Internet Engine),其帮助我们不仅菲律宾而且整个亚太地区扩张业务

    Most recently, we installed the Amadeus Agency Internet Engine, a cost-effective and customised solution that helped us to expand our operations, not just in the Philippines but across the region.


  • 一些学者认为,虽然 @ 如今仅仅活跃在互联网上,但这个符号的历史,想象的还要古老。 早1300年前拉丁美洲地区出现,人们用它来表示at、to、toward 的意思。

    "@" is more ancient than you might think--Some scholars think it was invented over 1,300 years ago, as way to reduce the Latin word "ad"--which means "at, "to," or "toward"--into a single penstroke.


  • 一些学者认为,虽然 @ 如今仅仅活跃在互联网上,但这个符号的历史,想象的还要古老。 早1300年前拉丁美洲地区出现,人们用它来表示at、to、toward 的意思。

    "@" is more ancient than you might think--Some scholars think it was invented over 1,300 years ago, as way to reduce the Latin word "ad"--which means "at, "to," or "toward"--into a single penstroke.


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