• 份协议将随后具有等同于地区法庭的法律效应。

    The agreement then becomes binding and can be enforced as a District Court order.


  • 法庭系统构成:高等法庭11个上诉法庭91个地区法庭

    Consist of a system of law courts: the Supreme court, 11 courts of Appeals, and 91 District courts.


  • 很快亨德里克斯得知哈林顿律师肖恩地区法庭申请获得孩子完全看护权。

    Hendrix soon learned that Harrington's attorney had filed a Child in Need of Care petition in Shawnee County District Court that morning.


  • 2005年12月肖恩地区法庭宣判:“德里克斯具有法律上父亲身份。”

    In December 2005, the Shawnee County District Court agreed: "Hendrix is found not to be the legal father."


  • 今天杰拉德出现北部地区法庭上,大概15分钟,杰拉德已经保释出来

    Gerrard appeared in North Shefton Magistrate's Court today for only about 15 minutes and has been bailed.


  • 12月6日卡夫纽约地区法庭申请星巴克执行初步禁令,声称其违反双方合约条款

    On December 6th Kraft sought a preliminary injunction against Starbucks in a District Court of New York, for allegedly violating the terms of their agreement.


  • 惠普控诉友达光电(2409),11- 4116一已经在美国加州地区法庭立案。

    The case is Hewlett-Packard Co. v. AU Optronics Corp. (2409), 11- 4116, U. S. District Court, Northern District of California (San Francisco).


  • 一个波士顿联邦地区法庭陪审团判定罗氏新药Mircera侵犯三项安进公司专利并且确定这些专利其他项专利的有效性

    A jury in Federal District Court in Boston ruled that Roche's new drug, Mircera, infringed on three Amgen patents and upheld the validity of those patents and two others.


  • 法庭科学取证专家们寻找线索而搜查了这个地区

    Forensic experts searched the area for clues.


  • 他们希望专利,一个法庭可以保证他们整个欧洲地区知识产权保护他们应有权益

    They want a single European patent to protect intellectual property across the region, and a single court in which to defend their rights.


  • 彼德沟通一些问题确实可以通过法庭下达的调停令解决,科林斯公司好几个地区组织这样的调停会。

    Petrey says some of those communication problems can be avoided with court-ordered mediations, which the Collins Center is helping to organize in several areas.


  • 地区法院法官认为既然格雷夫斯明显是无辜,便没有必要通过法庭来做出声明。

    The district-attorney decided that since he was obviously innocent, there was no need to go to the trouble of asking a court about it.


  • 韩国水地区法院法官永安吉(音,UnggiYoon)估计韩国法庭已经收到大约300起此类诈骗案以及60起与虚拟游戏世界相关黑客攻击案件。

    Unggi Yoon, a judge in the Suwon District court in South Korea, estimates that Korean courts have heard nearly 300 cases of fraud and more than 60 relating to hacking in virtual game-worlds.


  • 西方石油公司正在美国法庭面临多项指控,指控包括1972年- 2000年期间,当地作业石油公司在亚马逊地区倾倒90亿有毒废物

    Occidental Petroleum are currently facing charges in US courts of dumping an estimated nine billion barrels of toxic waste in the regions of the Amazon where they operated from 1972 to 2000.


  • 地区律师表示考虑到Plude自首情节,法庭建议20缓刑

    The district attorney has said he will recommend 20 years probation for Plude and no more jail time in exchange for the confession.


  • 主要在农村地区不到十五万的人口居住区就设有个乡镇法庭(tribunaldegrandeinstance,又称大事法庭);大城市里,个同规模的法庭却要五十五万人口提供服务。

    In largely rural areas, there is a tribunal de grande instance (county court) for fewer than 150, 000 people; in big cities, one such court serves over 550, 000.


  • 人民党强烈抵制如今受到法庭挑战有关加泰罗尼亚法案,引起了西班牙其它地区不满

    Yet the new statute for Catalonia, fiercely resisted by the PP and now subject to a court challenge, has proved unpopular in the rest of Spain.


  • 法庭作出上述判决不仅考虑到该贴文字图片同时也考虑到当时美国部分地区人流工作者确实遭到枪杀。

    The court considered not only the words and images but the reality that abortion providers were actually being shot and killed in parts of the U. S. around the same time.


  • 事情起于一起发生美国偏远地区却鲜有报道法庭判决

    IT STARTED with a little-reported court judgement in an American backwater.


  • 本周Sancho先生Wagner先生夏威夷地区联邦法庭提交了诉状,要求欧洲粒子物理实验室停止开启LHC

    This week, Mr Sancho and Mr Wagner put their fears before a federal district court in Hawaii, asking for an injunction on CERN to stop the LHC opening.


  • 然而美国国际刑事法庭的态度开始趋于缓和,到了2006年1月国际刑事法庭变得更加势不可挡,极力地深入到乌干达地区刚果地区苏丹·达尔·福尔地区冲突之中

    Yet America seems to be softening its stance towards the ICC, and by January 2006 the court had become more robust, delving into conflicts in Uganda, Congo and Sudan's Darfur province.


  • 瑞典仲裁法庭否决了家公司联合开发俄罗斯北极地区发现油田的提议。

    An arbitration tribunal in Sweden has upheld a freeze on the tie-up that would have seen the two companies jointly develop new oil fields in the Russian Arctic region.


  • 这两名新闻从业人员马丁·希比耶约翰·珀森,星期二法庭告诉三名法官他们前往叛军出没奥加登地区,是为了调查瑞典石油公司伦丁石油公司的行为

    Journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson told a three-judge panel Tuesday they had gone to the insurgency-wracked Ogaden region to investigate the activities of a Swedish oil firm.


  • 其次考察了世界主要国家(地区)的证券集团诉讼辅助机制分别介绍了风险代理制度,“法庭”制度和诉讼担保制度。

    Secondly, the author studies litigation auxiliary systems in main countries (areas), introduces risk agency system 'friend of the court' system and security in litigation system.


  • 名瑞典记者在埃塞俄比亚法庭他们奥加登地区叛军一同被捕时,在为他们职业最高传统标准尽责。

    Two Swedish journalists have told an Ethiopian court they were upholding the highest traditions of their profession when they were arrested in the company of rebels in the restive Ogaden region.


  • 名瑞典记者在埃塞俄比亚法庭他们奥加登地区叛军一同被捕时,在为他们职业最高传统标准尽责。

    Two Swedish journalists have told an Ethiopian court they were upholding the highest traditions of their profession when they were arrested in the company of rebels in the restive Ogaden region.


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