• 通过实证分析考察我国目前存在地区差距整体经济增长影响

    Testing the influence which the regional disparity at present has on whole economy in China through the demonstration.


  • 文章认为,地区差距扩大世界各国工业化过程中出现共同现象我国不例外

    According to this paper, the regional gap widening is a common phenomenon during the period of various countries 'industrialization in the world, and our country is also included.


  • 指出我国居民收入分配差距地区差距、城乡差距、行业差距和个体差距的综合反映

    At last, it is pointed out that the residents' income difference in china reflects


  • 第二部分应用倒“U模型分析江西区域地区差距采用的方法有二分法和十一分法。

    In the second part the inverted "u" model is used to describe regional inequity of Jiangxi province.


  • 利用本文提出地区集中指数地区贡献率指标,估计中国地区差距对总体居民收入差距贡献28

    The indexes of regional concentration index and contribution rate are put forward and the results show that the contribution rate is 28.


  • 我国社会贫富差距分化既表现城镇内部差距农村内部差距上,更突出地表现在城乡差距地区差距上。

    This gap has found its expression inside cities and towns, inside the country - side, particularly in the difference between cities and villages, and between regions.


  • 甘肃省财政转移支付在分配中相对发达地区倾斜,导致财政转移支付在客观上起到了扩大地区差距作用。

    Unfortunately, more fiscal transfer payment is paid to relative developed areas of Gansu Province and leads to an enlargement of regional disparities.


  • 其次围绕财政政策说明制度变迁地区差距影响,主要财政体制、税收政策及转移支付三个方面加以阐明。

    On the other hand, around the finance policy, I explain how the change of system influent regional margin, mainly from three aspects including public finance system, tax policy and transfer to pay.


  • 后来实施一系列行之有效积极区域政策对不断扩大的差距起到好的抑制作用近期地区差距出现了缩小迹象

    Later, implementing a series of effective and active regional policy, it played a very good effect in the ever-widening gap; the recent regional disparity has narrowed signs.


  • 两个地区之间工资差距正在拉大。

    Wage differences in the two areas are widening.


  • 虽然教育中的性别差距已经明显缩小但它地区带来了性别问题,即怎样处理男童的问题。

    While the gender gap in education has significantly closed, it's left the region with a different kind of gender issue - one dealing with boys.


  • 但是同时说减少COD任务仍然十分艰巨而且各个地区减排进度存在着很大的差距

    However, he said it was still difficult to reduce the amount of COD and the reduction progress was far different among regions.


  • 农村地区福利待遇改善减少城乡间生活水平差距

    Welfare benefits will also be improved in rural areas to reduce the gap in standards of living between town and country.


  • 与此同时人们身体状况将得到能够更好地保障,寿命更长某些地区贫富差距问题也越来越突出,数千万的人们受到了食物饮用水短缺的困扰。

    While more people are living longer and healthier lives, gaps are widening between the rich and the poor in some nations and tens of millions of people are vulnerable to food and water shortages.


  • 城乡差距使得沿海地区城市工人受益,因为这些地方具有通向全球市场良好交通条件

    Then, the rural-urban divide plays its part by rewarding workers in coastal areas and cities where there are good transport links to global markets.


  • 未来5-8,欧亚中东地区部分国家预计转变这趋势,因为这些国家将尽量减少光电设备陆基C4ISTAR系统之间的能力差距

    In the next 5-8 year, part of Europe, Aia and the Middle Eat are projected to witne a hift in trend, a thee countrie will try to reduce the capability gap exitent with their land-baed C4ISTAR.


  • 然而这些差距缩小对于每个人和每个地区来说是平衡的。

    However, these gaps have not narrowed evenly for everyone, everywhere.


  • 尽管社会性别平等方面取得了实际进展,但在世界许多地区依然存在差距

    Despite real advances in gender equality, gaps remain in many parts of the world.


  • 城市地区最高收入最低收入家庭差距令人震惊,相差26 倍官方数据认为是9 倍。

    The gap between the highest-income and lowest-income families in urban areas is an astounding 26-fold, while the official data sets it at nine-fold.


  • 英国最落后地区主要北方威尔士发达地区(也就是东南部)的差距过去20年中不断扩大,在最近一次经济危机中情况继续恶化。

    The gap between Britain’s poorest regions (mainly in the north and Wales) and its richest (in the south-east) has widened for the past 20 years.


  • 考虑到地区生产力前景存在先天差距,鼓励衰落地区人口繁荣地区流动有道理的。

    Given inherent gaps in regional productivity prospects, there is a case for boosting mobility from declining regions to prospering ones.


  • 世界一些地区孕产妇死亡人数反映出获得医疗服务的机会不平等突出了富国穷国之间差距

    The high number of maternal deaths in some areas of the world reflects inequities in access to health services, and highlights the gap between rich and poor.


  • 然而,要通过北部地区提高价格办法弥合差距决策者不得不接受整个欧元区临时性通货膨胀。

    But to close the gap through rising prices in the north, policy makers would have to accept temporarily higher inflation for the euro area as a whole.


  • 欧洲范围存在巨大差距伤害依然需要予以应对一种挑战,在东欧中欧以及南欧地区尤其如此。

    But nevertheless there is a huge divide within Europe and therefore injury is still a challenge that needs addressing, particularly in the eastern and central parts of Europe, followed by the south.


  • 挪威城市农村医生分配上差距一直存在,尤其是北部地区。1997年,挪威北部地区有28%初级保健医师职位空缺的。

    In Norway, poor physician distribution between urban and rural areas has been persistent, particularly in the north, where in 1997 a total of 28% of the primary care physician positions were vacant.


  • 实际上削减公共开支的大刀挥起时,很多国家贫富地区差距可能会进一步扩大。

    Indeed, the gap between richer and poorer regions is likely to widen in many countries as the public-spending axe falls.


  • 此外亚洲开发银行还敦促亚洲各国流动工人地区之间更加容易地流动,弥补不同地区之间劳动力供应方面的差距

    In addition, the report urged countries in Asia to make it easier for migrant workers to move about the region, to help fill gaps in labor supplies.


  • 事实上,气球并非个完美球体北极地区要比赤道地区更加接近地心,两地之间的差距大概是公里

    The Earth isn't completely spherical - land at the North Pole is a number of kilometres nearer to the core of the planet than land at the Equator.


  • 与欧洲商会年前发布的首份此类报告相比,本次报告显示,在2003至2006年间,两个地区时间差距有所扩大。

    Compared with the first such report by Eurochambres published two years ago, it shows the time lag widened between 2003 and 2006.


  • 如果种族地区因素影响组合起来,你会得到令人震惊生活方式差距

    If you combine the influence of ethnicity and region, you get astounding lifestyle gaps.


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