• 流浪乐队那位打着绷带丈夫遗弃天鹅岛上。

    The wandering band abandoned her bandaged husband on Swan Island.


  • 相对值精度估量转换率加号减号一个规范错误地乐队虚线暗示。

    To give an indication of the precision of the estimated transition rates, plus and minus one standard error bands are indicated by dashed lines in the figure.


  • 音乐会结束乐队歌迷靠近就神秘消失了

    After the concert, the band was spirited away before their fans could get near them.


  • 管弦乐队神气十足演奏着。

    The orchestra played with great panache.


  • 音乐会乐队顺利度过了初中高中瘦小的身体上绑钹、响和低音行进

    I sailed through Junior and Senior High in the concert bands and marched for four years with cymbals, snares and bass drums strapped to my slight frame.


  • 音乐会乐队顺利度过了初中高中瘦小的身体上绑钹、响和低音行进

    I sailed through Junior and Senior High in the concert bands and marched for four years with cymbals, snares and bass drums strapped to my slight frame.


  • 短暂安静乐队指挥亲切变换节奏,当吉尔达·格雷在《愚蠢》里的替补演员的错误消息传开时,大家议论纷纷。

    A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray's understudy from the Follies.


  • 就在上周,股民就像小孩为了抢他们最喜欢乐队门票一样,疯狂抢购YG娱乐股票

    Last week, buyers snapped up YG Entertainment's stock like teenagers trying to score tickets to their favorite boy band's show.


  • 初中后,我理所当然成为乐队一员。

    When I entered Junior High, there was no question I would be in the Band.


  • 顿的RedHotPeppers首次向世人展示了一支松弛自发乐队同样巧妙组织

    Morton's Red Hot Peppers showed, for the first time, that a jazz band could be loose and spontaneous, but meticulously organised as well.


  • 大盘各式贝壳活蹦乱跳上桌前,请客的人担忧了我一眼,乐队的其他成员:“那这个老外什么呢?”

    Before the large plates containing a wide variety of shellfish and bowls of flopping shrimp arrived, our host looked warily at me and asked my bandmates, 'What is the foreigner going to eat?'


  • 不久在酒精作用下,马克西姆放弃了以往的严肃,了松领带,随着乐队演奏披头士的“归来”放荡不羁又奇笨无比了起来。

    Before long, Maxim forgot his usual reserve, loosened his tie, and danced with uninhibited, clumsy exuberance to the band's rendition of the Beatles' "Get Back."


  • 音乐节目开始了,一个更加古典片断,这片断是由哈佛拉德克利夫管弦乐队演奏的,具有天堂般旋律的声音霍尔登唱诗班传来.这样,传来了喑喑玛-76的声音,入迷摇摆着,大提琴上传来响亮的的声音.之后,德鲁浮士德校长加入了设在纪念教堂前的帐篷舞台.蛋糕在哪儿?

    Then came Yo-Yo Ma ’76, swaying and ecstatic, playing sonorous Bach on his cello. Afterward, President Drew Faust joined him on the tented stage in front of the Memorial Church.


  • 那晚卡门·艾尔茜磕磕巴巴的英语做了自我介绍呢,好奇冲着微笑邀请她和乐队一起喝酒

    Carmen Elcira introduced herself to him that night, fumbling with her English, and he, smiling curiously at her, invited her to come out with the band to get a drink.


  • 但是奇怪事情发生了:这种不满并没有使乐队解散相反他们了下来开始交流

    But the strangest thing happened: instead of allowing dissatisfaction to blow the group apart, they sat down and talked.


  • 尽管乐队名气最后能做到长盛不衰,但是的乐师伙伴乐队后继者中,成就不朽事业的人却出奇

    And though the band never achieved lasting fame, a surprising number of my fellow musicians and our successors went on to memorable careers.


  • 如果乐队,一定着重整个乐队介绍非大篇幅单独介绍乐队每个成员。

    If you're in a band, stick to writing about the band's overall story, rather than each individual member in detail.


  • 为什么活跃了30多年滚石乐队还能满世界卖出演唱会门票呢?

    Why, after performing for over 30 years, do the Rolling Stones continue to sell out venues around the world?


  • 人群熙熙攘攘、摩肩接踵,手机摄像头噼里啪啦拍摄着巴西一个知名桑巴乐队

    THE crowd surges back and forth, hands above heads, mobile-phone cameras snapping one of Brazil's best-known samba bands.


  • 活跃小型俱乐部里四重奏五重奏的实况演奏。柯川幸运高超的伴舞乐队指挥和老师雇佣,他们是迈尔斯•戴维斯罗尼斯-蒙克。

    The fizz was in small clubs where quartets and quintets played live, and Col trane was lucky to be hired by two superb bandleaders and teachers, Miles Davis and The lonious Monk.


  • 乐队曼联任何形式规模机构争先恐后从中分一杯

    From Coldplay to Manchester United, institutions of every shape and size are scrambling to get a piece of the action.


  • 泡泡乐队高兴自己发出慈善演出倡议很快实现,而且这麽多明星助阵乐队清楚记得前身‘绿洲乐队’2002年日本仙台演出的场景。

    Beady Eye -- who still have fond memories of their concert in Sendai as Oasis in 2002 -- are delighted their idea for a benefit gig has come together so quickly and with such fantastic support.


  • 帐篷里,乐队正在演奏音乐人们高兴欢呼

    Inside the tent the band was playing music and people were Shouting happily.


  • 艾灵顿诸多的伴舞乐队一样立刻认识到了这一来自新奥尔良充满活力的新式乐音潜力无限。

    Like many dance-band musicians of that era, Ellington quickly realised that the vibrant new jazz sounds coming up from New Orleans represented a potent source of new ideas.


  • 舞台幕布背后,一支三人乐队开始演奏暖场音乐,位酒不停忙碌着给顾客倒酒。

    A three-piece band behind the drapes at the back of the stage began to make warmup noises and there were two bartenders keeping busy.


  • 流行摇滚乐队唐朝就是有效二胡古典音响完美结合他们现代摇滚节奏中去。

    The popular band, Tang Dynasty, has effectively integrated the erhu's classic sound into their modern rock sound.


  • 很自然成为了乐队一员

    Naturally she joined the band.


  • 很自然成为了乐队一员

    Naturally she joined the band.


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