• 按照模型进行地下水理论前兆正演的结果大地震前实际观测地下水异常的典型图象,基本上一致的。

    According to deduction from the model, the result shows that theoretical precursory field is basically consistent with practical data of groundwater anomaly.


  • 灰色系统理论为基础灰色关联度分析方法因子污染指数法相结合,构造了一种适合于评价地下水质量灰色模型

    Based on the grey system theory, a grey assessment model of groundwater quality is built by combining the method of grey relational grade analysis and the method of single factor contaminant index.


  • 误解了的“裘布依稳定模型”(“影响半径模型”)不合理选择地下水开采层位主要理论依据

    The misunderstood "Dupuit stable well flow model" ("model of radius of influence") is the main "theoretical" basis of the unreasonable selection of exploited horizon of groundwater.


  • 理论分析应用实践表明粗集理论用于地下水水质指标属性具有简便准确实用性强等特点。

    It is shown that the RS theory is simple, precise and practical for the attribute reduction of the groundwater quality index through the theoretical analysis and practical application.


  • 对于相关气田渗流地下水成因研究具有重要的理论意义

    This research has great theoretical significance in the study of the vadose field in gas field water and the origin of groundwater.


  • 据此,采用系统分析理论方法建立地表水地下水系统分配优化模型

    The optimal models of surface and ground water system were set up based on the theory and method of water resource systems.


  • 按照渗滤电流理论推出公式表明地下水渗滤作用引起所谓膨胀磁效应也是很小

    The formulas derived from the theory of diffusion current show that the so-called dilatancy-magnetic effect caused by ground water diffusion is also very small.


  • 从属性区间识别理论角度探讨地下水开采安全评价方法

    The safety evaluation method of groundwater extraction is discussed in the view of attribute interval recognition theory.


  • 这些理论结果可以用来评价地下水资源预测地面沉降量。

    The theoretical results can be used for the assessment of ground water resources and prediction of the land-subsidence.


  • 分析地下水回灌作为控制沉降一个有效措施提供了有力理论依据。

    This analysis also provides a sound basis for suggesting groundwater recharging as an effective means to control the subsidence.


  • 模糊环境模糊识别理论具体应用地下水脆弱性评价中。

    The proposed fuzzy pattern recognition model under fuzzy environment is applied to theevaluation of groundwater vulnerability.


  • 应用可变模糊理论提出地下水资源承载能力综合评价模糊可变集合方法

    The variable fuzzy evaluation method was established for comprehensive evaluation of regional groundwater resources carrying capacity, which is based on the theory of variable fuzzy sets.


  • 本文陕北能源化工基地巴拉素水源地为例,采用系统理论频率分析法地下水资源进行了计算

    This paper introduces the systems theory and frequency analysis approach, which bases on the calculation of groundwater resources in Balasu Northern Shaanxi Energy.


  • 本文作者认为作为相对性稳定流理论仍然具有强大生命力,特别是评价、开发地下水资源领域中还有广阔应用前景。

    The author thinks relative steady flow theory still has strong power of life and broad spectacle for valuing, developing and using groundwater resource. The paper cite a new word called critical flow.


  • 空间变异分析方面:应用空间插值、地质统计学理论研究灌区气象条件地下水埋深空间变异规律。

    Spatial interpolation and geostatistical methods are used to study the spatial variability of the meteorologic elements and ground water depth in the area.


  • 为了评价地下水水流条件变化对放射性核素迁移行为影响该文双重介质理论裂隙迁移模型为基础,提出了非恒定流条件下单裂隙核素迁移模。

    To assess how such changes may affect the nuclide transport behavior, the paper proposes a single fracture nuclide transport model under time-varying groundwater flow conditions based on t.


  • 本文借助动态规划理论分析地表水地下水统筹管理阶段决策问题

    With the help of dynamic programming method, the multistage decision problem on surface water and groundwater is analysed in this paper.


  • 重新研究岩石结构构造及地下水渗透方式分析了紊流理论应用界限

    Then the texture, structure of rock and seepage manner of groundwater were studied further. The application ranges of turbulent theory were also analyzed.


  • 在对淮南市区浅层地下水进行研究基础上,应用模糊理论对本研究区内的浅层地下水质量进行评价

    Based on the research to the shallow layer water under Huainan city. the fuzzy set theory is applied to the qualitative judgement on the water.


  • 非饱和水分运移规律研究“四转化研究、节水研究、地下水资源的形成损失研究等提供可靠理论依据

    The dynamic laws governing the water movement in unsaturated zone provide a reliable theory for water transform, water saving and groundwater formation and ullage.


  • 论文进一步深入研究污染河流地下水水质关系提供基础理论支撑

    The paper provides a basis theoretical support for further studying of relations between polluted river and the quality of groundwater.


  • 黑龙洞泉域研究了属性识别理论地下评价中的应用

    Taking Heilongdong spring area as an example, the application of attribute recognition theory for groundwater quality assessment is studied.


  • 地下水物质对流-扩散水化学找理论基础

    The convection-diffusion of substances in subsurface waters is the theoretical basis for hydrochemical exploration of oils.


  • 地下水资源系统一个信息不完全明确的系统,因此采用灰色系统理论地下水水质进行预测是完全可行的。

    Obviously, groundwater resources system is a grey system, so it is feasible for us to utilize grey system theory to predict groundwater quality.


  • 本文目前地下水环境质量预测的研究方法进行了系统总结,详细地阐述了统计学习理论研究的基本问题主要内容

    In this thesis, the current groundwater quality prediction methods were systematically summarized and the essential issues and main contents of statistical learning theory are elaborated.


  • 运用未确知数学理论地下水资源风险分析问题进行初步研究。

    The unascertained mathematics theory is applied to calculate the groundwater supply and evaluate the groundwater allowable withdrawal.


  • 地下水枯水期水位预报对春季农业生产具有重要意义,利用兰西县地下水水位观测资料,应用灰色系统理论拓扑预测建立模型进行预测,取得了较好的结。

    A good forecast result has been concluded with a topological prediction model of gray system theory based on the observation data of ground water table in Lanxi County.


  • 研究了基坑降低地下水引起地面随机沉降预测基于可靠性理论就随机地面沉降进行了可靠性分析。

    The ground random subsidence forecast for reason of dewatering in deep foundation pit are studied. And based on the reliability theory, the random land subsidence is analyzed.


  • 根据水动力学弥散理论建立农药包气中运移转化过程数学模型评价农药使用地下水环境影响

    A mathematic equation was established to model the leaching and transformation of pesticides in root zone and assess impact of pesticide on groundwater.


  • 本文根据达尔西地下水渗透定律推导出了不同含水层斜井井筒涌水量计算理论公式

    Based on the Darcy's law of the infiltration of ground-water, this paper has deduced the theoretical formula for the inclined shaft water-make calculation in the different aquifer.


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