• 通过实例计算此法用于地下水位动态分析效果显著

    Through Calculation examples this method is proved to be satisfactory for analyzing dynamic state of groundwater level.


  • 通过对浃里陈大桥桥头试验段真空度地下水位流量孔隙压力地表沉降现场监测结果分析

    The observation results of the bridge head experimental site of Jialichen Bridge are analyzed such as vacuum degree, ground water table, flowrate, pore water pressure and surface settlement.


  • 通过作者多年水池设计中所遇到一些常见问题,从结构专业角度出发分析探讨了地下水位确定、伸缩缝的设置、带的做法设计施工配合问题。

    The author analyses some problems in pool design, such as the determine of groundwater level, the setting of shrinkage joint, practice of later casting zone and the fitting of design and construction.


  • 本文采用完全耦合有效应力分析程序与状态相关剪胀性砂土模型模拟斜坡地下水位变化而发生的变形

    The deformation of slope caused by change of ground water level was investigated by adopting a fully coupled procedure and the stat.


  • 本文首先分析矿山开采地下资源影响利用人工神经网络模型预测矿区地下水位变化

    At first, This text analyses that mine exploiting impacts on groundwater resources, utilizes the artificial neural network model to predict change of the water level in mine area.


  • 本文采用完全耦合有效应力分析程序与状态相关剪胀性砂土模型模拟斜坡地下水位变化而发生的变形

    The deformation of slope caused by change of ground water level was investigated by adopting a fully coupled procedure and the state-dependent dilatant sand model.


  • 本文将潮汐分析的多道输入单道输出方法(简称MISO法)应用地下水位观测资料分析

    In this paper, MISO method is theoretically studied and firstly used to analyses underground water level data.


  • 提出山高陡、地下水位较大山丘地区找水,应以寻找低值异常为主的观点,并分析了形成低值异常的基本原因。

    According to the low value abnormality we have put forward the method of finding water in places of mountains, steep slope and hill where water table level is embebed deeply.


  • 通过模型黄土高原灌区应用实例分析该模型对灌区地下水位动态调控计算的可靠性有效性

    The reliability and effectiveness of the model in adjusting and controlling groundwater dynamic regime also are analyzed with a case study in an irrigated area in the loess plateau.


  • 进行用户需求分析确定西安市地面沉降地下水位动态监测管理信息系统主要功能

    The demands of user are analyzed, and determining the main function of the dynamical management information system of xi 'an land subsidence and groundwater.


  • 笔者平原为研究区,采用统计分析方法分析地下防污地下水资源脆弱性随地下水位埋深之间变化关系

    The statistical analysis method was used to analyze the relationship between the aquifer sensitivity and the groundwater vulnerability with groundwater depth in Hufu plain.


  • 通过实测结果理论计算结果对比分析总结了适合郑州市郑东新区以粘土、粉为主,地下水位较浅典型地质背景下管桩复合地基沉降变形的一般规律。

    Some general features of pipe pile composite foundation settlement derived from the typical geology background of silty clay, silty soil and shallow water level in Zhengzhou are summarized.


  • 时间序列分析统计检验提供优化地下水位监测频率定量标准

    Time series analysis and statistical test provide quantitative criteria to determine the optimum observation frequency.


  • 通过实验分析证实温度变化引起浅层地下水位日变化的主要原因之一

    From experiments and analysis show that the daily periodic variation of temperature is one of the main reasons causing the daily periodic variation of phreatic water table.


  • 水分平衡分析得出森林覆被高出一定值时,地下水位下降,在森林覆被率为29.9%左右时,环境因子处于最佳阶段

    Analyzing the moisture content balance with the rate of forest coverage increase in straight ground water lever fall. Around 29.9% of the rate of forest coverage environment factor stay best stage.


  • 应用MODFLOW软件进行数值分析,给出特征地下水位时间变化规律提出现状封闭条件下的适宜水面率。

    Through numerical simulation using Software MODFLOW, the temporal change rules of groundwater table at characteristic spots are educed, and feasible area ratio of water surface is put forward.


  • 通过荷载结构模型建立,分析连接处钢筋接驳失效以及地下水位既有车站影响整体结构内力位移进行评价

    Structural model of load analysis of reinforced junction connecting device failure on the impact of existing stations, and the overall evaluation of internal force and displacement.


  • 本文利用矿坑突(资料矿区地下水位观测资料对安庆铜矿水文地质条件进行分析概化。

    The hydrogeologic conditions of Anqing copper mine are analyzed herein based on data of pit water gushing and observation of groundwater level.


  • 相关分析研究表明地下水位土壤理化性质间相关关系显著

    Correlation analysis showed that groundwater depths had a significant relationship with soil physiochemical properties.


  • 通过实验分析证实温度变化引起浅层地下水位日变化的主要原因之一

    From experiments and analysis show that the daily periodic variation of temperature is one of the main reasons causing the daily periodic variation of phreatic water ta...


  • 分析可知屏东平原地下水位观测站井之水力传导系数地下水位变化模糊关系。

    The result shows that the variation of hydraulic conductivity with the changes of groundwater head in observation wells in Pingtung Plain is of fuzzy properties.


  • 分析可知屏东平原地下水位观测站井之水力传导系数地下水位变化模糊关系。

    The result shows that the variation of hydraulic conductivity with the changes of groundwater head in observation wells in Pingtung Plain is of fuzzy properties.


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