• 比赛李娜颁奖仪式上恢复幽默感笑容满面地感谢的团队,祝福球迷新年快乐

    Having lost her rag during the match, Li regained her sense of humour at the presentation ceremony and was all smiles as she thanked her team and wished fans a happy Chinese New Year.


  • 那些来自南斯拉夫运动员没有参加五环旗的环场展示,但是颁奖仪式五环旗他们冉冉升起。

    Those athletes that from Yugoslavia did not march in the parade of flags, but the Olympic flag was raised on their behalf during awarding ceremonies for them.


  • 颁奖仪式上领到证书证明这一点——我正式成为第260位记录徒步穿越美国。(而大约有1 500人登顶珠峰。)

    At the awards ceremony, the certificate I received confirmed it - I had officially made the 260th recorded foot crossing of the USA (about 1, 500 people have climbed Everest).


  • 罗奇众星云集电影节颁奖仪式领完大奖后:“我们希望这部影片英国面对帝国史方面向前迈出了一小步小小的一步。”

    After receiving the award at a star-studded ceremony in Cannes, Loach said: "Our film is about, we hope, a little step, a very little step in the British confronting their imperialist history."


  • 白宫举行颁奖仪式,阿哈·罗诺夫10科学奖章获奖者第一前领奖的。

    Aharonov was the first of ten laureates to be handed the Medal of Science at a ceremony in the White House East Room.


  • 6月16晚间华盛顿哥伦比亚特区举行颁奖仪式上,热带病研究和培训特别规划负责人RobertRidley博士代表该规划接受这项全球最大公共卫生

    At a ceremony in Washington, DC the evening of 16 June, the world's largest public health prize was presented to TDR Director Dr Robert Ridley.


  • 周一杜特地马尼拉举行一场颁奖仪式上发表演讲,于这次反毒品运动没有那么多,没有提供具体的数据。

    In a speech on Monday at an awards ceremony in Manila, the capital, Mr. Duterte said fewer people were being killed in the antidrug campaign, but did not provide specifics.


  • 本周五一场地毯活动(该活动是即到来第23届美国演员公会颁奖仪式而举办)好莱坞众星表达了对激动之情。

    At a red carpet roll-out event here Friday for the upcoming 23rd Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards ceremony, Hollywood stars expressed their excitement over the Chinese Year of the Rooster.


  • 第73学院奖颁奖仪式上,李安执导的《卧虎藏龙荣获项奥斯卡大奖包括最佳外语影片最佳摄影、最佳艺术指导最佳配乐奖。

    "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" directed by ang Lee won four Oscars including best foreign language film, cinematography, art direction and score at the 73rd annual Academy Awards.


  • 2011年9月28中国东部山东青岛国际比基尼小姐大赛第36场颁奖仪式上,比基尼小姐赛获奖者合影留念。

    Winners of Miss Bikini pose for photo at the awarding ceremony of the 36th Miss Bikini International World Competition in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province, Sept 28, 2011.


  • 澳网男单颁奖仪式上笑了,尽管有些遗憾苦涩但这也是轻松笑容

    You smiled at the prize-giving ceremony. Though a little regretful and bitter, that was your most relaxed smile of the past 2 weeks.


  • 澳网男单颁奖仪式上笑了,尽管有些遗憾苦涩但这也是轻松笑容

    You smiled at the prize-giving ceremony. Though a little regretful and bitter, that was your most relaxed smile of the past 2 weeks.


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