• Mimi冬天第一阳光时全神贯注的唱歌时Rodolfo怎能爱上四月的第一个

    How could Rodolfo not fall in love with Mimi as she sings her own rapture at the first sunshine after winter, the first kiss of April?


  • 我们夏天但是冬天很长,十二月就是最黑的时候,我们一天只有很短的时间可以看到微弱阳光

    Our summers are short and our winters long.In December, when it is darkest, we only have a few hours of very weak sunlight per day.


  • 我们夏天但是冬天很长十二月就是黑的时候我们一天只有很短的时间可以看到微弱阳光

    Our summers are short and our winters long. In December, when it is darkest, we only have a few hours of very weak sunlight per day.


  • 如果觉得冬天难熬特别是十二月一月份,那么你可能患上了‘季节性情绪失调’,由于冬日缺少阳光引起情绪低落。

    If you find the winter months tough, particularly during December and January you may suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, which causes a low mood caused by the lack of light during winter.


  • 冬天能收集更多阳光

    It collects more sunlight in winter.


  • 迈克尔·尼克斯冬天拍摄了这张大峡谷照片,出彩的地方就是阳光照亮一点。

    In this winter shot of the Grand Canyon by Michael Nichols, it is the single touch of sunlight that makes the photograph work.


  • 冬天太阳很低的时候,能让房间里充满阳光一天都神清气爽

    Especially in winter, with low sun, it reflects back a burst of sunlight into the room, which makes my day.


  • 冬天,那里的阳光照射时长相对较。但夏天,他们可能更多时间走到户外,这样平衡冬天阳光照射的相对不足。

    In part this may be lifestyle as people with limited sunlight during winter seem to get outside for long hours during the summer which may balance the short available sunlight hours in the winter.


  • 这样冬天晚上所看到星星正好就是夏天白天天空里一些,当然这时星星阳光遮盖了,我们并不能看见。

    In winter, this means that we're looking at stars that during the summer were in our daytime sky, overwhelmed of course by the glare of the sun.


  • 忍受着度过又一个缺少阳光英国冬天家乡信件明信片雪片般的飞来。

    While I was enduring another sunless English winter, letters and cards from home streamed in.


  • 百叶窗方向调节冬天午后阳光同时,挡住严酷夏日的午后眩光

    The orientation of the louvers also admits the winter afternoon sun while blocking the harsh summer afternoon glare.


  • 父爱阳光你的心即使寒冷冬天也能感到温暖如春

    Love is a ray of sunshine, let your mind even in the cold winter can feel the warmth of spring.


  • 喜欢冬天阳光迷茫的晨雾展开

    I love the winter sun spreading out behind the morning haze.


  • 如果火镜聚集太阳光即使寒冷冬天,我也可以轻松燃起火来。

    If I focus the rays of sun with a burning glass, even in the coldest days of winter, I can kindle a fire with ease.


  • 即便是那些患有季节性情感障碍症(SAD一种由于冬天缺乏阳光而引起季节性抑郁症)人,变得开朗起来。

    We all feel our mood lift in this weather, too, including those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a depressive condition thought to be caused by the lack of sunshine in winter.


  • 高高的草浸透夏日阳光,散发出芬芳时候,就可以收割,晾成干草了。 整个寒冷且食物匮乏的冬天里,干草一直保存夏日的甜美

    When the grass is tall and sweet and full of summer sunshine, it is time to cut it down and make hay – hay that will hold that summer sweetness all through the cold, hungry winter months.


  • 此外,冬天也要记得防晒霜因为感觉不到阳光并不意味着有害紫外线a紫外线B不会渗透到皮肤中。

    And remember to wear sunscreen during the winter because that you don't feel the sun's rays doesn't mean its harmful UVA and UVB rays are not penetrating your skin.


  • 冬天这个过程相反入射角照射的阳光穿透玻璃厚厚的砖石地板吸收热量

    In winter, the process reverses with the lower sun penetrating the glass and allowing the thick masonry floor to capture the heat.


  • 冬天已经过去,白天渐渐地变长;阳光狂野只为玩赏而豢养小鹿尽情地嬉戏

    Days were drawing out as the winter ended, and, in the sun, my dog played in his wild way with the pet deer.


  • 冬天我们常常在阳光读书交谈

    In the winter, we often read and talk in the sun.


  • 冬天眼圈会明显因为冬季缺少阳光日晒会使皮肤更加透明

    This becomes more obvious in winter as skin becomes more transparent due to lack of sun and tanning.


  • 冬天打的时分检查电解高度假定少了及时抵偿电解液结冰然后影响德国阳光蓄电池功用

    More than 4, playing in the winter time, want to check the height of the electrolyte, assumes that the less time counter, avoid rabbit frozen and then affect Germany sunshine battery electrolyte.


  • 北方冬天到来的时候,天气变得云朵总是遮挡阳光人们很难看到阳光

    In North, when winter comes, the weather is very cold, the cloud covers the sunshine all the time, it is hard for people to see the sunshine.


  • 万分急迫夏天可以夏威夷度假温暖沙滩享受阳光冬天我可以去日本滑雪刺激、好玩。

    In summer I can spend my vacation in Hawaii, enjoying sunshine on warm beaches, and in winter I can go skiing in Japan.


  • 真的期待阳光明媚日子里,蓝天白云下一组美美的照片呢,但是最近几天的大风大雨甚至时不时飘来的雪花我觉得好像回到了冬天

    Wish I could have some beautiful photos with full of color and sunshine to show for but the reality is with all the rain and even some snow here and there it feels almost winter again here in Toronto.


  • 可以保护住户夏天不受阳光直晒,冬天变换形式阳光屋内。

    The sunscreen protects the occupant from summer sun but can be configured in a variety of ways to allow the ingress of winter sun.


  • 可以保护住户夏天不受阳光直晒,冬天变换形式阳光屋内。

    The sunscreen protects the occupant from summer sun but can be configured in a variety of ways to allow the ingress of winter sun.


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