• 每个人都在钦佩成就时知道成功背后付出我们无法想象的努力。

    When everyone admires his achievement, I know he has made great effort that is beyond our image to reach this success.


  • 钦佩他们知识渴望他们似乎挑战之中成长

    I admire their thirst for knowledge and they seem to thrive on challenges.


  • 传记多丽丝·莱辛文学取得的成就钦佩不已

    Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for what Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.


  • 想要你表达钦佩之情因为困难面前从不放弃

    I want to express my admiration for you because you never give up in the face of difficulties.


  • 条小小捕鲸船广阔的海洋上有如此发现,我们没有理由不对这位年轻外科医生的勇气本领表示钦佩

    All this, effected in an open whaleboat on a great ocean, may well fill us with admiration for the courage and skill of the young surgeon.


  • 竞选中我们的观点不同,但是我们钦佩勇气,她的执着坚持不懈的精神。

    We've had our disagreements during this campaign. But we all admire her courage and her commitment and her perseverance.


  • 非常钦佩任天堂他们自家硬件平台制作贴合机器的优秀游戏能力

    What I admire so much about Nintendo is their ability to [craft quality games] on their own hardware.


  • 作为名记者十分钦佩中国国际关系合作中所扮演角色

    As a reporter, I am so admired to observe the role played by China in international cooperation and relationship.


  • 奥巴马说:“我们竞选分歧但是我们钦佩克林顿勇气执着,她坚韧不拔的精神。

    We've had our disagreements during this campaign. But we all admire her courage and her commitment and her perseverance.


  • 对于一直全世界面前法律正直遵守国际法而赢得全球钦佩加拿大来说,无疑项侮辱。

    This is a disgrace for Canada, formerly admired around the globe for its legal rectitude and adherence to international law.


  • 大部分股票继承祖上,其先祖只是简单购买了钦佩公司股票那些几十年前与其做过生意的公司的股票。

    Most of their stocks were inherited from an ancestor who simply bought stock in the companies he admired and did business with a couple of generations ago.


  • 滑铁卢战争中,我们应当钦佩英格兰,是英国式的刚毅,英国式果敢英国式热血;英格兰的优越,它不至见怪吧,于它本身

    That which must be admired in the battle of Waterloo, is England; the English firmness, the English resolution, the English blood; the superb thing about England there, no offence to her, was herself.


  • 突尼斯一贯中国友好国家学习榜样赞赏钦佩中国一系列重大问题上所采取的原则立场

    He said that Tunisia has always regarded China as a friendly country and an example to learn from, and appreciated and admired China's principled position on a number of major issues.


  • 中国国际事务中一向主持公正发挥重要作用,令非洲各国十分钦佩

    China has always upheld justice and played an important role in international affairs. It wins much admiration from all African countries.


  • 我们这样一个玩世不恭年代,诺瑞亚先生愿意谈论改造性格,这令人钦佩

    In our cynical age, Mr Nohria's willingness to talk about shaping character is admirable.


  • 我们非常清楚这个世界发生什么但是为了公正对待我们的员工,我们必须那些事情放一边;我们相信,员工们危机中的表现令人钦佩。”温尼亚尔说

    "We're very aware of what's going on in the world but we have to trade that off with being fair to our people who, we believe, have performed admirably throughout this crisis," said Viniar.


  • 男人带上儿子去钓鱼令人钦佩不过,带着女儿去逛商场爸爸天堂里一个特殊的位置

    It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the cool dad who takes his daughter shopping.


  • 这些作家相应的,对能力十分钦佩,因为他总是能剧本挑出错误,而这个错误可能使得部电影放映功亏一篑

    They, in turn, admired his ability to put his finger on the flaws in a script that might sink a whole film when it was shown to an audience.


  • 我们强大无论这种强大身体上情感上还是智力上,而且,我们中的绝大多数要自我完善,赢得别人钦佩

    We'd all like to be stronger. Whether that strength be physical, emotional or intellectual, most of us have an area in which we'd like to improve and have others admire.


  • 儿子艰难漫长康复期里,艾尔决定家人一起,很理解并且钦佩这个决定。

    Al decided he had to be there for his family during his son's long, hard recovery, a decision I understood and admired.


  • 看到富裕而骄傲国家居民四处寻找食物储藏瓶装饮用水避难于学校教室地板上缩成一团的情形,除了同情之外很难感到钦佩

    Beyond pity at seeing residents of a rich, proud country scavenging for food, hoarding bottled water and huddling for shelter on schoolroom floors, it was hard not to feel admiration as well.


  • 承认那些茱莉娅-列维新片宣传推波助澜的确令人钦佩的大人物,难以认定他们是故意地混淆视听。

    And I must admit that the people with whom Mr. Julia-Levy has surrounded himself, are impressive and hard to deny the benefit of the doubt.


  • 前任约翰·布朗作为公司总裁很多方面都令人钦佩,布朗公司的黑金(原油)上撒了些神仙土,同时让公司市值增长了九倍。

    His predecessor, John Browne, was in many ways a remarkable chief executive, a man who sprinkled pixie dust onto the company's black gold while also boosting its market capitalisation ninefold.


  • 但是即使创作生涯的低谷,凯里仍然能够让人钦佩不已

    But even on an off day Mr Carey can be dazzling.


  • 即使需要重新校正财政紧缩时期货币宽松也是很重要的,正如英国银行表现出来的,令人钦佩

    At a time of fiscal austerity, even of a more calibrated sort, monetary looseness is essential-as the Bank of England has admirably shown (see article).


  • 梵高鼓舞只是我提及风格,更有他那种欣赏他的作品是保持创作的精神,到如今每个人都钦佩他的作品。

    Van Gogh inspired me, besides mentioning his style, in the way no one ever appreciated his work. But now, everyone adores his work.


  • 梵高鼓舞只是我提及风格,更有他那种欣赏他的作品是保持创作的精神,到如今每个人都钦佩他的作品。

    Van Gogh inspired me, besides mentioning his style, in the way no one ever appreciated his work. But now, everyone adores his work.


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