• 想到代尔从小过着田园生活长大对此感到高兴。

    It pleases me to think of young Tyndale growing up here in deep rusticity.


  • 时候舵手埃德·船头的船楼出来,沿着甲板走来

    It was at this moment that Ed Teynte the quartermaster emerged from the forecastle and came along the deck.


  • 但是,人们并没有太多期望加先生方面得更好。

    But there is little expectation that Mr Odinga would do much better in this respect.


  • 买得起阿根一部分

    I have a pool of money I can afford to part with here in Argentina.


  • 第一个国家队中阿根进球打进的,之后在这打进职业生涯的第1000粒入球。

    It was there that I scored my first goal for the Auriverde against Argentina, and also where I scored my 1000th professional goal years later.


  • 来自哥伦比亚委内瑞拉阿根西北地区,或者地方之间的地区传统上种向日葵最好的地方。

    From Columbia and Venezuela to northwestern Argentina and everywhere in between, this distant relative of the sunflower remains a traditional favorite.


  • 黑斯提醒他们前面所预想的要,他让他们在这扎营,然后着他回来指点一条更好走的

    Hastings warned the Donner party that the route ahead was more difficult than he had thought. He asked the emigrants to make camp there and wait until he could return to show them a better way.


  • 萨缪尔.P.的一篇名为《文化的冲突》论文围困于围城中的人群间产生了共鸣

    Within these troubled walls, Samuel P. Huntington's essay "The Clash of Civilizations?" is bound to resonate.


  • Shell谈判细节泄漏之后改变心意不久后公司提高阿根加油站的汽油售价

    The company changed its mind after details of these talks leaked. Shortly afterwards it raised prices at its petrol stations in Argentina.


  • 已经20 000预订Leaf尤斯.麦克诺顿(JustinMcNaughton)是其中之一,他表示:“情况越来越妻子认为有趣,因为结束时候,我们只是辆汽车。”

    “It just keeps getting better and better, ” said Justin McNaughton, amongthe 20, 000 people who have reserved a Leaf. “My wife thinks it’s funny becauseat the end of the day, we’re just buying a car.”


  • 方面法国一直成功主要是一些国家特别是阿根澳大利亚美国

    In this regard, France has been largely successful in all but a few countries, notably Argentina, Australia, and the United States.


  • 但是一个不幸事件之后,阿根人是怎么想的呢?

    But how did Argentines feel after such an unfortunate situation like that?


  • 在这加里提出了一个全面柯的生活思想一些重点系统的治疗

    Here, Gary Gutting presents a comprehensive but non-systematic treatment of some highlights of Foucault's life and thought.


  • 事件之后,帕尔·帕维德帝国舰队调离,派监督的建造工程。

    After these incidents, Palpatine reassigned Vader from the Imperial fleet, and instead put him in charge of overseeing the new Death Star operation.


  • 反观阿根,它什么除了“阿根哭泣”?而曲子场合合适

    Argemtina in contrast, what do their have but a song "Don't Cry for Me Argentina"? This time this sony is just right for the occasion!


  • 帕尔·帕的身份接近行者成为他的密友,年轻武士自己所拥有似乎无穷无尽力量能力感到困惑时候,给予父亲权威的支持和鼓励。

    As Palpatine, he befriended Skywalker, becoming a close friend and a fatherly authority to a youthful warrior often confused by the seemingly boundless power and abilities he had at his disposal.


  • 成千上万阿根聚集宏伟建筑的开幕式前,盼望着有幸欣赏投影墙上的3d电影

    Thousands of Argentineans gathered outside the theatre ahead of the grand reopening, hoping to catch a glimpse of a 3d film being projected on the side of the building.


  • 隐私拉美地区更为普遍阿根智利国有着较为严厉欧式制度,并以此为荣。

    Privacy laws are somewhat more common in Latin America, where countries such as Argentina and Chile boast relatively strict European-style regimes.


  • 比赛中,阿根裁判霍拉·西奥·艾利·桑多出示了四张黄牌使本届世界杯赛的黄牌总数达到345张,比2002年韩日世界杯赛黄牌记录多了27%。

    Argentine referee Horacio Elizondo also gave four yellow CARDS during the match. That raised the tournament total to 345-27 percent above the previous mark set in Japan and South Korea in 2002.


  • 恩波利阿根阿尔米隆期待赛季结束后加盟尤文,亚特兰大后卫塔拉蒙蒂被尤文考察。

    Empoli's Argentine midfielder Sergio Almiron is expected to move to Juve at the end of the season and Atalanta's defender Leonardo Jose Talamonti is being watched.


  • 恩波利阿根阿尔米隆期待赛季结束后加盟尤文,亚特兰大后卫塔拉蒙蒂被尤文考察。

    Empoli's Argentine midfielder Sergio Almiron is expected to move to Juve at the end of the season and Atalanta's defender Leonardo Jose Talamonti is being watched.


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