• 规定的过程最好方法经常自我反省。 你最好尽可能利用行为矫正工具支援小组

    The best way to stay on course is frequent self-monitoring; use as many behavior-modification tools, support groups.


  • 寻求规范过程,就意义上而言,寻找规定的权威标准规范而不是平均的角度认定为常态化,规范的伦理目的指示

    In searching for norms in the sense of authoritative standards of what ought to be, rather than in the sense of what is average and thus can be considered normal, normative ethics aims to dictate.


  • 动物福利法目前美国唯一相关联邦法案。该法案规定动物研究展览运输过程的应待遇以及动物贩卖者应如何对待动物。

    The animal Welfare Act is the only federal law in the U.S. that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers.


  • 这个传统相对有点复杂布顿的礼仪规定比赛过程选手名字的时候,名字前必须加上‘小姐’(未婚女士‘夫人’(已婚女士)的称谓。

    Now here's a complicated one: Wimbledon etiquette dictates that female players at Wimbledon be referred to as 'Miss' or 'Mrs' during matches.


  • 国际汽联规定驾驶员可以5秒钟内车内出来,这过程中除了方向盘不用拆除其他任何东西——因此方向盘的快速拆卸也是至关重要的。

    The FIA technical regulations state that the driver must be able to get out of the car within five seconds, removing nothing except the steering wheel - so rapid release is vitally important.


  • 模式分层资产模型应用CWC Bank规定业务目标过程我们认识到对于规定要求应用了模式混合

    In the process of applying the patterns layered asset model to the stated business objectives from CWC Bank, we realize that there is a mixture of patterns that apply to the stated requirements.


  • 规定数据库需要存储哪些信息需要过程使用者参与大量工作。

    Users participate heavily in this process of defining what information needs to be stored in the database.


  • 真沸点蒸馏过程规定温度范围内所收集馏分可加以回收

    During the course of the TBP distillation, the distillates which accumulate between specified temperatures are withdrawn.


  • 规定意味着签证申请过程若出现任何虚假误导不实或者伪造信息的话,该申请都会拒签

    This provision means that any false, misleading, incorrect or bogus information provided at any stage of the application will be grounds for refusal.


  • 正义判决过程结果符合法律规定实质保障法律实施过程中完整统一

    Justice refers to the process and results of judgment to meet legal requirements inherent essence of the protection of the legal process in the implementation of the integrity and unity.


  • 意见及第35规定没有提供发生单据传递过程丢失所需采取做法或如何消除这风险答案

    Neither the Opinion nor the rule in article 35 provide the answer to what course of action is required in the event of documents being lost in transit or how to negate such a risk.


  • 这些规章还明确规定尽量减少未成年海员履行职责过程遇到职业危害措施

    Such regulations should specify measures which will minimize occupational dangers to young seafarers in the course of their duties.


  • 近年土地征用过程出现了很多问题土地征用补偿费用分配问题最为突出,本文分析了我国现行立法规定和实践操作的缺陷及问题。

    Much problem has appeared in recent years in the process of acquisition of land, among all the problems, the reimbursement for expenses of land acquisition is the most outstanding one.


  • 旅游者自行旅游过程中旅游景点经营者旅游发生纠纷,参照适用规定

    These Provisions shall apply analogically to a dispute arising from an independent tour between a tourist and the operator of a tourist attraction.


  • 非正式组织人们共同的工作过程自然形成的以感情喜好情绪为基础松散的、没有正式规定群体

    Informal organization is referred to the loose and no official binding groups that naturally formed in works based on emotions such as favorite enjoys.


  • 药品分销过程中药品离开生产商后直到由配药员处理或销售者卖给消费者)必须遵守标签规定贮存要求

    The storage requirements specified in the labeling for the article must be observed throughout the distribution of the article (i. e.


  • 如果具有规定的圆形清洁填装过程喷嘴保持边线处包装支架

    If the tubes do not have the specified roundness, the nozzles stay at the edge during the cleaning and filling process and ram the packages into the tube holders.


  • 期刊编辑职业道德编辑工作者期刊编辑出版过程遵循行业自律道德规定

    The morality of editors is a moral regulation which each editor should follow during the course of editing and publishing.


  • 除了财政限制教育部规定设计过程中建筑事务所办公室引导很大的作用。

    In addition to financial constraints and Ministry of Education Regulations, the guidance of the architectural office was also influential in the design process.


  • 本文倾销幅度测算过程的不合理之处为分析对象,举例说明很多情况下,原本的倾销行为是如何现行规定测算出了“倾销幅度”。

    The paper focuses on such unreasonable calculations and the paper with the help of some examples shows how "dumping margins" can be found without actual dumping acts.


  • 审判过程案件受理前提管辖上要遵循级别管辖、地区管辖专门管辖规定

    In the trial procedure, accepting the case is the precondition, it must follow the level-jurisdiction, regional-jurisdiction and the specialized jurisdiction.


  • 整个数据转换过程中XML提供通用的数据描述的格式和映射标准,规定数据类型,给出数据访问接口

    During the data exchanging, XML support general data describe format, used for data mapping, and give data accessing interface.


  • 第四分析济南市现行住房政策规定、取得的成效以及政策自身实施过程问题

    Chapters four discussed the provisions of the existing housing policy of Jinan, as well as the effectiveness of the policy itself, the existing problems in the course of implementing.


  • 第七十条经营者经营过程违反通则有关规定投资者可以依法追究经营者责任。

    Article 70 in case any operator violates any provision of the present General Rules in the operation, the investors may subject the operator to liabilities under law.


  • 目前我国现行法律商号转让规定尚有不足,商号转移过程容易发生纠纷

    At present, China's existing laws on trade name transfer regulations still need to be improved and disputes are likely to happen in the process of trade name transferring.


  • 但该方案制度化过程中违反了《行政许可法》有关行政许可收费设定权规定

    On the other hand, this proposal contravenes the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative License.


  • 预算就象一张给指引路线图它能告诉你什么时候你规定过程中

    BEGIN WITH a budget. A budget is a road map that guides you and tells you when you are on course.


  • 预算就象一张给指引路线图它能告诉你什么时候你规定过程中

    BEGIN WITH a budget. A budget is a road map that guides you and tells you when you are on course.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定