• (Morris 1984, 242)疗中,广藿香经常被用来缓解压力疲劳

    In aromatherapy, it is often employed to treat stress and fatigue.


  • 不过丹果曲式及其衍生出来的曲式中,可以经常发现四度度音调尤其是句诗歌开始处

    However, in fandangos and fandango-derived styles, fourths and sixths can often be found, especially at the beginning of each line of verse.


  • 几个刚刚失去最后贞操、最后的羞耻、最后的欢乐时,还算得上自己影子她只是自己的幽灵

    Some months before this, at the moment when Fantine had just lost her last modesty, her last shame, and her last joy, she was the shadow of herself; now she was the spectre of herself.


  • 细川护熙美光科技公司开发的碳纳米颗粒拥有卓越的耐热性。它均匀分布纤维上,同时制定出纳米颗粒的生产条件

    Hosokawa Micron developed nanoparticles with superior heat resistance that can be uniformly dispersed in aramid fiber, and also established conditions for manufacturing the nanoparticles.


  • 2020年的梅兰艺术节上,京剧被介绍给世界上更多的人。

    Beijing opera was introduced to more people around the world during the 2020 Mei Lanfang Art Festival.


  • 盒马鲜生采购经理陈慧带领八人团队访问卢旺达期间,他们还帮陈慧一行人研究是否有可能生产出适合中国人口味的辣椒产品。

    They also helped Hema Xiansheng's purchasing manager, Chen Huifang, when she led a team of eight to visit Rwanda to research the possibilities of making hot pepper products that suit Chinese preferences.


  • 其他分析师表示日中关系升温美国来说并不一定坏事因为美国长期以来担心日本亚洲受到孤立

    Mr. Soeya and other analysts say warmer ties with China are not necessarily a bad thing for Washington, which has long worried about Japan’s isolation in the region.


  • 这座翻修大楼,将不仅建筑意义上的重建,而且是对拉德斯区无精打采金融中心的一次整容,同时也是建设一个宏伟巴黎宏伟计划一部分

    A reconstruction of a smaller tower, it is a renovation in more than one sense.The soulless financial centre of la defense is getting a facelift, as part of a grand plan for Greater Paris.


  • 这座翻修大楼,将不仅建筑意义上的重建,而且是对拉德斯区无精打采金融中心的一次整容,同时也是建设一个宏伟巴黎宏伟计划一部分

    A reconstruction of a smaller tower, it is a renovation in more than one sense. The soulless financial centre of la defense is getting a facelift, as part of a grand plan for Greater Paris.


  • 美国艾莫利大学罗尔德 列维论文的补充解释中说,氨干扰纤维蛋白溶解过程,即血块的溶解。

    Tranexamic acid, explains Jerrold Levy of Emory University, in a comment piece accompanying the paper, interferes with the process of fibrinolysis, the breakdown of clots.


  • 姆姆的手握自己潮润手里,姆姆触到了汗液,深感不快。

    Fantine took the sister's hand in her moist hands, and the latter was pained to feel that perspiration.


  • 本月第一全自动无人驾驶的列车开始一号线上运行条线路是巴黎市内最繁忙的线路,起终点分别是拉德斯区和温森城堡。

    This month, the first automatic trains went into service on line one, the capital’s busiest, running from La Défense to the Château de Vincennes.


  • 沙威走访那个下午马德兰先生仍照常汀。

    On the afternoon following the visit of Javert, M. Madeleine went to see Fantine according to his wont.


  • 35梁咏琪还是日本化妆品公司代言,并且许多电影里担任主角其中就包括1999年的《心动》。

    The 35-year-old has also been the face of Japanese cosmetics company Fancl for Hong Kong since 1999, and starred in a number of movies, including a turn in the 1999 film “Tempting Heart.


  • 24贾丽(音译)毕业于米兰罗世纪服装学院,她说:“意大利两年了,这边中文很难到,所以我看过的中文书大都是VeryCD上获得的。”

    Most of the Chinese books I read are from VeryCD, ” said Jia Lifang, 24, a graduate majoring in fashion design at Istituto Carlo Secoli in Milan. “It’s hard to get Chinese books here.”


  • 35梁咏琪还是日本化妆品公司代言,并且许多电影里担任主角其中就包括1999年的《心动》。

    The 35-year-old has also been the face of Japanese cosmetics company Fancl for Hong Kong since 1999, and starred in a number of movies, including a turn in the 1999 film “Tempting Heart.”


  • 断层下贴身处事柔性装甲,使用柔软纤维其他材料织就,博卡将之称为“(棒球的)接球手套”。

    Behind the anti-coupling layer, closest to the wearer, lies the soft armor: flexible fabric woven or knit from aramid fibers and other materials, which Borkar refers to as the "catcher's mitt."


  • 拉德商业区附近工作24岁商人穆里尔德莎商业区外邂逅了比利时游客格莱格里罗伯特献上香吻

    Muriel Deshayen, 24, a French businesswoman who works nearby, met Belgian tourist Gregory Robert, 22, just outside the event and decided to kiss him.


  • 我们可以教学楼附近食堂午餐。

    We can have lunch in the canteen near Defang Teaching Building.


  • 朱却试图自己作品中再现其中的部分工艺

    Zhu and Lin are trying in their own works, some of the reproduction process.


  • 铁盐由于紫外以及可见光区的较强吸收成为一类有效阳离子光引发剂。

    With the absorption in near UV and visible light region, iron arene complexes have become a kind of efficient cationic photoinitiators.


  • 公园里,我们欣赏薇耶的部分景观,填海后建造新兴建筑

    From the park we also got some views on Fontvieille, a newly constructed area reclaimed from the sea.


  • 往日伙伴的众人,宫内创造了一个整个宫廷震动大惊喜报答乾隆征服了儿,感动了太后气坏了皇后

    The former partners, and rinse the men of Fang Zhai, also in utero created to let the whole court shock surprise, repay the Qianlong, conquered the sunny, touched the queen, but mad queen!


  • 纤维复合材料中的劈裂形态劈裂复合材料性能影响进行了研究。

    The splitting pattern of aramid short fibre in composite and the influence of splitting on the properties of composite were investigated.


  • 84001上发现一些物质,比如环烃一般认为生命的产物。

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as those found in ALH 84001, are not generally regarded as being diagnostic of life.


  • 本文讨论性能变化特别是改进摩擦性大量减少磨损时的性能变化,这种改进通过PA66中添加胺纤维达到的。

    This article discusses the changes in properties, in particular with regard to frictional resistance and the enormous reduction in wear, which can be achieved by adding aramid to PA66.


  • 本文讨论性能变化特别是改进摩擦性大量减少磨损时的性能变化,这种改进通过PA66中添加胺纤维达到的。

    This article discusses the changes in properties, in particular with regard to frictional resistance and the enormous reduction in wear, which can be achieved by adding aramid to PA66.


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