• 至少一例病患中,只手试图勒死主人

    In at least one case, it tried to strangle its owner.


  • 估计至少未来年中收入持续下降

    Revenues are expected to continue dropping for at least the next two years.


  • 即使如此至少年内任天堂一直考虑手机业

    Even so, Nintendo has been thinking about phones for at least a decade.


  • 至少 90%生产数据库中,这样处理能力浪费现象非常多。

    Processing waste like this is prolific in at least 9 out of 10 production databases.


  • 观点真正调解对话至少今年冬季之前可能取得重大进展。

    My own view is that real reconciliation talks are not likely to be able to make any substantive headway until at least this winter.


  • 现行复苏脆弱的:至少年里通货紧缩威胁始终大于通货膨胀。

    The recovery now under way will be feeble: deflation will remain a bigger threat than inflation for at least a year.


  • 海岸大约有60个鱼塘其中大多数至少700年前建造

    As many as 60 of these fish ponds once operated along the southern shore, and most of them were constructed at least 700 years ago.


  • 最开始,也就是至少以前,苹果迷们宣称安卓手机与苹果相比是很的。

    Initially, the argument was that Android phones sucked compared to the iPhone, which was at least a year or more ahead.


  • 出于效率考虑,只有至少拥有订户的情况下,主题会存主题空间中。

    For efficiency, a topic only exists within the topic space when it has at least one subscriber.


  • 打算1029至少家国家性电视新闻网络播放30分钟的电视广告

    He plans a thirty-minute television advertisement on at least two national networks on October twenty-ninth.


  • 虽然这个项目至少之内不可能生产出任何物质性的东西,它它目前没有固定的时

    The project does not yet have a fixed timescale, although it was unlikely to produce anything physical for "at least five years".


  • 有关一问题的板块至少20个国家健美医疗救助新兴艺术家论坛雨后春笋般冒出来。

    Threads relating to this issue are springing up all over the Web on bodybuilding, medical help, and pick-up artist forums, in at least twenty countries. Notice from one such forum


  • 2010年到2011年的冬春两季降下了远高于平均水平量,至少五个州创下了降雪量之最。

    The winter and spring of 2010-2011 brought farmore snow than average, leading to a record mountain snowpack in at least fivestates.


  • 卫生局呼吁人们室内因为在至少天之内悉尼空气因为充斥颗粒物而令人窒息

    Health officials urged people to stay inside as Sydney's air was expected to remain choked with particles for up to three more days.


  • 只小小的螨虫至少四千四百万年前了一蜘蛛,结果蜘蛛跌进粘稠树胶里

    This tiny mite climbed onto a spider's back at least 44 million years ago, but the spider stumbled into a glob of sticky tree SAP.


  • 数值替代艾滋病毒流行至少一个确定的子总体始终超过5%,城市地区孕妇中1%以下

    Numerical proxy: HIV prevalence is consistently over 5% in at least one defined sub-population, but is below 1% in pregnant women in urban areas.


  • 普查报告显示,至少30个拥有2,00052,250人口县域所有人口贫困率超过三分之一。

    In at least 30 counties with populations ranging from just over 2,000 people to nearly 62,250 people, the poverty rate for all ages is more than one in three, the Census showed.


  • 需要一个操作映射用于加载第一页面,这是至少假设遵循Model2推荐的条件下的情况。

    You would also need an action mapping to load the first page, at least assuming you were following the Model 2 recommendation.


  • 绿延伸公路上,被熏揉皱汽车搁置至少400长的马路旁,爆炸区域里没有哪户人家窗子完好无损的。

    Cars lay blackened and crumpled for at least 400 metres along a long stretch of road running north from the Green zone. Barely a house within the blast zone was left with a window unbroken.


  • 11b规范只是802.11 -DS一个扩展提高了速度但是任何情况下,两者产品可以至少2 Mbs (802.11 - DS模式)的速度下进行协同工作。

    The 802.11b specification is just an extension of 802.11-ds, which enhances speed, but the products are always interoperable at least at 2 Mbs (802.11-ds mode).


  • 赴死刑承认了还杀死另外至少35妇女

    Before execution, he admitted to taking the lives of at least 35 more women.


  • 至少撞车事故丧生

    At least ten people were killed in the crash.


  • 至少15个不同政党波兰议会下议院赢得了席位

    At least 15 different parties have won seats in the lower house of Poland's Parliament.


  • 十年至少有一超新星我们银河系中出现。

    At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.


  • 50%35岁以下男性每天早上至少20分钟盥洗室精心打扮

    50% of men under 35 spend at least 20 minutes preening themselves every morning in the bathroom.


  • 火车片偏僻山区脱轨,导致至少死亡二十人受伤

    At least six people were killed and about twenty injured when a train was derailed in an isolated mountain region.


  • 至少今年我们八十天内完成环球航行结束了

    For this year at least, our race to circumnavigate the globe in less than 80 days is over.


  • 至少积雪硬化白雪转成污泥之前人们开始抱怨

    At least, until the snow hardened into ice, the whiteness turned to sludge, and everyone started to moan again.


  • 至少积雪硬化白雪转成污泥之前人们开始抱怨

    At least, until the snow hardened into ice, the whiteness turned to sludge, and everyone started to moan again.


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